๐Ÿจ Even if you consider yourself an animal boffin, these 100 WILD FACTS about WILD ANIMALS from AnimalWised are sure to provide some surprises. These fascinating facts cover both land and sea, spanning everything from reptiles, mammals, birds, marine animals and many more. Get ready to learn more about wild animals as we delve into depth about the animal kingdom.

The animal kingdom has many secrets yet To be revealed but trying to discover Them is one of the most rewarding things We can do although this animal-wise list Of 100 facts about wild animals only Scratches the surface it's a great place To start [Music] Flightless birds the fossil record has Made it possible to know a little about The Penguin's ancestors some 30 million Years ago they began to hunt underwater This likely started an evolutionary Process which led to atrophy of the wing Joints which are shaped like fins they Only live in the south of the planet The natural habitat of all penguin Species can be found on the south of our Planet some live in Antarctica some live In more tempered Southern areas while Only one species lives near the equator The Galapagos penguin these birds are Found in countries such as Argentina Australia Chile New Zealand South Africa Namibia and some remote islands of the Southern Hemisphere they are not Sexually dimorphic this means there are No easily observable differences between Males and females they tend to be Similar in terms of coloration Presenting bluish black plumage on the Dorsal side and white on the belly many Species have some much brighter plumage On the head these colors provide better

Camouflage against predators when they Are swimming Predators find it difficult To distinguish the white belly when Looking up to the illuminated surface And the reverse occurs when looking down Into darker Waters They are monogamous penguins mate for Life during the reproductive season Penguins maintain stable pairs so they Do not have contact with other Individuals this doesn't apply to all Types of birds in some cases pairs May Reform for several consecutive years and Even use the same nesting site See the results of such mating behaviors With the video we share above of a chin Strap penguin hatching they are Excellent parents Penguins share the incubation of the Eggs and the subsequent protection and Feeding of their chicks we can highlight The example of the emperor penguin where The male spends more time incubating Than the female they also feed the Newborns while the mother eats more than Most they are birds that spend a lot of Time caring for their children There is an international penguin day Of the 18 species of penguin 13 are Included in categories of animals either Vulnerable to or in more direct danger Of extinction For this reason certain strategies have Been created to promote their

Conservation one such initiative is the Declaration of April 25th as International penguin day as well as January 20th as penguin awareness day They live in large colonies Penguins are social birds that form Large colonies in which they share Nesting spaces some colonies can become Incredibly numerous this is the case With the macaroni penguin where breeding Colonies have been estimated up to 100 000 individuals the group activities not Only include sharing spaces and Interacting with each other but in some Cases they also hunt in groups they are Carnivorous Birds their diet is based Mainly on the consumption of other Animals they are also excellent Marine Predators these birds consume fish such As anchovies sardines and cod among Others they also eat squid cuttlefish Krill jellyfish larvae and eggs their Body has adapted to being underwater Penguin plumage increases in density During their evolution allowing them to Be practically impermeable as water Cannot penetrate their blood can also Store greater amounts of oxygen than Other birds thanks to changes in their Hemoglobin this allows them to die for Several minutes at a time their heart Rate is lower optimizing bodily Functions and oxygen consumption Underwater the excess salt they consume

By swallowing salt water while feeding Submerged is compensated thanks to Specialized glands which help to excrete This mineral they are very good swimmers Thanks to the previously described Adaptations penguins have developed a Body that allows them to be excellent Swimmers unlike their Mobility on land Once they are submerged they can be Propelled with great speed in certain Circumstances this can reach 15 miles or 25 kilometers per hour they can also Dive to depths of up to 500 meters If these penguin facts surprised you These 10 curious facts about turtles Will make your head spin they do not Have teeth but this isn't a limitation Of their ability to feed some species Such as the leatherback turtle have Keratinized structures on their palate Around their jaw and even down towards The esophagus these help them to retain And process food other species such as The Green Turtle rely on their hooked Beaks to hold food they do not have Vocal cords but this doesn't prevent Them from emitting various types of Signs to communicate although we cannot Clearly hear all sounds made by these Animals they emit signs of different Type and frequency For example tortoises make certain Sounds often during mating [Music]

