10 Things You’ll Need For Your New Puppy

Getting a new puppy is an exciting experience. It can also be difficult knowing exactly what you’ll need to get before your new puppy comes home! This puppy owner’s guide will tell you about the 10 things you’ll need to get for your new puppy to make sure the experience is less stressful. It is also important to have the right things to help the experience less stressful for your new puppy!

Tuna Treats Video: https://youtu.be/5rVgHLnt4W0

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00:00 Start
0:54 What You Need To Know About A Puppy Collar
2:00 What You Need To Know About Puppy House/Long Lines
3:34 What You Need To Know About A Puppy Leash
4:28 What You Need To Know About Puppy Toys
9:35 What You Need To Know About Puppy Treats
11:25 What You Need To Know About A Puppy Bed
12:50 What You Need To Know About A Puppy Crate
14:18 What You Need To Know About Puppy Bowls
16:23 What You Need To Know About Puppy Food
17:04 What You Need To Know About Puppy Training

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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

There’s this stuff, or
what about this stuff? What about this stuff or this stuff? Or what are you going to
need for your new puppy? Now, If you’re looking forward to this, Then this video is perfect for you. We’re going to talk about the 10 things
you’ll need before you bring your puppy Home. So, Kayl and I have gone shopping today and
I brought a camera and a studio light. I mean, who does that, But it’s to bring you guys along and show
you exactly what you’re going to need. I’m Ken Steepe, I’m Kayl McCann,
welcome back to McCann Dogs, Bringing a new puppy home
can be really overwhelming. So it’s important to have
all the right things, To make sure that that transition of
bringing that new puppy into your house is Really smooth. There’s going to be certain items
that are going to make life easier. There’s also going to be certain
items that are going to be helpful in Entertaining the puppy. There’s going to be certain items that
are helpful for tiring the puppy out and For training. And we’re going to make sure we set you
up with all the right stuff to make sure You are set. One of the first things we want you to
think about is some type of collar for Your puppy. Now we have a
couple of recommendations. And one of the things that
we would suggest that you
go for is a buckle type of Attachment, rather than a snap. We have found these to be a little bit
safer because they’re less likely to Break apart or suddenly become undone. I would recommend something that you
can get that adjusts with your puppy Though, so that as they get bigger, You can make sure that
that collar is fit well. Just to remind you about the fit, when
you do have it around the puppy snack, You want it snug enough that you can just
fit two fingers between their neck and The collar and because your puppy
is going to grow like a weed,

You’re going to want to put your hands
in that collar and check it every single Day to make sure that it’s well fit. But then it’s also
comfortable at the same time. Now at type of collar that we want you
to avoid is anything like this that has Any type of chain or you
know, choking hazard. We don’t really want to be using these
types of things with our baby puppies. This is also really dangerous. If your pop used to get this caught on
something that would obviously be unsafe. So it’s really important that you have
a well fit collar and you stick to Something that’s nice and flat around
their neck to ensure you have great Control, but you’re also
keeping your puppy safe. Next, We’re going to talk about leashes. And this is actually a really important
one because there’s a couple different Types of leashes that we suggest that
you get first things versus what I might Puppy is inside the house. I’m going to have some type of house
line or leash attached to them all of the Time, every moment they’re
out of their creating, I’m going to have something attached, But they need to make sure that I have
something that’s relatively inexpensive That you know, can get
beat up a little bit. And I would choose something like this, Just maybe like a long nylon
or rope type leash with a well Designed clip at the end, something
like this, like the handle. I would actually cut this
right off of my leash, So that as my dogs pulling
it around the house, It’s less likely to get caught on things. This is gonna allow me to have a lot of
brake control and we have lots of videos That talks specifically about how to
use these house lines to ensure that you Have great control. So
this is definitely a must. The other thing that I would suggest
you have is something like this. This is a really long line. This is something that I would use for
outside when I’m having potty breaks or Play time outside. I would never have
my puppy completely off leash. Again, We don’t have control yet.

