How Often Should You WALK YOUR DOG – Daily Exercise Tips

Do you really know how many times you have to walk a dog a day? πŸΆπŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΌ Walking your dog is a fundamental to their daily routine. Their health, social life and basic needs depend on these walks. They need to interact with their environment as well as other animals and people so they can be healthy of mind and body. In this AnimalWised video, we show you how often you should walk your dog so they can get the right amount of daily exercise and environmental interaction in their lives. We also provide some tips to help ensure your walks are providing everything your dog needs, prevent boredom and to ensure your dog receives the positive stimuli they need in their lives. We do this for puppy dogs, adult dogs and senior dogs alike. You can also get some more background information by looking at this article over on our website: πŸ”Έ πŸ”Έ

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[Music] Walking is part of any dogs essential Daily routine it not only provides Exercise but has many other benefits but How often should they be walked it is Normal to have doubts about both the Amount and duration of walks especially As each dog has individual needs which Will be a factor in a specific amount of Exercise they require that’s why this New animal wise video explains how to Adapt your dogs walking habits to the Different stages of their life but being A puppy to being a senior dog Additionally we provide you some extra Tips to ensure this routine positively Impacts their well-being so don’t miss Our puppies can go out into the wider World when they have completed their First vaccination schedule before this They need to be taken in a carrier so They are not exposed to harmful Pathogens even this can begin the Process of familiarizing the dog with The outside world since their first Walks coincide with toilet training We recommend timing your walks for when They just wake up after eating after Playing or when they seem nervous this Might be seen in sniffing excessively or Walking around in circles ideally at This stage you should make short Frequent trips between three and five Times a day don’t forget the importance

Of using positive reinforcement giving Them small treats and other Encouragement so they will associate the Arts art world with fun and positivity Where they can do their business safely Remember this is a gradual process which Can take some time so be patient and Don’t punish them In the adult stage of life walks can Become less stimulating for this reason We recommend you vary the daily route And visit special dog parks It’s important on the first part of any Walk outside you let your dog do their Business without interrupting them we Should also avoid giving too many Commands or attempting to play tricks They need exercise First and foremost dog parks are also Great for exercise because they can be Led off their leash which should happen For at least 5 minutes per day here is When we can interact a little more with Games toys and training at the end of The walk we can also do a little Relaxation exercise to ensure they are Not too excitable or anxious when they Get home petting and reassuring them for A few minutes should be sufficient the Ideal on this stage is to offer between Two and four walks per day well spaced Between each other the average duration Should be between 20 and 60 minutes Depending on the breed activity level

And specific needs of the dog older dogs Are a special group while some will stay In top shape even at 13 others begin to Show difficulty walking it’s always best To follow the advice of our veterinarian This way we can know for our dog’s Suffers from specific issues helping us To better adapt their walks to their Needs at this stage we should try to Maintain the same routine we followed in The adult stage however if we observe Problems when urinating or pain when Walking we may need to make shorter but More frequent trips as in the puppy Stage don’t tire them out and allow them To urinate as they need Now you know roughly how many walks a Dog should have per day remember that You should adapt them to your individual Dog with the aim of improving walking Routines here we offer you some final Tips avoid over controlling your dog They should enjoy as much freedom as is Responsible that your dog smell flowers Plants and even urine if they are Vaccinated if they are properly Socialized you should allow them to Interact with other dogs regardless of Size or breed change the route of the Walk often sometimes letting the dog Choose for you and here is our video for Today how often do you walk your dog do You have any other advice you’d like to Share

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