They don't have ears turtles do not have An outer ear but they do have an Auditory system made up of the middle And inner ear which allows them to Process sound and vibration their shell Is part of the spinal column A Turtle's Carapace or shell offers protection Against some predators and Trauma Although its hardness varies from one Species to another this structure is not An exoskeleton it's a modification of The animal's rib cage which is also part Of its spine and ribs discover the story Of a sea turtle that was rescued with a Fractured shell in the video that we Share above not all have the same type Of neck all tortoises are gripped in the Older testudenties but they are divided Into two sub-orders they are the Sub-order plurodaira where turtles that Can move the head sideways are grouped This is due to the neck vertebrae Flexing laterally The other is the crypto dire suborder in This group there are those that are Capable of attracting the head into Their shell since the neck vertebrae can Flex vertically There are giant species there is a group Of 12 living turtle species known as Galapagos giant tortoises these are the Largest turtles that currently exist Some of these can weigh almost 900 Pounds and measure six feet in length

They communicate before birth While they are still in the egg and are About to hatch sea turtles are able to Hear the sounds emitted by females Waiting in the water These signs are to guide the young the Baby sea turtles also make certain signs To communicate with the other hatchlings Waiting to be born so they can Synchronize the hatching Learn about keeping wild animals as pets In the next info video we share above Temperature determines sex and several Turtle species the temperature of the Environment where the eggs develop Determines the sex of the embryos However there is no single process in Some cases high temperatures cause more Females and fewer males to form in other Cases males are formed at their Intermediate thermal conditions while Females at the temperature is at either Extreme they are very long-lived Turtles Are animals that grow quickly allowing Them to live with less time while their Shell develops once they have matured They slow down their development and age Quickly this gives them a potential Longevity of more than 100 years as is The case of the Santiago Island giant Tortoise among others the Guinness Book Of Records lists one of the oldest Tortoises to have lived who died at 188 Years of age

In 2006 add whiter a giant aldabra Tortoise that lived in a zoo in India Died who was suspected of being more Than 250 years of age many species are In danger of extinction we end with the Most devastating total fact namely that There are many turtle species which are Threatened for various reasons for Example in the case of sea turtles Factors such as climate change pollution Hunting accidental fishing and the Result of damage from boats have led to A significant impact on these animals Now we know more about turtles we can Get to know 10 facts about flamingos one Of the most beautiful birds in the world There are different species You think of flamingos as being only one Bird species but there are actually Different types with their own Characteristics all Flamingo species Belong to the family phenocopteridi Within which we can find three Officially recognized Genera the six Loom species are the greater Flamingo Lesser Flamingo American Flamingo Chilean Flamingo and Dean Flamingo and The James's Flamingo they have a wide Geographic range the natural habitat of Greater flamingos extends to regions in Africa Europe and Asia being present in The Middle East Iran turkey Dubai Afghanistan West Africa Ethiopia Italy Greece France Germany and Spain among

Other countries Lesser flamingos can be found in Ethiopia Kenya Tanzania and some areas Of Asia American or Caribbean flamingos Are widespread from the Southern United States to Ecuador This leaves us the Chilean and Dean and James's flamingos which are found in the South Southeast and some Inland areas of The neo-tropical region they need water To feed themselves The mangoes belong to a group of animals Known as filter feeders with their long Legs they stand in Shallow Waters and Use their feet to stir up the soil Underneath they then scoop up some of The water in their beak using their Tongue as a kind of pump to filter it Through structures in their minds they Can expel the water retain food but then Get rid of the waste their diet is Varied and depends on the environment But can include mollusks annelids larvae Small fish or algae they eat upside down The shape of their curved tip Bill Slopes downward this allows these birds To submerge their head and drink the Water with the bottom of their beak in Doing so they cut the water to carry out Their filtration process although they Are kept upside down they can freely Move their upper jaw which helps with Feeding their color varies according to The species in general flamingos have a

Pink coloration that can vary between Species for example greater flamingos Tend to have a lighter shade of feathers But the tips of the Wings become darker And brighter American flamingos often Have bright pink and red Hues throughout Their plumage Chilean flamingos have the Greatest diversity of colors since they Have combinations that include black red And shades of pink The color depends on the food the pink Hue of flamingos is not a product of Their genetic Constitution but depends On their diet specifically their Consumption of small Crustaceans when The Bird eats Crustaceans it metabolizes The carotenoid's presence in these Animals which enter the skin giving the Tone to their feathers they carry out a Complex procession to reproduce It's Usually the larger males who initiate Courtship by alerting the rest of the Grip with certain specific movements Certain head movements Wing displays and Even walking in a particular way alert Females about a desire to copulate as Well as making distinct vocalizations Size and color usually play important Roles in mate selection They are excellent parents all types of Flamingos are characterized by being Very involved fathers and mothers in the Care of their offspring they incubate The eggs very carefully and then become

