CAT NETTING for Balconies and Windows πŸͺŸπŸˆ Protect cats from FALLS

🐱 Cat netting for balconies and windows are used to prevent your cat from having access to the outside, something which is particularly important if you live up somewhere high. AnimalWised explains what precautions you can use to ensure your cats are protected from falls with cat netting and whether they might be suitable for your balcony, window, patio or terrace.


How to WALK a CAT on a LEASH πŸˆπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ (5 Tips) πŸ‘‰

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If you live in a home which has a Balcony Terrace or window at a height Tall enough to cause a cat injury from a Fall animal wise explains why cat Netting might be important for your Feline safety [Music] Is cat netting necessary for Windows and Balconies although domestication has led To cats living peaceably with humans They still share some instincts with Their Wildcat ancestors they are playful Engage in hunting behaviors and love to Climb up to Heights wild cats climb up To trees and other high spots to both Scan for prey and to hide from predators Who want to make the cat pray of their Own we see domestic cats enacting the Same behavior except they climb to the Back of sofas or on top of bookshelves Instead of trees or rocks it helps them Feel secure in their environment one of The most common accidents which can Happen to cats in urban areas is falling From a high place when they fall from Heights above the second story of a Building they can suffer serious Injuries these injuries are referred to As high rise syndrome in cats cats have A very keen sense of balance and their Physical structure is designed to keep Them upright they are even able to Instinctively write their body when Falling from Heights as little as 30

Centimeters the reason they are known to Always land on their feet despite their Physical Agility it is possible for a Cat to lose balance due to a slippery Surface being knocked by something or Even due to disease which affects their Vestibular system a fall from a tall Building can cause bone fractures joint Dislocation and life-threatening Internal injuries so cat netting is Necessary for these spaces Which cat netting should I choose Protective cat netting can be made from Various materials but the most suitable Is one made from polyethylene this Material has a resistant strength Similar to Steel other netting such as That made from nylon can be ripped with The cat’s Claws and are often Sufficiently malleable for the cat to Climb under material is not the only Consideration when choosing the right Cat netting the size of the holes in the Netting is very important as some cats Are able to squeeze through very small Passages while it will depend on the Size of the cat generally the hole Should not exceed three centimeters for Kittens or 5 Centimeters for adult cats In addition to safety against falling From height cat Nets are also very Useful for keeping cats out of the Street avoiding contact with sick Animals and other dangers of urban areas

If you want your cat to go outside you Might want to consider walking them on a Leash discover how to do this safely in The video that we share above How much does cat netting cost the Amount you will need to pay for cat Netting depends on various factors such As the size of the space needing Protected and what is available in your Area good quality polyethylene cat Netting can be purchased for as little As two dollars per yard but this is Variable most importantly you will need To compare reviews of the products and Choose a trusted supplier If you want to continue learning about Caring for cats don’t miss the playlist We Share here if you’ve installed cat Netting let us know what material you Used and how useful you find it for your Cat we’ll see you next time for more Helpful animal videos [Music]

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