How to CARE for a KITTEN – Food, Education and Health

If you have just adopted a kitten in to your home or are even just thinking about it, there is a lot you need to know. In this AnimalWised video, we show you everything you need about ’How to CARE for a KITTEN – Food, Education and Health’. By adopting a kitten, we take on the responsibility of looking after all of their basic needs and doing everything we can to help them have a happy and healthy life. This means knowing what their basic needs are and how we can meet them. Their food, hygiene, education, socialization, habits and health are all key areas we need to provide for. A kitten’s young age doesn’t just make them physically vulnerable, they also need their mental ability to be encouraged. Here’s how you do both. We also have some helpful related videos you can check out, especially one for weaning kittens on to solid food:

– Cat Scratching Tress
– Homemade Food for Cats
– Weaning Kittens

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[Music] Adopting a kitten is a wonderful Experience but we must remember that Kittens are sensitive creatures which Need special care for proper development This is why animal wise explains what You need to know to look after a kitten [Music] If this is the first time you’ve adopted A kitten you will need to take care of Some basics before they arrive if you Prepare the kitten is likely to adapt More quickly and your relationship will Be much more positive cats are Scrupulous animals so we recommend you Leave their food dish water bowl and Litter box in separate areas if you have Other cats at home or you plan to adopt More than one kitten at the same time we Recommend you have a box for each one This way you can help avoid conflict you Will also need to clean all the utensils Every so often and renew the water Regularly it’s also important to get a Scratcher this way you can prevent your Cat from scraping their claws in the Furniture check the description for more Info on scratchers for cats finally You’ll need to leave them a bed Somewhere quiet and away from disruption We also recommend a quiet nest somewhere Else for them to hide when they are Afraid or if they simply want some peace If we have adopted a one-month-old

Kitten or younger it is imperative we go To a veterinarian to obtain artificial Kitten formula which will be their Entire diet it is important to emphasize That you should never separate a mother From her kittens unless it is strictly Necessary from birth the kittens need Colostrum and then breast milk to Receive various benefits particularly For their immune system after two months Of life we can start weaning them onto Solid food progressively We should offer them daily small Portions of wet food or kitten specific Pate Later we can wet their dry food with a Little water to help them ingest Properly After we can switch to dry food Completely the optimal age of adopting a Kitten is at three months of life this Is when they are completely weaned Immunized and have learned necessary Behaviors from their mother such as Grooming basic hygiene and feline body Language at this stage the kitten should Eat solids without a problem there are Several types of feed we can offer Kittens each with advantages and Disadvantages it will be the decision of Each guardian what type to offer while Their feed provides all the necessary Nutrients for the feline it is not Always easy to find quality commercial

Product on the other hand homemade diets Can help guarantee we are using only Quality natural products they will need A veterinary follow-up to rule out the Presence of parasites or nutritional Deficiencies if we have adopted a kitten Older than three months which has stayed With their mother we can virtually Assure they will be properly socialized With other cats preventing fear and Aggressive behavior socialization is Also fundamental for learning other Habits typical of their species we need To be aware that socializing an adult Cat is complicated and sometimes Practically impossible this is why we Need to continue socializing the kitten When they arrive introduce them to all Kinds of people objects sounds Environments and where possible other Animals brushing both helps keep their Fur clean and strengthens our bond with A kitten it is also useful to monitor Them for parasites or specific health Problems we can use a rubber brush for Short hair cats a carding brush for Medium hair cats and a rake type brush For long hair cats offering our kitten Environmental enrichment is important to Prevent problem behavior it also helps Stimulate their intelligence and avoid Stress anxiety and depression we can Enrich their day to day with Intelligence games food vending toys or

Catnip even a cardboard box can provide Plenty of stimulation apart from Intelligence games encouraging physical Activity is important for developing Muscle it also helps to prevent obesity We can buy our kitten tunnels or cat Trees or even simply place treats up in High places so they have to work to get To them A cat may not actually enjoy a toy you Buy them because you don’t engage with Them in the right way They need to play and have fun with you Especially if they have no other feline Friends you will need to spend time with The kitten playing and bonding together In addition to these activities they Will need one thing above all love your Kitten will never be happy if they do Not have a loving and caring family by Their side they will want to sleep on Top of you and lick you as a sign of Affection it is false to say that cats Are not carrying animals which given the Right opportunity can become your best Friend deworming our kitten will be a Fundamental aspect of their health Especially if they have access to the Outside or other animals This will help to prevent infestations By internal or external parasites Deworming should start at one and a half Months of age and be supervised by the Veterinarian it is recommended we deworm

The cat every 15 days until the kitten Reaches three months of age then Deworming should be done once a month Until the cat reaches six months of age And once every three months thereafter We need to bear in mind the advice of a Professional veterinarian since both Internal and external deworming should Be done with specific products for Kittens with the correct dosage we will Also initiate the vaccination schedule At about two months of age The first vaccine for cats is often the Feline trivalent which is used to Protect the cat from feline pan Leukopenia feline rhinotrichitis and Callusi virus these vaccines will need a Booster shot on an annual basis and we Will need to strictly follow these Schedules If we want our cat to grow up healthy And happy it is essential to take our Cat to the vet every 6 to 12 months Here is our video for today Leave a comment below if you have your Own helpful tips to share give a like if You find the video useful and subscribe For more to come we’ll see you next time [Music]

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