Fully involved with their chicks Development if the couple manages to Establish a strong connection the Survival of The Offspring is guaranteed Both parents participate in the Construction of nests incubation and Subsequent care of the chicks Did you know that penguins are also Great parents find out more with the Video we share on the card above they Produce milk okay it's not technically Milk but a milk-like substance that both Females and males produce to feed their Young this secretion is produced from Specialized glands in their digestive Tract and is rich in fat protein and Other nutrients it is known as crop milk And is pink in color due to the Carotenoid content this is the reason Why young flamingos take on a similar Feather tone to their parents They are long-lived animals flamingos Have a high life expectancy living in The wild between 25 and 35 years in Captivity they can reach as much as 40 Years Some people love them others fear them But no one can deny snakes are one of The most fascinating animals they belong To a very diverse animal group snakes Are a curiously diverse group currently Being grouped in the suborder serpentes This suborder is subdivided into two Infra orders skolicophilia and alathan

Ophidia the first contains so-called Blind snakes also known as thread snakes Made up of five families in the second 24 snake types are identified including False corals boas typical snakes pythons Dwarf boas vipers cobras mambas Marine Snakes among others Their dimensions are highly variable Snakes are a very varied group in terms Of size we can currently find some tiny Ones as is the case of the Barbados Threads neck at about four inches long And huge snake species the latter Includes the green anaconda the largest Snake in the world there are records That indicate they measure up to 40 feet In length and weigh over 500 pounds Not all have the same vision the senses Are a curious aspect in snakes the Vision varies according to snake type Various species have pervision while Some arboreal tropical forest snakes are Keen sighted They don't have ears in relation to Hearing snakes don't have an external And middle ear but they are not deaf They have an inner ear which allows them To register some signs these reptiles Are quite sensitive and sense vibrations In the ground which is important for Hunting and staying alert [Music] They use their tongue to smell These animals rely on chemical

Perception to smell they use their Constantly moving forked tongue with the Tongue they pick up scent particles as They pass in the air the particles are Introduced into the mouth so that the Chemical traces are registered by a Structure known as the Jacobson's organ This is located on the pallet and is Covered with olfactory tissue allowing The animal to smell its prey or Predators They detect infrared radiation a Striking aspect of certain snakes such As vipers pythons and boers is their Special thermoreceptor capacity this is Due to structures known as pit organs Holes in their face between the nostrils And the eyes which have a specialized Membrane to detect infrared radiation From potential prey or predators These structures allow them to easily Detect their prey even in the total Absence of light because they perceive The heat generated by the other Individual [Music] They have different hunting strategies And ways of eating venomous species use Their toxic bite when they catch prey to Kill it before ingesting those that do Not have venom on the other hand Generally capture their food and kill it By constriction but some can divide Their prey whole while it is still alive

Not all reproduce in the same way there Are ovipara species as is the case of The Python group they can even take care Of their nests until the young are born Others are OVU Vive Paris such as those Of the genus croatalus commonly known as The rattlesnake while boas are Vivi Parasnics in addition females can store The sperm after copulation and decide When to fertilize the eggs even managing To lay them at different intervals of Time Some are poisonous and others are not It's always important to be careful with These animals especially if we don't Know what we're dealing with snake venom Is a complex mixture of proteins which Have neurotoxic or hemolytic impacts Either affecting the nervous system or Causing destruction of red cells in Their victims interestingly the saliva Of all snakes including non-venomous Ones has a certain Toxic effect but this Is because it is used to initiate Pre-digestion of their food before Swallowing it discover the most Poisonous animals in the world in the Info video we share above They are distributed almost all over the World snakes or animals that are Distributed throughout almost the entire Planet with the exception of Antarctica And some islands the habitat of these Reptiles can be very varied which is why

