My DOG WON’T EAT Unless I AM THERE πŸΆπŸ§πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ (4 Causes and Solutions)

πŸ• Does your dog not want to eat alone? In this AnimalWised video, we explain the 4 main reasons why a dog does not want to eat alone and also provide some tips to get them used to doing so. If you ask yourself ”why won’t my dog eat unless I’m there”, you will find the answer here. Find out why your dog doesn’t want to eat if you’re not around and what to do to fix it!


Separation ANXIETY in DOGS πŸ‘‰
My Dog WON’T EAT Their Food 🐢 What to Do About It πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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If your dog doesn’t eat unless you’re Around we may think it’s endearing Although it is a sign of wanting to be Near others it can also signify a Problem find out the nature of this Behavior and what to do about it with Animal wise They are a social animal the dog may Have lost much of their wild instinct But some aspects remain the need to be In a pack is a particularly strong one Like wolves dogs prefer to eat together As a family since your dog enjoys your Presents while they eat they may wait For you to do so it’s a common behavior If you have previously accustomed them To eating with you Your relationship is based on food Some guardians build the relationship With their dog around food for example They may give a lot of unnecessary Treats show excessive emotion when the Dog eats becomes stressed when they Don’t eat or constantly change their Feeding schedule this leads to a Situation in which the dog feels better When they eat with us since they believe We benefit from it we must avoid getting Excited angry or praising our dog when They eat Suffers separation anxiety Some dogs suffer from stress when we Leave the home as they don’t like to be Alone it’s a behavioral problem known as

Separation anxiety your dog may feel so Bad being alone they lose their appetite It’s only when we return home they feel Secure again and will want to eat Find out more about separation anxiety In the first info video above They are afraid when you leave they may Feel unprotected and any noise seems Like a threat they become guarded and Too preoccupied to eat when you return They feel safe again relax and are Finally able to feed it’s common when Big changes happen in their lives when a Dog is eating they are in a vulnerable Position since their focus and attention Is on their food and not what is around Them your presence makes them feel Calmer so they feel they need you to eat Why does my dog only eat from my hand If your dog only eats from your hand it Can be due to several reasons for Starters they may be afraid of their Environment if the food is next to a Noisy appliance or they’ve had a bad Experience they’ll avoid going near it We may inadvertently reinforce this Behavior if they are distracted and we Hand feed them we have rewarded this Behavior and they expect you to continue To do so also if you say okay when they Take the food from your hand the dog Thinks you like this behavior and Repeats it to please you it may also be That they are full or not hungry this

Can happen if the dog doesn’t get enough Exercise you give treats between males Or they have an ailment when you give Them food by hand they only take it Because you give it to them not because They want it In the next info video we explain other Reasons why a dog doesn’t want to eat Finally if other dogs live in the home And they try to steal food the dog may Only feel safe if eating from your hand What to do if my dog does not eat alone Where possible it’s recommended you go To an anthologist but if this isn’t Possible these tips can help you Establish a regular meal time and teach Them to eat from the bowl give them food By hand in the bowl until you can put it Down and they pick it up themselves also Spend more time with your dog and base Your relationship on activities you do Together not just food it’s also Important you get the dog to associate Being alone with positive experiences Use intelligence toys to keep them Entertained and add an irresistible Treat to their regular food before you Leave finally change the location of the Bowl if it prevents them eating there or Prevents other dogs from disturbing them While they feed If you want to continue learning about Feeding dogs don’t miss the playlist we Share here

Tell us if your dog has trouble eating On their own by leaving a comment and We’ll see you next time [Music] You

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