There are some things cats hate about humans because they either bother them or they don’t understand what’s happening. In this AnimalWised video, we invite you to discover 15 things you should never do with your cat so that you know how to take better care of them and provide an excellent quality of life.


5 GAMES to ENTERTAIN your CAT at HOME 🐱 πŸ‘‰
Tips for GETTING ALONG with a CAT πŸ‘‰
How to WELCOME a CAT to Your HOME 🏠 πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Knowing both what your cat needs and What they need to avoid is essential to Making them happy For this reason in this animal-wise Video we explain 15 things you must Avoid when having a cat in your care Fail to respect the basic freedoms of Animal welfare welcoming a cat into the Home requires a great level of Responsibility for ensuring their Welfare This means keeping them free of thirst Hunger malnutrition Pain and disease all while letting them Express their feline nature Without fear or stress Not taking them to the vet even if your Cat is well you should take them to the Veterinary clinic for a yearly Preventive check To verify their health and bring their Vaccination and deworming schedules up To date Also if you observe a sudden change in Behavior you should take a cat to be Checked before a health problem Progresses beyond help Punish or scold them as much as there Are situations that make you lose your Patience Punishment is totally contradicted if You want to educate a cat Your cat does not understand the reason For your anger so they can begin to

Distress And show rejection towards you in Addition they will suffer stress And therefore you will only make the Situation worse Not paying enough attention a cat is a Playful social animal that needs Exercise Therefore you need to spend time every Day either to pamper them or play with Them You must spend quality time together Practicing activities that stimulate Them cognitively and physically Otherwise your cat will be bored and Accumulate a lot of energy making them Irritable Stressed and develop behavior problems Here we share a video in which we show You five games to entertain your cat At home Not respecting their boundaries even if You don’t do it with bad intentions it Is likely that sometimes you will be too Affectionate with your kitten to the Point of overwhelming them Often the best way to show your cat that You love them is by respecting their Limits Understanding when they are receptive to Pampering when they want to play And when they want to be left alone Perform an onyectomy an onyectomy is a Surgical procedure which involves

Amputating the last phalanx of each of a Cat’s paws To remove the bone joint nerves and Blood vessels It is also known as declawing and is Done with the intention of removing the Claws So they do not perform behaviors people Consider annoying such as scratchiness Or destroying upholstery It is a cruel practice with serious Negative physical and psychological Repercussions for the well-being of the Cat You should train them to redirect these Behaviors and use appropriate tools such As scratching posts or toys Humanize them and not let them be a cat If you try to relate to a cat from a Human perspective only Many misunderstandings will arise which Confuse and harm them Their needs and ours are not the same This is why you need to identify whether Your approach to care and treatment is Appropriate from a feline Perspective not your own also you need To understand that a cat has certain Needs specific to their species Such as scratching plain meowing etc Through appropriate guidance and Positive reinforcement you should Redirect these behaviors into Appropriate activities

Enjoy making them feel bad many people Find it amusing to put their cats in Compromising situations to get a Reaction Often scaring or hurting them in the Process these range and cruelty But even some which seem like a game can Be harmful for example Playing with a laser pointer means the Cat will never catch the light which can Cause serious frustration And confusion [Music] Abandon them some people are simply too Irresponsible to adopt a cat When they get tired of them they simply Abandon them to nature Many of these animals die as they do not Know how to survive or end up in a Shelter and have difficulties in being Rehomed Don’t educate them education is an Essential part of a happy coexistence With cats This way cats don’t learn habits which Can cause a nuisance such as biting or Scratching furniture With proper guidance and positive Reinforcement cats can learn the rules Of a home And behave appropriately Here we share a video in which we give You tips to get along with a cat Smoking well with them smoke is very

Harmful for a cat’s lungs They can develop serious health problems If they inhale it constantly Furthermore with their need to groom Regularly by licking they can Ingest toxic particles from the Cigarette which settle onto their coats Treat them like a toy in some homes cats Are brought in to be a play thing for Children As if they were little more than a Stuffed toy this is why it is necessary To explain to kids the importance of Respect for animals As well as supervising play sessions Give inappropriate food sometimes you May feel like pampering your cat with Food Especially if they give you longing Looks however giving cats inappropriate Foods such as chocolate cookies or other Types will harm their health especially In the long term If you want to offer your furry friend Something more suitable you can buy them Different treats Wet foods or other ingredients which Will not harm their health Expose them to loud or annoying noises Cats have very sharp hearing So it can be very stressful if they are Constantly exposed to loud noises Therefore your cat should have an area In the home where they can rest quietly

Without being exposed to loud noises Similarly it is not advisable for your Cat to carry a bell As this sign can bother them Dress them up with annoying accessories Thanks to specialist stores at the Internet There are more and more options to dress Up your cat if you are thinking of Purchasing any of these products Spare a thought to what your cat will Think you should never dress them up in Items which are uncomfortable or harmful To them Before buying an accessory for your cat Always make sure it does not hinder Their mobility Prevent them from grooming or cause any Physical harm now that you know what you Should not do with your cat Do not hesitate to continue Investigating to know what you can do to Promote well-being This is why we share this video in which We show you how to welcome a cat into Your home We’ll see you next time

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