10 SIGNS of a SICK RABBIT πŸ°πŸ€’ Symptoms Your Rabbit Is Sick

🐰 Do you think your rabbit is sick? In this AnimalWised video, we explain 10 signs of a sick rabbit. Discover how to know if your rabbit is sick from these symptoms that may indicate they are suffering from some ailment or pathology. Pay attention to these signs and take them to the vet immediately if you see any of them!


Feeding Rabbits 🐰 Best Diet for Baby, Adult & Elderly Bunnies πŸ‘‰
My RABBIT Is BREATHING But Not MOVING🐰 What’s Wrong? πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰


At animalwised we want you to provide The best possible care for your rabbit Awareness of the signs which indicate Sickness are a vital element of this Care so we show you 10 of the most Common signs that a rabbit is sick How to know if a rabbit is sick At the moment a rabbit presents any Disease the guardian will likely know Immediately they are a sensitive animal And even small issues can affect their Entire routine On occasions when the animal is already Showing marked signs and symptoms it Means the disease could be very advanced Here are some of the signs and symptoms Of a sick rabbit Loss of appetite when a rabbit loses Interest in food we should be concerned It may be temporary but if this Condition is still present after a Couple of days the prognosis is negative It is usually associated with digestive System problems but any pathology can Generate a level of stress in the rabbit Capable of making them lose their Appetite diarrhea this can appear for a Variety of reasons generally bacterial Or parasitic it is associated with Digestive pathologies and if the cause Is not diagnosed in time it can be fatal Weight loss this condition is quite Dangerous in rabbits and can be Associated with almost any pathology the

Guardian must be vigilant that their Bunny is always eating correctly and Maintains a healthy weight Difficulty eating unlike inhabitants This sign means the animal looks for Food but has evident difficulty chewing Or swallowing This sign is often associated with Problems in the oral cavity a common Issue being abnormal growth of their Teeth find out everything about feeding Rabbits in the info video we share on The card above Irritated or red eyes Rabbits that don’t receive proper Handling from their caretaker or those That have significant issues in their Environmental conditions can develop eye Diseases such as conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis is frequent in poorly Managed rabbits and red eyes are a Characteristic sign of this disease Ataxia this refers to the decreased Ability to control movement it’s Associated with nervous problems Although it is also relatively frequent In vestibular syndrome and internal Otitis Abnormal head tilt it is a clear sign of A titus or vestibular syndrome tilting Their head usually points to this Diagnosis Hair loss Skin pathologies are also common in

Rabbits that receive poor handling Alopecia is a clear sign that something Is wrong and veterinary attention should Be sought as soon as possible Coughs and sneezes In rabbits respiratory diseases are also Usually disastrous and they require Speedy treatment any respiratory signs Require urgent veterinary attention in The next info video we share one of the Most worrying rabbit symptoms Specifically breathing but not moving Other signs All the pathologies that afflict rabbits Can cause a variety of signs and Symptoms some of which can be Symptomatic of different conditions the Person in charge of making the Definitive diagnosis is a veterinarian At animal wise we see regular visits to The vet as a vital element of basic care Remember that preventive medicine will Give your best friend a better quality Of life If you want to learn more about caring For rabbits don’t miss the playlist we Share here Let us know how you take care of your Rabbit by sharing in the comments and We’ll see you next time [Music]

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