10 ASIAN DOG BREEDS 🐢🌏 Do You Know Them All?

🌏 πŸ• Do you know the breeds of dogs that come from Asia? In this AnimalWised video we are going to know the origin of 10 breeds of dogs from the Asian continent. Some appeared more than 2,000 years ago. Do not miss it!


CHOW CHOW DOG – The Little Lion Breed πŸ‘‰
PEKINGESE DOG 🐢 The Longhaired Royal Dog Breed πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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[Music] Can you name any breeds of dog which Originate in asia Animalwise helps you know by sharing Some canine history from the asian Continent And providing some specifics about their [Music] Beginnings Akita inu also known as the japanese Akita Their name derives from the region of Japan their ancestors were smaller dogs Used in hunting Unfortunately a growing interest in dog Fighting led to the original dog to be Crossed with larger canines This is how the akita anu was born Fortunately Dog fighting was later banned but this Breed continued to spread across the World as a prized companion animal Sharpay the origin of this breed resides Within china and is believed to have Arisen from a cross between a mastiff And a chai chai Years ago the sharpay served as a Hunting and guard dog Unfortunately they were also used as Food in poor regions of china Although great work has been made to ban This practice This breed managed to survive in part Thanks to the fact they were exported to

Other parts of the world where continued Breeding took place Choi chai there are many hypotheses About the origins of the chai chai A dog known for their blue tongue However they are believed to have Appeared in northern china More than 2 000 years ago back then they Served mainly as guard and hunting dogs As with many asian breeds their Popularity has grown outside the Continent Discover the characteristics character And care that the charger needs In the video that we share here Tibetan mastiff also of asian origin the Tibetan mastiff is one of the oldest dog Breeds in the world As the name indicates they first Appeared in tibet Thanks to a strong and powerful Appearance they serve humans in various Ways Including the surveillance and Protection of tibetan buddhist Monasteries [Music] Pug the pug is one of the most cheerful And playful asian dog breeds Their origin is somewhat uncertain Although we know it lies somewhere in China We are unsure if this breeds ancestors However

They are believed to be associated with The peaky knees they are a common Brachiocephalic dog Although the origin of this breed is Known to be asia it is contested whether They come from china or japan However it is today considered a Japanese dog and has been common in this Country for centuries They share many physical characteristics With the akita inu something which can Lead to the breeds often being confused Pekingese as with many asian and Non-asian dog breeds the history of the Pekingese is somewhat uncertain We do know they came from china where They are believed to have been a Companion animal for royalty Due to their flat face they are also Considered a brachiocephalic dog Similar to the pug or shih tzu here we Share a video in which we explain Everything you need to know about Picking these don’t miss it There have always been doubts over Whether the shih tzu originates in tibet Or china What we do know for sure is that this Breed comes from somewhere in asia and Shares many characteristics with the Peaky knees The shih tzu can be slightly taller but The most noticeable difference is the Very long hair of the shih tzu which is

Finer smoother and can hang down Over the face Chinese crested dog because this breed Was first seen on the american african And asian continents there have always Been doubts about its true origin However the balance leans more to Chinese origin serving at that time as a Ratter Later they spread to other parts of the World including europe Lassa abso we finish this video of asian Dogs with elissa apso another of the Oldest dog breeds data indicates they First appeared in tibet where they Like the tibetan mastiff were used as Sentinels for monasteries Which is your favorite dog breed from Asia tell us in the comments And we’ll see you next time [Music] You

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