How to WALK a CAT on a LEASH πŸˆπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ (5 Tips)

🐱🐾 Are you thinking of walking your cat on a leash? In this AnimalWised video we explain the steps you must follow to make this a positive experience for your feline. Discover how to teach your cat to walk with a harness and leash!


A Cat’s First Visit to the Vet – Deworming and Vaccination Schedules πŸ‘‰
Can I take my CAT for a WALK? πŸˆπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ (Advantages and Disadvantages) πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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[Music] Do you think your cat would have a good Time going outside for a walk in this Animal-wise video we explain what you Need for the best chance of walking your Cat on a leash and providing a positive Experience [Music] Make sure they are vaccinated and Dewormed Before walking your cat it’s vital you Have them properly vaccinated and Dewormed with the appropriate Anti-parasitic products This will best prevent them from Infections and infestations when outside The home Learn about a cat’s first vet visit and Deworming in the video above Choose a good harness and leash Don’t walk your cat with a neck collar And leash firstly it’s easy for them to Slip a neck collar and escape moreover Pulling against a neck collar can choke Them and damage their windpipe a harness Prevents both from happening by Supporting them around the legs and Shoulder their exertion will be spread Over a larger area and won’t hurt them In vulnerable places The leash you use is also important Avoid retractable leashes which are Otherwise good for dogs you might be Able to use an elasticated leash for

Some freedom but they shouldn’t be Allowed to venture too far away from you As they may be prone to escape [Music] Make them comfortable before you take Them out for a walk you will need to Ensure your cat is comfortable in their Harness to do this start by putting it On them for short periods during the Days leading up to the walk You can incrementally increase the Amount of time you leave it on when You’re sure they feel comfortable enough In the harness you can attach the strap Should carry out the same process by Letting them walk around on the leash Inside for a few days and rewarding them With treats for positive reinforcement Encourage them appropriately Try to take them out for a walk but if The cat doesn’t feel safe abort the Process and try again another day Forcing them will be counterproductive To all the good work you’ve done up to That point the moment they manage to Cross the threshold and set outside Praise them and provide rewards the First item should be short and about Five minutes in duration so they don’t Become overwhelmed Ensure your cat is one which is curious About the outdoors and going for a walk Will likely be a positive experience as Not all cats are the same since not all

Cats should be walked check out our info Video on whether it’s a good idea to Walk your cat Choose a good place for the walk Choosing a quiet area without many other Animals is essential to help encourage Your cat to feel comfortable and safe While out walking Places with a lot of people animals or Loud noises are discouraged You must continuously monitor your cat To prevent them from hurting themselves They could do this by eating something They shouldn’t or walking on sharp Objects Let the cat forge their own way ahead Only preventing them from going Somewhere if it presents a certain level Of danger If you want to continue learning about Cat behavior and care check out the Playlist we share here Let us know if you’ve been successful Walking your cat by leaving a comment And we’ll see you next time [Music]

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