We have to do over all of our training
and I want to make sure that my puppies, So something like this, this is My meters 30 feet along my, my meter
math there. Wasn’t so good, 30 feet long. And I’m, again, I wouldn’t
bring this insight. It’s probably going to get
dirty and gunky outside, But you can transfer them between your
house line and your long line all day Long as you go in and outside. The last thing that I was thinking about
is some type of nice leash for your Training. And then eventually when
you’re ready and working on some walking. So we really like leather leashes. We find it’s a lot nicer to
hold in our hands, six feet. It’s a good length to go forward. Because it it’s really helpful
for a lot of the trainings we do. But I want to advise you
that something I’m like, This is not something that I would let
the dog wear all of the time in the House. They could probably lie down into this
pretty easily and you don’t want to be Buying them over and over again yet. The thing that we’re going to give you
a suggestion about is we don’t actually Suggest that you do a lot
of things walking with your
puppy. When they’re young, We really believe that it’s
important to teach them how to walk, How to actually do the behavior first,
before we expose them to, you know, People passing by and trucks driving by. And some of those scarier things that
maybe are a little bit overwhelming to a Puppy who has had not a lot of
experience or very little training. So this is something that you’re
going to use pretty infrequently. Your dog is quite young. This and this
are going to get a whole lot of love. Now, one of the reasons why Ken and I
came in here today is we’re actually going Camping this weekend. And we actually
like to go paddle boarding with the dog. So I wanted to get some type of water
toy that we could retrieve in the water. And this one looks pretty good. I think it’s gonna last a long time and
they’ll be able to see it in the water, Which will be awesome. But I actually wanted to draw your
attention to this particular aisle.

This is a very confusing aisle, And it’s also a very appealing aisle
because there are toys everywhere, But what’s really cool about this is that
we actually have two different styles Of toys. And this is exactly what we
wanted to talk to you about over here. We have a whole bunch of fun together.
Squeaky toys, all kinds of fun things. This side of the aisle is what we
would deem as interactive toys. So these types of toys are things that
we would definitely have for our puppies, But we wouldn’t give our dogs free
range to play with them all of the time. If my dog was to lie down and
start chewing on this rope, They could very easily start to ingest
these strings and they could probably Hurt her themselves
often when they get toys, This fuzz lasts about 15 seconds
and it would be demolished. So these are things that I would play
with with my puppy. I would play retrieve. I would play tug. I definitely
get something like this. And I’m going to tell you a little secret. I will tell you the
type of toy I would get. I would probably get something like this
or this it’s a little bit softer and Smaller. I like little I like
the toy to be really cool, Easy for the puppy to grab onto because
it really ignites their play drive. I actually would never buy something
like this for my puppy. It’s too hard. It’s not appealing to chew. I want something that’s soft
that I can really engage in play. So something like this would probably
be better or even softer than that. And then over here on this aisle,
this is a really important aisle. And you need to make sure
you spend a lot of time here. These are what we call chew toys. So these are the types of toys and bones
and stuff that I would leave out for my Puppy or having their
crate all of the time. My dogs even into adulthood have
access to these types of bones all The time in their crate. When they’re out, We actually have a basket in our living
room that all the bones and those types Of things live. So the dogs can grab them whenever
they want to come a little closer here, Something like this is a really
common thing that people will get.

It’s got a couple different types of
bones. This is okay if you have a really, Really baby puppy, but as
your dog starts to get older, There’s a couple of things wrong
with this. Number one, they’re very, Very small in size, which means they
could probably ingest them really easily. This one, and this one
are this one’s edible. So it will be gone in about five minutes. And this one is gummy and big
chunks can come off that one. So this is actually not something
that Ken and I would really advise. I would toss these two and I
would give my puppy this one only, This is a crowd favorite of our dogs. I usually get bigger
sizes than what we need, So the puppies can hold on to them. And
am I correct to them without any issue? This one’s flavored,
which is actually great. And we really liked this product Nylabone
because it lasts a really long time. But there’s lots of
great options out here. What’s really important is that when
you allow your dogs to chew on bones, Initially you need to, To watch your puppy really closely to
ensure that they’re not taking big chunks Off and it’s not going
to be dangerous to them. We choose these styles of bones because
as they chew only tiny little pieces, Come off, That if the dogs ingest it to complete
non-issue I will be honest though, That many faculties, If you just take this out of the
package and pass it to your puppy, They’re like, Oh, that’s kind of boring. So you can make these more
appealing by the flavored ones. You can put holes in it
and add peanut butter. Our favorite thing to do is to give it
to an older dog and let them chew it for A few weeks and then give it to the puppy. That’s always more fun when
an adult dogs had at first, But something like this is much
safer to have for your puppy. The other item we really like is a Kong, Which I will show you it’s in a different
aisle, but again, these are two toys. They can have access to these types of
things provided that they’re the right

