10 Best DOGS for CHILDREN πŸΆπŸ‘§πŸΌ Kid-Friendly Breeds

πŸ§β€β™‚οΈπŸ© Do you want to adopt a dog to be the best friend of your son or daughter? In this AnimalWised video we talk about the 10 best dog breeds for families with children. Find out which is the ideal dog to live with your little one according to character and age!


10 MOLOSSER DOG BREEDS πŸ”₯ (+ Fun Facts) πŸ‘‰
10 Reasons Golden Retrievers are Incredible Dogs πŸ‘‰

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[Music] Families with children And dogs know how close their friendship Can be Families with children and no dogs are Used to hearing endless requests to Adopt a canine If you’re considering adopting a dog Into a family with kids It’s important we’re clear about the Responsibility involved Choosing a breed while suited to Children can also help the reason animal Wise shares the 10 best dog breeds for Kids Based on age and character [Music] Beagle the beagle is one of the best Dogs for hyperactive children as they Are just as lively Relatively easy to train their size Means they can live in medium or even Small homes However they love to run and play Non-stop they are ideal if you live with A child who can follow their rhythm and Use the same energy Labrador retriever the labrador has a Lot of energy Is active loves to play and is very Affectionate with children They stand out for their enormous Patience and nobility They are a dog that loves to be with

Family so they also value quiet time Spent at home They are an intelligent and easy to Train dog and as with all dogs they need Mental stimulation to remain balanced Saint bernard young children tend to Play tricks on their Dogs leading to some dogs getting upset And hurting the child without meaning to This is why we need to adopt patient and Peaceful dogs like the saint bernard They’re one of the calmest and most Loving dog breeds they are docile and Protective The reason they are considered one of The best nanny dogs in the world If you want to continue learning about Dog breeds like the saint bernard Check out our list of 10 melossa dog Breeds Rough collie if what you’re looking for Is a watchdog for children who are Generally can The rough collie is the breed for you do Bear in mind their protective instinct Also means they can be wary around Strangers For this reason and more they need to be Well socialized Boxer they are a very playful breed and They love children In addition they stand out for their Protective and vigilant instinct Since it will not let anything or anyone

Approach children without prior notice They protect their family first and Foremost the boxer stands out for the Nobility and patience with children [Music] German shepherd this breed of dog adapts To all types of family They are an excellent companion very Obedient intelligent Easy to train and protective they love Children and will be very affectionate With them With babies and very young children the German shepherd will tend to protect Them With older children they will have Endless fun and play helped by training Poodle the larger varieties of poodle Are recommended for living with younger Children Miniature poodles are advised for older Children who already have a certain Level responsibility And won’t cause any harm poodles are Good for allergy sufferers are easy to Train And active they are also extremely Intelligent so they need a lot of mental Stimulation [Music] Golden retriever they are an intelligent Dog that learns very fast They are also gentle balanced playful And patient

During their puppy stage they are very Active for this reason you will need to Learn to channel their energy in a Positive way for everybody Playing with children is one of the best Such ways Discover 10 reasons golden retrievers Are incredible dogs In the video we share here Greyhound greyhounds are very calm noble And easy to care for Dogs they love having a family that Loves them and allows them to enjoy time Running freely They tend to be very patient dogs Fitting in with both energetic and calm Children It’s best not to let small children Carry the leash during walks Since greyhounds have a lot of strength And can pull their little ones along Mixed breed dogs adopting a mixed dog is A great option if you want to transmit Value such as solidarity Equality or respect to your children They also have the advantage of not Having been subjected to an Indiscriminate selection To obtain a specific breed standard for This reason they do not generally suffer The serious hereditary health problems Common to many purebred animals when Choosing the dog to adopt You should take into account size

Character and the age of both the child And dog generally very young children go With young dogs capable of following Their energetic rhythm Adult dogs are better for older or Calmer children Tell us in the comments which dog you Think would best fit your family And we’ll see you next time

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