My CATS Are HISSING at Each Other πŸ±πŸ±βœ… Stop Them Fighting!

🐈 If you live with more than one cat, it can be difficult for them to get along. There are many reasons why this is the case, but once they are in the home together, it is a problem which needs solved. Often they won’t be able to solve it on their own, which is why it is up to us to stop two cats fighting and hissing at each other.


How Many CATS Can You Keep at HOME? 🐱🏠 πŸ‘‰
How to Make Two Cats Get Along πŸ‘‰

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A healthy coexistence between cats is Not always easy it’s all too common for Our cats to hiss at each other for Seemingly no reason something which can Develop into a physical fight in this New animal-wise video we provide the Keys to helping two cats get along Whether because you have just adopted a New cat into the home or your cats have Suddenly started to fight each other [Music] Introduce them gradually if you’ve just Brought a new cat into the home whether Kitten or adult you may see one hiss at The other This is a warning to stay away For this reason it’s best to introduce The two cats gradually to do so before The cat arrives you need to adapt your Home for their arrival this way the Original cat will perceive small changes And get used to them You should bring in new litter trays Scratching posts and a bed for the new Cat but don’t allow the current cat Access to them For the first few days the two cats Should remain separate Place the new kitten in a room where They feel safe You can then familiarize them with each Other using smell Place the accessories of one in the area Of the other start by leaving them far

Away from them and slowly place them Closer and closer until the cats start To investigate when the presence of the Others odor doesn’t bother them they Will start to become used to their Presence once you stop seeing negative Reactions to the new smell you should Allow them to see each other do this in A way which prevents them from coming in Direct contact with each other such as Opening the door to the new cat and Closing it if they move closer Finally the most important part of this Introduction is to associate the Presence of the other with something Positive so don’t forget to offer Rewards for good behavior If you see neither are upset in the Presence of the other you can slowly let Them meet Discover how many cats can be kept at Home together in the video that we share In the corner If your cats have been living together For a long time and have suddenly Started hissing you can put the Following tips into practice always use Positive reinforcement You always need to use positive Reinforcement petting toys treats and Encouraging words allow the cat to Associate the other with pleasant Experiences This also means avoiding the use of

Punishment This is negative reinforcement which Means the cat will associate their other Family member with unpleasant Experiences Do not yell when they are fighting but Separate them calmly and firmly Keep their rest areas separate we must Ensure that both felines have their own Accessories and places to take refuge When seeking peace of mind This means they can hide somewhere Comfortable and not feel cornered by the Other cat Provide mental stimulation Stimulation through entertaining games Helps to keep the mind and body of our Felines active providing our cats with Education promotes well-being and Enrichment in their day-to-day lives It’s very important these exercises are Personalized according to the cat’s Needs and neither are over stimulated For more ideas on how to help cats get Along click the i for a helpful video Go to a vet If serious fights continue to occur and None of the measures taken seem to work We recommend going to a veterinarian Specialised in mythology to rule out Health problems and reach an accurate Behavioral diagnosis We should also discuss neutering if the Cats are not sterilized the castration

Of adult males for example has been seen To reduce aggressiveness in 53 of cases Escapism in 56 And marking in 78 Here we share with you a playlist with Lots more information about feline Behavior Let us know how you get on putting these Tips into practice and we’ll see you Next time [Music]

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