How Many Words Do Dogs Understand? – FIND OUT HERE!

How many words do dogs understand? 🐶❓ A responsible guardian will train their dog using words and phrases such as ‘let’s go for a walk’, ‘come here’ or ‘good boy’ among others. However, have you ever wondered how many words a dog can understand? We explain everything in this new AnimalWised video. We show you how dogs are able to recognize words, how they understand them, how intonation of words is important and how many words the most intelligent dog in the world could understand. For some more background information, you can take a look at our original article here 👉

📖 Bibliography
🔸 Coren, S. (1994). The intelligence of dogs: Canine consciousness and capabilities. New York: Free Press.
🔸 Attila Andics, Márta Gácsi, Tamás Faragó, Anna Kis, Ádám Miklósi; Voice-Sensitive Regions in the Dog and Human Brain Are Revealed by Comparative fMRI, Current Biology, Volume 27, Issue 8, 24 April 2017, Pages 1248-1249

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A responsible dog Guardian will spend Time educating and training their dog Incorporating phrases like let’s go for A walk come here or good boy have you Ever wondered how many words they can Actually understand in this animal wise Video we explain all you need to know [Music] They say each dog is like their owner Either due to their habits appearance or Other characteristic traits sometimes You may see your dog coming over and it Seems the only thing they need is to sit Down and be spoken to the truth is that Dogs are able to understand many words Perhaps more than you imagine Although they cannot answer you in the Same way you speak to them it doesn’t Mean they cannot understand this is why Dogs are able to understand basic orders Such as sit lie down or save there are Several studies conducted around this Topic it has been shown that dogs Process words similar to humans they Gather information about the world and Subsequently form an understanding about Its various processes they use the left Hemisphere of the brain to understand The words they hear while the right Deals with their intonation once this Process is done they are able to Understand the intention of what a Person has said to them dogs understand Multiple signals easily and quickly if

They’re conditioned for it Positive reinforcement ie reinforcing Behavior with treats kind words or other Rewards is an excellent incentive for Learning various studies have indicated That its effectiveness is much greater Than punishment the best-known study in This subject was made by psychologist Stanley Coren famous for his book the Intelligence of dogs his analysis Focused on studying the ability of dogs To learn new words in his research Caron Showed that dogs were able to understand Approximately 160 words it properly Educated to do so as an equivalent they Understand the human lexicon but the Same as a child between two and three Years of age this is of course as long As constant practices maintain Furthermore the investigation also Showed that dogs find it much easier to Understand words related to specific Objects such as bone or ball it’s much Harder for them to understand words Related to abstract forms such as honey Or sadness [Music] Kourin also discovered that dogs find it Easier to learn where its beginning with Strong consonants such as P T C K and Q While softer ones such as F s R and L Are more challenging in any case they Learn words faster individually than When combined with others this means you

Can teach them more easily if you say Eat rather than let’s eat it happens Because dogs retain words through a Process called quick method it occurs When we frequently repeat certain words When exposing them to an action or Object during training it’s very Important that the words which form each Order are easily distinguished from each Other in this way confusion is avoided The orders or commands are more Effective when they are accompanied by Proper body language making it easy to Understand the message you want to Convey now you know how many dogs a word Can understand you may wonder if the Same happens with all breeds Karns Research also revealed that some dog Breeds are more likely than others to Learn words poodles German shepherds Border Collies Labradors and Dobermans All demonstrated a greater ability to Develop a broad vocabulary compared to Other breeds however this will always Depend on proper training and Stimulation of the dog from an early age Regardless of the breed finally we Couldn’t feel to mention chaser the dog Of John W pilly professor of psychology At Wofford College in South Carolina USA She was able to recognize more than 1,000 words without making mistakes Thank you for watching this video we Hope you find it helpful give us a like

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