We find species in Jungle Desert Seas Swamps or freshwater areas some have Semi-aquatic habits and can live in Temperate areas We continue with another of the most Fearsome animals with our 10 facts about Tigers they are one of the largest and Strongest felines males are larger and Heavier than females a male can be an Average of around 10 feet in length and Weigh more than 660 pounds females Measure about eight feet and weigh Around 300 pounds their massive legs Retractable Claws and teeth are their Greatest allies in hunting and defense Allowing a tiger to drag an animal twice Their weight their coat can be of Different colors and each pattern is Unique The characteristic color of their fur is Intense orange with vertical black Stripes that vary in thickness white fur Appears in the face from the neck down To the ventral area due to genetic Mutations different color variations Exist these include golden tigers with Fainter stripes white tigers with brown Stripes and totally white tigers the Stripes of a tiger's coat are all unique A little like our own fingerprints They have the longest canine teeth the Bengal tiger has the longest canine Teeth of all current feline species Measuring up to four inches long they

Also have a crippling bite thanks to Their very strong bone and muscle Arrangement [Music] They had good Vision the sense of sight Is used to move around and Hunt Preferably at the end of the afternoon Or at night they are usually more active During these times it's estimated Tigers Rely more on their vision and hearing Than smell to locate their prey this is Unlike domestic cats which have Relatively poor vision discovered 10 Breeds of cats that look like tigers in The info video we share above they eat Upwards of 50 prey animals a year Tigers are carnivorous animals that Prefer to hunt live prey alone times of Scarcity they can't eat carrion their Main prey are hoofed animals but they Can expand their diet in different ways By eating fish snakes crocodiles birds And monkeys to maintain themselves Properly and although they do not eat Every day these cats need to consume Between 50 and 60 animals per year their Prey usually weighs from 40 to 90 pounds They have different hunting strategies They do not normally pursue their prey Over long distances instead they hunt by Ambush as they are very quiet cautious Camouflaged very well and manage to stay Low to the Grind when necessary since They are solitary and territorial

Animals they do not hunt in a group but Alone They are an excellent swimmer and jumper We tend to believe that all cats are Repelled by water and avoided at all Costs this is not the case with Bengal Tigers these cats are capable of Submerging themselves in a river without Problem and can swim up to about 19 Miles a tiger can jump up to 25 feet in Length and up to 16 feet in height they Have different ways to communicate Tigers communicate in three main ways Olfactory vision and sound they produce A Musky substance that binds with urine And sprays in different areas of their Territory they also carry out making Marks by scratching rocks and trees with Their claws in addition to the traces They leave behind underfoot they also Emit signs such as Roars to warn of Their strength and size or moons that Indicate submission they can live in Different habitats in the past Tigers Were mainly present in areas with dry And cold climates but now they are Generally distributed in forests however They are able to diverse to find three Different types of habitat from places Almost four thousand meters high to Those with temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit they Live about 10 years in the wild Typically a tiger lives in the wild for

Eight to ten years while in captivity Their life expectancy is 16 to 18 years They are in danger of extinction in 2015 The amount of wild tigers remaining in The world was about 3 200 individuals Although certain regions have reported Some population increase the general Population is depleting these data Should give us pause for reflection and Help us prioritize conservation efforts For animals like the tiger we now move From the land to the sea with facts About one of the most curious animals The jellyfish They have existed for millions of years Jellyfish have existed on Earth for Millions of years more specifically Around 600 million years the first Fossils attributable to jellyfish date Back to the Paleozoic Era they are Mainly made of water jellyfish are Animals belonging to the nidarian family As we know their morphology is Bell-shaped thanks to which they're able To move through the water using their Characteristic rhythmic contractions These curious and fascinating beings are Only around five percent solid matter With the rest being made up of water Their mouth also acts as an anus Despite being made up of so little solid Matter they have a fully functioning if Not slightly more unconventional Digestive system they are able to ingest

And metabolize their prey through a Mouth located on the lower side of their Anatomy perhaps unexpectedly this mouth Also acts as an anus as they use it to Excrete feces after metabolism some can Glow in the dark bioluminescence is the Ability of some living organisms to Produce light something you may have Been able to see in certain species of Jellyfish these animals transform Chemical energy into light energy to Defend themselves against predators Attract prey or even Court potential Mates They have neither brain nor blood a Jellyfish body can be described as a Mobile water Sac the anatomy of Jellyfish is made up of two layers of Fine cellular tissue between which is an Inert and aqueous material if you want To know other rare marine animals don't Miss the video we share in the card Above if you enjoy our animal wise Content think about giving us a super Thanks as it helps us to continue making It they sting even after they are dead Have you ever stepped on a jellyfish Body washed up in the beach they can be Easy to miss as they're transparent and Sticky bodies end up covered in sand Making them a risk for anyone walking Barefoot on the shore if you've ever Stepped on one by accident you'll know That the tentacles of a dead jellyfish

