Feeding Rabbits ๐Ÿฐ Best Diet for Baby, Adult & Elderly Bunnies

Welcome to this new AnimalWised video. Today we are going to talk about feeding
rabbits, taking into consideration all of their dietary needs throughout their lives. This
means from the time they are kits, through their adolescence, onto adulthood and even
into old age. Do you have a rabbit? Would you like to know more about what they should
be eating? Perhaps you need to know the difference in feeding a newborn rabbit
compared to an adult rabbit?
Knowing what to feed a newborn rabbit is particularly important if they have been
separated from their mother. Fortunately, in this AnimalWised article we also go into what
diet is needed for an orphaned rabbit.

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[Music] Did you know that rabbits are not Rudin’s they are mammals of the Lagomorpha family and are vey sociable And intelligent animals rabbits are the Third most popular type of companion Animal which is why many of you maybe Wanted to know what to feed them as a Pet in this animal wise video we explain Everything you need to know about Feeding rabbits from the time they’re Newborn on to old age don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel to keep up to Date with all of our news and videos [Music] Young rabbits also known as kids or Kittens are particularly delicate and Require special care to survive it is The mother who must feed their young Until they are weaned however sometimes The mother may die or even reject the Litter in these cases we will be Responsible for their feeding and care Remember that baby rabbits need to be Housed in a comfortable nest have a Constant warm temperature and be away From drafts and light feeding newborn Rabbits is not always easy the first Thing we advise is going to event they Will be able to show you the correct Feeding procedure as well as directing You toward what formula to buy which you Can feed through a bottle with a small Teat the rabbit should be fed this

Formula several times a day until they Reach seven eight or nine weeks of age At this point we should stimulate their Curiosity over solid foods so they can Be weaned and start to feed themselves [Music] Once weaned the rabbit will be moved to A cage or hunch the minimum dimensions To ensure your rabbits well-being are Between 1 and 1.5 metres in length at This stage rabbits will feed mainly on Fresh high-quality hay which must always Be available to them this is important As rabbits need to feed constantly to Ensure their intestinal transit is Always active if it stops the rabbit Could get sick and even die we will also Have fresh and clean water available all The time to keep them hydrated Quality rabbit specific food pellets are Also important and they must have at Least 18% fiber content [Music] We should also start experimenting with Their food at this age you can introduce Green leafy vegetables such as arugula Or kale fruit should only be used as the Occasional treat around 6 or 7 months of Age our rabbit will reach a dull – at This time its diet needs to be slightly Modified to prevent obesity it is Important to do this gradually unlimited Hay will remain the basis of the diet to Ensure gastrointestinal motility

However we will need to limit the supply Of pellets check the product packaging And provide the correct quantity According to age and weight during the Adult stage we should offer green leafy Vegetables on a daily basis who referred Still remaining limited to treats It’s important to monitor our rabbits Daily feed and ensure they are drinking Enough water go to a vet for an Evaluation if you notice they have a Lack of interest in food or overweight Are not defecating sufficiently have Diarrhea or have dental overgrowth if You see droppings which are too small Too dark or show irregular shapes it may Indicate a lack of fiber in their diet [Music] Around the age of six years old rabbits Will enter old age it’s important to Devote more time and attention to their Behavior habits and excrement for early Detection of any disease and to ensure They have much-needed daily interaction When they grew old rabbits still eat the Same diet as younger adults with Unlimited hay and vegetable rations However to maintain strength and width The amount of pellets they receive needs To be increased it’s always advisable to Consult your vet for guidance make sure You give them all the attention they Need a rabbit can live longer than eight Years but their diet is an important

Factor as are the intention and care They receive from you take care of them As they deserve in reparation for all The joy they bring to you that’s our Video for today is there anything else You’d like to add to the list how do you Feed your rabbits leave us a comment and Don’t forget to subscribe if you like This video see you next time [Music] You [Music]

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