Selection for your puppy. Over here
are more interactive toys. Get them, Play with them, but then put them away. So your puppy can’t have access to
them unless you supervising, Hey, Let’s talk Kong’s. These are really
important things to have for puppies. It is one of the best pacifiers that
you can get for puppy to keep yourself a Little sane. This was a
greatly great item to use. When you’re introducing
your crate to your puppy, You can put all kinds of delicious things
in here. Peanut butter, you name it. It’s really, really good. I want to
teach you a little bit about it though. The cons that are like the
baby blue and the pink collar, These are designed for
puppies, but smaller puppies
that aren’t really heavy to. Whereas these are a much
lighter type of rubber. And if you give this to an adult dog or
a powerful chewer, they will wreck it. So be careful about the lighter pink and
the lighter blue collars you’re going To want to go for red or a black calm.
They come in a bunch of different sizes. Come on. How adorable is that?
That is the cutest. Oh my God. There’s an even cuter one. Get out that is the cutest Kong
on the planet. That is adorable. I’ve never seen that before. Anyways,
red, black red is your average one. It usually is pretty good. We have
red ones that are with our dogs. We don’t have much of a problem.
We do have a black lab though, Who is a very powerful tour. So we have
a big black Kong for hers. And again, They have a little hole in them. You can
pack them full of all kinds of goodies, Super great way to pacify
them in their crate. Or if you just want them to
lay on a dog bed beside you, We definitely would get one of these
before bringing the puppy home. And it was some, it would be something
that we would introduce right away. Whoa. Now here’s an interesting flavor poutine. Now this row is pretty appealing to Ken
peanut butter crunch, peanut butter, Banana and poutine are like the three
favorite things in the entire world. Not dog cookies, food,
human food. That’s for sure. But I want to just draw
your attention to it. A couple of different types
of treats out there now. Yeah.

These have really cool flavors for sure. But these actually aren’t
really ideal for training. So we actually have a couple
of different types of treats. We have treats that we would use for
like going in their crate at night or Coming in from, you know,
going outside to potty. We would use maybe more
crunchier treats like this, But I wouldn’t train my puppy with
this. The cookies are too big. They’re too hard to break apart
too hard for the dog to chew. You’re going to want to use
something as a little easier, And I’ll show you that in a second
stuff like this is great just to have a Little containers around the house
so that you can randomly reward, But try not to use things like this for
actually teaching your dog brand new Things, tricks and obedience
skills. So for training treats, You’re going to want to use something
that is really small in size so that you Can cut small in size. So that they’re about the size
of a raisin or half a reason. If you have a really small dog
and it needs to be semi moist, Easy for your puppy to chew. It’s also a really good idea to get a
bunch of different flavors because you Have to figure out what your puppy
loves, what they find high value, What maybe they’re so, So about so that you can utilize
that in your training sessions. Now I have a couple of
favorites that I use. I really like these types of treats
here. They’re super, super moist. They tear into little pieces and I would
tear them up before training so that I Was prepared to go. So
this is a crowd favorite. These treats here are my youngest dog.
Beelines absolute favorite treats. And it’s nice cause there’s not
a lot of extra ingredients in it. So it’s fairly healthy. You also could
go with the making your own treat option. We have a really good recipe that we share
with our students called tuna treats. And I don’t think I’ve ever met
a dog that does not like it. So we’ll make sure we share
that link with you. For sure. Let’s talk about dog beds. Now. It’s definitely something that you’re
going to want to get for your puppy,

But we’re going to give you a couple of
tips about bedding that you should get, And then you shouldn’t get at the
same time. Now, first things first, We actually don’t put
bedding in our puppies crate. When we first bring them
home for a couple of reasons, We find a lot of the times it can lead
to a couple house training issues where The puppies can go to the washroom on
the bedding and then push it off to the Side and they learn to have
accidents in their crate. So we would take the
bedding out for that reason. The second thing you need be careful of
is some puppies will actually chew in Ingest their betting. Something like
this could be potentially dangerous, Super comfy, super
soft, adorable. However, Puppies would have a total heyday
ripping this apart. So this is awesome. You know, Ken and I actually have
these exact beds for our dogs, But they’re adults. They’re chewing
phases over what I would recommend you do. So is get some type of bed that you can
start to do your dog to lie down and Relax on outside of their
crate. So as they get older, You can sort of wean off of the crate
in some circumstances and teach your dog To lay calmly with you and your
family watches TV, or, you know, You’re eating dinner. Something like this would be really
good or even this would be even better Because it’s a nice, heavy, durable bed.
Oh my gosh, it’s super heavy actually. But this would be awesome
because you can put it down. You can train your dog
to go on and lie down, And it’s a great way to teach your dog
to be calm and you can start this type of Stuff right from the first
day that you bring them home, Just using a bit of treats. Now you’re definitely going to
want to get a crate for your dog. And there’s a couple of things, again, That you need to know about crate
training. Number one is the size. You need to make sure that you get a
size that’s appropriate for your puppy to Be able to stand up, lie down, turn
around and lay down with their legs, Stretched out easily and comfortably, But you actually don’t want it much
bigger than that because if puppies have a Space that’s too big, we do find
they’re more prone to having accidents.

