What Happens If You DON’T take your DOG for a WALK? 🐢❌

🐾 Walking a dog is necessary for many reasons. In this AnimalWised video on what happens if you don’t take your dog for a walk, we explain both the benefits of walking your dog and the negative consequences of not taking them out on the street.

🐾 RELATED VIDEO 🐾 How Often Should You Walk a Dog? πŸ‘‰
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When discussing the well-being of a dog The importance of taking them out for Walks cannot be overlooked for optimal Development walking helps them to Exercise socialize and forges a strong Bond between dog and Guardian not taking Our dog for a walk has negative Consequences which affect many aspects Of their lives in this animal wise video We discuss the importance of taking your Dog for a walk and the negative impact On their character health and family Dynamic if you don’t [Music] Why is it necessary to walk at all We don’t take dogs out for a walk on a Whim doing so is a necessity like many Other animals they are not born to Remain still to have a happy and healthy Dog they need the exercise and Stimulation provided by walking the Benefits to your dog are great physical Exercise keeps them fit and avoids Health problems they stimulate their Senses through exploring their Environment they meet other dogs and People they learn how to relate to Others and they strengthen our bond if You want to know how many times you have To walk a dog here and in the Description we leave you a video in Which we detail everything about when to Walk what happens if you don’t go Outside

Not taking a dog for a walk directly Affects their physical and mental health As well as repercussions for the rest of The household this is why it is vital we Consider our ability to provide walks For a dog before adopting them into any Family now we explain why this is the Case by showing you the consequences of Not walking a dog health problems Physical exercise is necessary to take Care of body and mind if we do not walk Them the dog can gain excessive weight Since it will remain too sedentary Juche Anxiety or boredom and not burn calories This can result in obesity diabetes Muscle weakness for serious joint B Hyperactivity and irritable mood being Locked inside without being able to tire Themselves right will likely result in Excess accumulated energy when they Cannot release this energy they will Find themselves frustrated bored and Over reactive to stimuli such as moving Objects noises or people walking past Them behavioral problems this is Undoubtedly the most easily observable Consequence in the short term due to This excess energy that we mentioned Previously the dog will begin to develop Multiple behavior problems which we Explain next but before we do so don’t Forget to subscribe to the analyze Channel to stay up to date on canine and Feline care and for more information

Visit our website at Behavioral problems which may develop Include barking either to attract the Attention of their guardian or as a Result of seeing any external stimuli or In more serious cases due to stereotype A a set of repetitive actions seemingly Performed without purpose breaking Objects due to the need to carry out Activities which relieve anxiety and Frustration directed towards objects in The home the dog can become very Destructive inappropriate urination or Defecation since they are unable to Relieve themselves outside the home if You don’t take the mic on enough walks You won’t give them the option to Relieve themselves also once a dog Learns to relieve themselves indoors it Takes a slow Regin process to learn how To do it outside excesses eating usually Occurs due to anxiety or boredom Sometimes if the dog does not feel like They have enough to eat they may develop Pica a syndrome whereby they ingest Objects not suitable for consumption Such as paper dirt or metal a toddler Does not get to walk might exhibit Aggression or irritability this can lead To bad experiences and serious Situations if the dog shows aggression Toward people or other animals Especially regarding food or other Resources insecurity can also lead to

Problems due to territoriality since the Dog does not have experience of Different stimuli they may become scared And see every unknown element as a Threat and it’s also natural this Security leads to the feeling they need To protect what they consider their Property against strangers we hope Potential dog Guardians take this into Account when thinking of adopting a dog As their welfare should be the priority If you enjoyed the video give us a like And share your thoughts in the comments We’ll see you next time [Music] You [Music]

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