Still cause welts opiate to a lesser Extent They have several types of reproduction These marine animals are characterized By a complex life cycle which involves Alternating reproductive habits in Successive Generations one generation Will reproduce sexually by fertilizing Eggs with sperm while the necks will Reproduce asexually by cloning Themselves Jellyfish are oviparis and lay hundreds Of eggs incubating them between their Tentacles one jellyfish species is one Of the most deadly animals the Australian box jelly nicknamed the sea Wasp is one of the most deadly animals In the world as their name suggests they Live in Australia and their venom is Used to quickly paralyze their prey Something which is usually fatal Although rare it has been known to kill Humans thanks to their highly Concentrated toxins there is a type of Giant jellyfish the giant lion's mane Jellyfish is recognized worldwide for Being the largest jellyfish in the world The body of this species can reach Almost 4 meters in diameter and his Tentacles almost 40 meters long Something which will make it Intimidating to any passing swimmers the Smallest jellyfish is one of the most Venomous known as the irikanji jellyfish

It has a body that measures Approximately 35 millimeters in diameter And tentacles that are barely 1.2 Centimeters long for this reason it is Considered the smallest jellyfish in the World however it is known to be the Second most poisonous jellyfish in the World even becoming deadly if treatment Is not received in time You may think you're more familiar with Our next animal but these fox facts Might just surprise you They are the smallest canids on average Foxes are the smallest animals within The Canada family with the smallest Species of any Canard being a type of Fox this honor goes to the fennec fox Which measures between 0.5 and 0.7 Meters in length and weighs an average Of 0.8 kilograms in the case of females And 1.5 kilograms in males they have a Distinctive head Aloe foxes have a dog-like appearance Their skull is distinctive in that it is More flattened and the snout is pointed Their ears are also vertical and pointed In this way the foxes have a Characteristic headship compared to Other candidates they have unique Markings another feature of foxes that Allows them to be distinguished is the Presence of dark or black triangular Patches between the eyes and the nose The tip of the tail also has a different

Color than most of the rest of their fur [Music] They use their tail to regulate their Temperature a Fox's tail is also very Particular it's covered in thick fur and Takes up approximately a third of their Total body length this is relatively Long for a mammal and allows them to Appear bigger at different times in Certain instances they can use the tail To regulate body temperature in cold Areas as they can wrap it around to keep Their body warm They hunt by jumping in general these Animals are good Hunters but they have a Typical way of capturing certain prey This consists of pointing down Vertically and coming down hard on their Victim to stun them They are not strict carnivores although They belong to the order Carnivora they Do not have a strictly carnivorous diet They are actually omnivores their Feeding behavior is quite opportunistic And they take advantage of many Resources present in their habitat while They feed on a variety of vertebrates And invertebrates they also eat eggs Various types of fruit berries seeds Leaves and Roots they can live in very Diverse habitats foxes are distributed Mainly in the northern hemisphere in America and Europe but they are also Present in parts of Asia and Africa

Within this range they develop as a Species in a variety of habitats such as Deserts semi-deserts Tundras savannas Forests Maritime zones cultivated areas Lowlands and mountains above 4000 meters Find out more Curious information about Animals with our first info video on Turtle facts you may not know they are Good parents when about to give birth Females take shelter in an underground Den they do not usually emerge for three Months after Labor which is when weaning Occurs during this time the male will Bring food to their mate and he will Also share food with the Cubs when they Begin to wean when the Cubs eventually Do exit the den they do so as a family With both parents helping to teach the Little ones hunting techniques and other Skills to help them fend for themselves Foxes can even help support young that Are not their own They emit very peculiar vocalizations Foxes emit various sounds to communicate Which are unique to each individual they Can emit barks of three syllables which Are believed to be for identification of Specific family members and high-pitched Box of one syllable to alert or warn They also emit a sound known as Geckering this is described as a kind of Stutter emitted from the throat and is Used for Mating Season or in conflicts With other foxes

