10 FACTS About HORSES That You Didn’t Already Know ๐Ÿด

๐ŸŽ If you love horses and want to discover more about them, AnimalWised brings you this video in which we explain 10 interesting facts about horses you probably didn’t already know. Our fun horse facts video helps you to discover when the horse was domesticated, how fast they can run, how they communicate and many more interesting facts about horses that will help to make you an expert.


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Whether you’re lucky enough to have a Horse in your family or you simply love Them from afar animal wise helps you Become an equine expert with our 10 Facts about horses you probably didn’t Already know There are several names associated with Horses The english word for horse has an Unknown origin but it is possibly from The proto-germanic word horse and may be Connected to the latin word carrere Meaning to run A horse used during tournaments and Battles in ancient times might be called A steed the differentiation being that They were meant for riding Adult female horses are known as mares All young horses are foals but females May also be referred to as fillies Ponies are robust horses of a shorter Stature with shorter legs and not Exceeding 147 centimeters in height they Have barely changed horses have Accompanied mankind for centuries unlike Other domesticated animals they have not Had many anatomical changes compared to Their wild ancestors except in terms of Facial features For this reason physical comparison does Not provide much evidence on the date of The beginning of their relationship with Humans A study carried out on chemical aspects

In a deposit in kazakhstan has suggested The domestication of this species was About 5 600 years ago Discover the story of clever hands the Horse that learned mathematics in the First info video we share above they are Very fast this has caused them to be Used as entertainment in the sport of Horse racing horse racing is a practice For which they are trained it does not Correspond to a natural behavior as they Don’t tend to race each other for fun Given their anatomical characteristics Horses can reach speeds of at least 65 Kilometers per hour or 40 miles per hour Or more in some cases horses have a Fascinating gate Horses can move in three different ways Which are known as gates these three Gates are walking trotting and galloping Given the domestication to which they Have been subjected their gates can Change depending on the activities for Which they are trained for example race And dressage horses may walk differently Horse herds are mainly female Horses are social animals when living in Wild communities they form groups headed By a male but most of the others are Mares and they’re young There is a matriarchal head of the group In the form of a dominant mare which the Other horses follow

Non-dominant males may also join but They usually keep up the rare sometimes They sleep standing up Horses can sleep either lying down or Standing up when lying down to sleep Their blood flow can be restricted so They tend to limit the amount of time They rest on the ground sleeping Standing up is anatomically more Beneficial they don’t sleep all night Continuing with curiosities about their Way of sleeping horses have different Sleep patterns for different periods of Time throughout the day rather than Sleeping all the way through the night They live all across the world Due to domestication they are widespread Throughout the world however they have Disappeared in their wild form and some Regions even if they have been Reintroduced later they adapt well to Various types of ecosystems although They prefer grasslands steps savannas Semi-deserts swamps and forests there Are more than 100 breeds There is only one species of horse but a Great variety of breeds as with other Companion animals these have been Obtained as a result of the selective Breeding typical of domestication They are used for various purposes and Differ in sizes weights and colours There is thought to be more than 100 Breeds of horse including varieties of

Ponies Find out about one particular breed in Our next info video on arabian horses They communicate in interesting ways Horses perceive the environment that Surrounds them mainly through vision and Chemical receptors located in their Nostrils and whiskers Communication between the members of the Herd is based on localizations a low Nain is perhaps best known they also Communicate through their body movements Such as stomping and jumping If you want to continue learning about Other wild animals don’t miss the Playlist we share here Let us know which fact surprised you the Most and we’ll see you next time [Music] [Music] You

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