Think about getting a
crate that’s well sized. If you want to end up only buying one
by the crate that you’re going to need When your puppy’s full grown,
and then you can, you know, Buy a partition or get one that has a
barricade in it that can grow with your Puppy. As they get bigger. I personally like to buy a couple of
different types of crates and one of my Favorite it’s something like
this, a little plastic crate. And this is great because it sort of
has a nice den feeling to the puppy. And it’s got a little carrier
thing on the top so we can move It from our bedroom to the downstairs,
in and out of the car pretty easily. And I have enough dog friends
that I usually can just, We just swap crates around, Making sure we always have
the proper size for our puppy, But then you want to work your way up
to getting something that’s, you know, Properly sized that you
can use for a long time. It really doesn’t matter whether you use
a plastic crate or a wire crate what’s Most important is the size
of it. And the quality of it. You may find that your dog has preference
of one over the other candidate. I find our dogs seem to like the
plastic shell crates a little bit more. I think it’s a closed in more den-like
feeling, but it’s really up to you. The next thing we’re going to talk about
is a food and water dish. And this one, You can definitely be a
little bit more creative, But it will give you a couple of tips
that we’ve learned. And over the years, In terms of what types of bowls to
use that make life a little bit more Convenient. Definitely at least something like this
that has like a nonslip thing on the Bottom is helpful. If you’re going
to be feeding them, you know, In the kitchen or something
like that. However, Something that we really urge you to
do is get used to feeding your puppy, Their meals in their crate. And I would
say for the first year of our puppies, We feed almost all of the meals unless
we’re hand feeding and training in our Puppies, crate. And what starts to
happen is a few weeks of practicing this. You’ll start to put the food in the
bowl and the puppies will actually start Racing to their crate without being
asked because they have such a positive

Association. So that’s where I would suggest that
you do the feeding in your crate. When it comes to water, You probably should have access to water
all of the times to make sure you do Get some type of water bowl that
that you can put out for your dog, That they can have access to all the time. I am going to show you a really important
thing that we always get for puppies Though, that make things really exciting.
And it’s in a special aisle this way, You can actually get dishes that all
on attached to your puppy’s crate door, That your puppy can’t use as a little
swimming pool inside their crates. So my dogs always get these.
I like things like this. It’s called the coop-cup and it actually
sits on the window or of the door of Your crate. And my puppies have outsmarted
me. So I actually will zip tie this. I sound like a crazy person right now. I zip tie this to the doors
so they can’t get it out. Something like this is really good too, Because you can actually
screw it to the door. And then you can just pull
this the bowl in and out. I’ll feed my dog in these as well. And then I’ll put water in there when
they’re how’s training in their crate Training has come along a little bit more. And that way they do have access
to their water all of the time. And then as they’re adults, we always
make sure they have access to water, Fresh water all of the time. But
we typically use these coop cups. I also like it too, Because it gives them more area
to sleep in the crate as well. So something like this
as a super handy trick, Especially if you have a water loving
dog. Now, when you bring your puppy home, It’s likely that your breeder is going
to send you with some type of food that They’ve been eating up until the
point that you bringing him home. You’re going to have to decide whether
you want to continue with that brand of Food or whether you want to
switch to something else. But it is important that if you are
going to switch that you do it very Gradually and a good tip is to take their
old food and take their new food and

Mix it one to ones.
You have half old food, Half new food and feed them
that for about a week or so. And then start to lower the amount of old
food that you give until their bellies Are more comfortable with ever
whatever new brand that you’re using. It is a really good idea to
do that switch very gradually. So you don’t have puppies
that have have upset stomachs, Or maybe are a little bit not interested
in the new food that you’re going to Try. And then the last thing that you’re going
to need for your puppy is some type of Training plan because training can
start the moment you bring them home. Now we have an awesome video, all
about a puppy training schedule by age, And you can see that by
clicking this card right here. Now you want to train with
us, check out the link below. We have a great program
called Puppy Essentials, Where you can actually get daily
support from the McCann instructors. We want to wish you the best of
luck with your brand new puppy. And on that note, I’m
Kayl, happy training.

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