They are very fast in general they are Fast animals that can reach around 50 Kilometers per hour however the species That is particularly fast within the Group is the swift fox which can even Exceed this amount We have reached 70 facts so feel free to Let us know your favorite so far as we Continue with one of the most adorable Animals in the world the koala They are marsupials in terms of grouping Koalas or marsupial animals this is Because females have a pouch known as a Marsupium in which their young complete Their growth for Baby Koalas gestation Only lasts about 35 days after which the Fetus is born they weigh around a pound In weight at this point but they crawl Into the marsupian and develop after six Or seven months they leave the parts for The first time They are endemic to Australia these Peculiar mammals are endemic to Australia although they previously had a Greater distribution at present they are Restricted to the Northeast Central and Southeast of Queensland with some Discontinuous presence in Western Regions they are also in Eastern New South Wales in Victoria and the southern Southeast Not all are the same size these cute Looking animals despite their small size Are stocky although subspecies have not

Been formally recognized so far they Have different weights and sizes Depending on both sex and whether they Live to the north or south of the Aforementioned regions they have Opposable fingers and fingerprints their Front legs have five toes but the first Two are opposable to the rest this Adaptation allows them to climb since They have arboreal habits on their hind Limbs the first toe is short and Separated the second and third are fused Also they have sharp claws perhaps the Most curious feature about their limbs Is that they have fingerprints just like Humans They have good sense of hearing and Smell koalas have poor eyesight however Given the type of Lifestyle they lead This is not as important as hearing and Smell which are highly developed with The first sense they manage to interact And develop socialization mainly for Reproduction as for smell the Distinctive nose allows them to perceive And evaluate the food they consume Their name means no drink the term koala Comes from the Australian word Gula Which means no drink for some time it Was thought that these marsupials did Not need to drink water however this is Not true although they take some water From the plants they consume they do Require other sources of hydration

They eat up to a kilogram of toxic Plants koalas are herbivorous animals That feed mainly on some species of Eucalyptus plant these are plants that Contain toxic compounds which would be Harmful to other animals however koalas Have developed an anatomical and Physiological system that allows them to Feed in these leaves without causing Damage They sleep almost all day koalas have a Slower metabolism than most mammals this Is related to a need to conserve energy In turn due to their low nutrient diet To optimize the maintenance of their Energy these animals spend most of their Time sleeping usually around 18 to 20 Hours a day They have a small brain in relation to The size of their head and the rest of Their body and when compared to other Marsupials koalas have a small brain Their brain is also smoother in texture This is believed to be because a larger And more complex brain would require More energy They are prone to chlamydia Unfortunately chlamydia is a bacterial Infection that is common in koalas these Animals usually carry the bacteria that Causes the disease but without Generating any symptoms however due to The increased stress in these marsupials Caused by alteration of their habitat

Their immune system is depressed giving Way to bacterial infection that can Cause blindness and infertility From furry to slimy we learn some Incredible facts about frogs in our next Video They are a very diverse group frogs and Toads are the most diverse amphibians That exist with more than 7 000 Currently known species the next most Diverse amphibian is the salamander with The relatively poultry 738 species and The third position is held by Sicilians With only about 212. These numbers indicate that frogs of the Order anira make up more than 80 percent Of current amphibians of which some 56 Families and 452 Genera have been Classified The greatest diversity lives in the Tropics frogs have a wide global Distribution only being absent from Certain volcanic islands Antarctica and Extremely arid areas the greatest Diversity of this amphibian occurs in The tropical regions of our planet they Are associated with various bodies of Water or areas with high humidity Something essential for reproduction There are translucent frogs there's a Family of frogs called centralinodye Commonly known as glass frogs although Most of their body is green their name Is derived from the translucent patch of

Skin that can be found in their abdomen Which allows their internal organs to be Visible when they are moving or feeling Safe their blood circulates normally so Their insides are easily seen but when They are in danger they concentrate Their blood in the liver to hide them There are frogs with Tails most frogs Carry out external fertilization however The males of a few species have an Extension of the cloaca that is used as A copulatory organ using it to Internally fertilize females These species live in Rapid water Currents and in addition to their tail Have other adaptations such as reduce Lung capacity and hardened fingertips Some frogs have horns they're a species That have dermal protuberances over the Eyes that look like horns several of These species are grouped in the genus Seratifrus and are typical South American countries mainly lose around The Amazon they are voracious frogs Capable even of eating small mammals Such as rats If you're enjoying this video you can Help us to create more of the content That You Love by leaving us a super Thanks They all have vocal cords it's common to Hear the song of frogs in various areas Something possible thanks to the Presence of vocal cords through which

