Why Get a DOG? – Top 10 Reasons

Why do you think people adopt dogs? ๐Ÿงก Here at AnimalWised we show you the top 10 reasons why you should get a dog. We show you why having a dog in the family can make you happier, healthier and smarter. Everyone has their own specific reasons why they adopt a dog into the family. Our reasons to get a dog will either help you decide for yourself if it is something you want to do in your life or you can even compare your own initial reasons for bringing such a lovable energy into your home. ๐Ÿถ Once you read our reasons to ge a dog, are there any you would like to add? Have the reasons you have a dog now changed over time? Let us know by commenting below. If you want to read some more background information go to โžก๏ธ

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[Music] Why is it the dogs are so special is it Their unconditional love their tireless Desire to play in this new animal wives Video we prepared the top 10 reasons why So many people choose to spend their Lives with a dog by their side if you’re Thinking of adopting yourself then we Might be able to help you make a firm Decision [Music] They are cute the biophilia hypothesis By Keller and Wilson suggests human Beings need to relate to other living Things Due to our highly social behavior the Result is that dogs appealed to our Innate motivations the reason we find Puppies so irresistible They teach us new things having a dog Carries certain responsibilities such as Providing hygiene routines and teaching Basic orders dogs also teach us little By little we learn how to relate to Others why it is so important to be Consistent and how using positive Reinforcement can help us navigate our World better dogs keep our heart healthy Dogs need an average of two to four Walks a day with very active dogs we Need to combine these with heavier Exercise and activity this translates to More physical activity for us and Therefore a healthier heart they help us

Sleep better in winter do you know the Expression Three Dog Night in various Cultures a sleeping dog help people stay Warm in cold climates so a Three Dog Night Was a particularly freezing one Requiring the reassuring warmth of a Canine pal to keep warm Dogs make us happy relating to and Interacting with animals provides Endless benefits to our well-being even Precipitating endorphin release this is Particularly good at reducing stress and Anxiety levels They help us to be more sociable dolts Are very outgoing Especially on walks their willingness to Interact with other dogs and people can In turn help us to be more sociable and Engaged dogs improve our health people With dogs often get sick less and when They do it is less serious this is Because dogs expose us to certain germs And bacteria which help bolster our Immune system in low concentrations Additionally several studies have shown Us that children here have dogs Experience less allergies in their adult Life they improve quality of life for People with autism more and more Psychologists are seeing the benefits of A dog with a stable cam and positive Temperament that can provide a person With autism

Thanks to their simple and predictable Communication dogs encourage positive Social interaction decrease anxiety and Prove self-esteem and provide healthy Physical contact they are the best Friend you can have alo each dog has Their own character they often follow us Everywhere we go they make us feel like The most special person in the world It’s not a coincidence so many people Refer to dogs as man’s best friend a Dog’s love is infinite a well raised dog Which is treated with respect and Affection which has a solid bond with a Guardian and wider family is a dog who Will always love this love is sincere Unconditional and eternal what reasons To get a dog would you like to add let Us know by adding them in the comments Below like if you enjoyed the video and Subscribe for more to come we’ll see you Next time [Music] You

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