10 Dog BODY LANGUAGE Signs Your DOG is HAPPY ๐Ÿถโœ…

โค๏ธ๐Ÿ• Do you want to know if your dog is happy? In addition to wagging their tails, canines have other ways of transmitting their emotions. Boday language is one of the most important. In this AnimalWised video we show you 10 body language signs your dog is happy. Find out how dogs show happiness!


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[Music] We all want maximum happiness for our Dog But how can we know if they’re happy While many of us simply think a wagging Tail means happiness in dogs Our canine companions have many Different ways of conveying their Emotions One of the most important being body Language this is why animal wise Provides the 10 key body language sounds Which show your dog is happy [Music] Invitation to play rarely can one be Assured dog is happy As when we see them play the inviting Pose is when the dog raises the back of Their body While lowering the front and gazing at Another dog or their guardian They make small quick movements until The other starts to play too Launching themselves to run or to chase A ball [Music] They lean on you has your dog ever lent On you This is a clear indication that they Love you and like to be by your side In other words your dog is happy to be With you [Music] Rolling on grass another posture of

Almost absolute happiness Is when the dog lies on their back on Grass or sand and begins to roll in Ecstasy This helps to cool off in hot weather And attracts the attention of their Tutor [Music] Your dog lies on their side this is a Classic sign that shows the dog is Comfortable and happy Also did you know that the postures your Dog takes when sleeping Can reveal a lot about their mood Here we share another video about the Positions of a dog when sleeping And their meanings [Music] Excitement to go out for a walk if you Live with a dog you will know that they Cannot contain their excitement when They realize they are about to go on a Walk There is no doubt they are happy and are Practically anxious to get outdoors Lying face up when a dog sleeps in this Position It means they are very comfortable with Their surroundings therefore they rest Nonchalantly exposing their most Vulnerable parts Without a doubt they only show this Position when their state of well-being And tranquility is excellent

Your dog smiles many dog lovers may Never have met a dog that smiles Those that have can recognize this Expression when they see their eyes are Wide open and round Their ears are erect not tilted forward Or backward and their mouth is slightly Open without showing Teeth this facial expression is usually Accompanied by a nervous movement of the Tail And a relaxed body posture [Music] They lie down with you another posture Of a happy dog is when they lie down Next to their guardian Usually in a prune position with their Head on their front legs Observing what is happening around them They can also lie down and lick the Hands or face of their guardian As a sign of affection and happiness Stops in the middle of play when your Dog is running around with some other Dog and chasing each other At one point they may stop and stare at Nothing panting with a mixture of Excitement exhaustion and joy This behavior is a sign they’re going Through one of the most enjoyable Experiences in a canine’s life Hiding during play another sign seen During play activities is a dog running Away to hide or take refuge for a moment

They are not hiding out of fear or Boredom they are waiting for their play Partner to come by So they can run out and launch Themselves back into play with even more Gusto The two dogs may take turns but you also See them do it with us If you want to continue learning about Canine language don’t miss the video we Share here Tell us about how your dog likes to Express their joy in the comments And we’ll see you next time for more You

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