Air passes and signs are produced Meals have much more developed vocal Cords than females and the emission of These vocalizations is mainly used to Attract mates and reproduce They only have teeth in the upper jaw Frog teeth do not meet in their jaw Frogs are vertebrate animals so they Also have teeth but the teeth are only Present in the upper jaw these teeth are Known as Pomeranian teeth so-called Because they are located in the Wilmer Bone found in the roof of the mouth There are very poisonous frogs virtually All frogs can produce toxic substances Known as buffoon toxins which they Excrete through their skin they use These to defend themselves and avoid Becoming prey the toxicity of the Substances varies from species to Species with some only producing Slightly irritating and unpleasant Beautiful toxins others such as the Poison dart frog are extremely poisonous And can even be lethal to humans Discover which are the most venomous Animals in the world in the input video We share above there are giant and dwarf Frogs on one hand we can find the Goliath frog which is considered the Largest in the world their length can Reach about 12 inches and they can weigh Over 6 pounds at The Other Extreme we Have species in the pedopharyn amuins

Native to papiero New Guinea which Measure about seven millimeters they are In danger of extinction frogs have not Escaped the dramatic situation that Animal biodiversity is experiencing Globally alterations to their habitat Climate change and increases in Ultraviolet radiation are just some of The causes that have put various species Of frog at risk some endangered frogs Are the poison dart frog the Darwin's Frog the Harlequin poison frog or the Yellow spotted tree frog And finally we end this collection of Surprising info with 10 facts about Sharks you may not know They can't stop swimming Did you know sharks stay on the move Even when they sleep the lack of a swim Bladder in this animal group means they Cannot remain motionless even when Resting the need to keep moving is due To the action of the shark skills this Part of the respiratory system is Responsible for exchanging gases in the Aquatic environment a line then the Oxygen they need to survive to allow This exchange to take place in the first Place the shark needs to move so water Can be pushed through the gills without The constant movement the shark will not Survive and would eventually fall down Dead to the bottom of the ocean Some sharks can reach incredible sizes

Find out some more of the world's Biggest animals in the info video above The GPS of sharks is the Earth's Magnetic field Sharks are able to harness the Earth's Magnetic field to use it as a compass This amazing ability has been developed During their evolution which allows them To navigate the world Seas which they Inhabit it is particularly important for Their long migrations which make up part Of their biological Cycles This curious Behavior gives them the Ability to follow their own interior Maps and routes for the necessary Journeys in their lives it is an Incredibly fascinating example of animal Adaptation which has allowed them to Survive when other animal species Haven't High sharks detect their prey In addition to recognizing the Earth's Magnetic field sharks have the Curious Ability to detect electrical currents Emitted by their prey when in motion in Doing so they can more accurately Orient Themselves and strike for a Kill Their ability to perceive these currents Is due to something known as the Ampullai of lorenzini these form a Network of Electro receptors located in The shark's night acting as a sensory Organ capable of detecting electrical Charges around the shark if you're Enjoying these fun shark facts remember

You can help the channel continue to Grow with a super thanks The gigantic and feared jaw of sharks Certain sharks are known worldwide for The ferocity of attack but not all Sharks are equally aggressive this Depends largely on their type of diet For example although the largest fish in The world the whale shark feeds on Phytoplankton they only have vestigial Teeth and are harmless to even much Smaller animals more common are sharks With powerful muscles and razor-sharp Teeth this allows them to kill and Dismember prey in seconds Shark bones Taxonomically sharks are differentiated From other fish in part due to their Skeleton they are condrixian fish with a Cartilaginous skeleton most other fish Have a bony skeleton called austeric Thies this cartilagina skeleton is Characterized by being very light and Flexible allowing them to move quickly And agilely in the water it also Explains why they are so fast when it Comes to catching their prey shark Camouflage in the immensity of the deep Sea many animals opt for camouflage as a Survival technique the vast majority of Them tend to do so to go unnoticed among Their predators in the case of sharks This technique may not seem very useful Since they are usually the main

Predators and do not have to hide from Larger animals but sharks camouflage Themselves so their prey does not see Them enabling them to attack with great Speed and Agility If you want to continue learning about Other wild animals don't miss the Playlist We Share here leave a comment To tell us what facts surprised you the Most and we'll see for more fascinating Animal facts still to come [Music]

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