πŸ• Many sources claim there are various home remedies which will eliminate or repel fleas altogether. AnimalWised looks at 6 HOME REMEDIES for KILLING FLEAS on DOGS and see if they work. If your dog has fleas, it is best to speak to your veterinarian and use dog-specific shampoos.


8 SMELLS DOGS HATE 🐢❌ (Some You May Not Know!) πŸ‘‰

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There are many bold claims about home Remedy flea treatments for dogs but do They work animal wise finds out [Music] Citrus please generally don't like Citrus smell it's for this reason some People use it as an insect repellent There's a compound found in Citrus known As limonene a compound which is often Extracted in essential oils it's used in Products like citronella to repel bugs Such as mosquitoes some have tried using Citrus infusions to act as an Insecticide alert may work as a Repellent in some cases limonene is not An effective insecticide the Concentrations it would require to act As an effective flea repellent would be Both irritating and toxic to the dog and It wouldn't be useful in killing a flea Infestation discover the most common Smells a dog hits in the videos we share Above Vinegar although we find it appetizing For food vinegar has a strong smell Which can be unpleasant in large Quantities for this reason it's often Used as a home remedy repellent for Various bugs some people will use it When bathing their dog as a way to kill Fleas adding it to shampoo or sometimes Even using it alone in dilution a couple Of times a week some sources suggest Using vinegar as a flea repellent this

Is done by mixing a half cup of water With a half cup of apple cider vinegar And adding it to a spray bottle to spray Both the dog and the home as with Citrus Products vinegar is not a good Insecticide especially when used in Diluted quantities if you spray it on Your dog it likely won't repel fleas but It can be unpleasant for the dog's acute Sense of smell if you spray it on your Home you can also cause your carpets Upholsteries and other Fabrics to smell The vinegar also won't add anything when Used as a shampoo we need to use Appropriate dog shampoo which can wash Out fleas especially if it's medicated Yeast broyer's yeast is also claimed to Be an effective homemade flea killer It's said to be effective when ingested By the dog or rubbing on their skin There can be some health benefits when Ingested as it is high in protein but it Also has some gastrointestinal risks Especially in gas formation scientific Studies on its efficacy as a flea Repellent are shown to be inconclusive At best but mostly ineffective Is this video useful to you remember you Can help the channel continue to grow With a super thanks Rosemary or lavender flea collars and Other products use odors to keep fleas From jumping onto your dog's coat many People don't like this because the

Insecticide can have an odor which is Unpleasant to them so they choose Essential oils such as Rosemary or Lavender these oils are not only Ineffective but they can agitate the dog Due to their strong sense of smell Essential oils would need to be of such Concentrations to repel fleas they can Also irritate the skin of dogs even at High concentrations there's little Evidence to prove their efficacy in Addition most current flea collars are Designed to be well accepted by the dog Chamomile chamomile infusions are used As a Panacea for many home remedies but There's little to no evidence of an Infusion eliminating fleas on dogs and Some evidence to show it can cause Digestive problems and strong enough Concentrations Eucalyptus while there are some reports Suggesting eucalyptus may have some Antiseptic or even antibiotic effects The majority are either inconclusive or See little of such efficacy it's Ineffective at keeping fleas away Especially as its essential oils can Pose risks to a dog if your dog has Fleas bathing them with a dog shampoo And deworming them after speaking to Your vet is the best course of action if You want to continue learning about Health problems in dogs and how to treat Them don't miss the playlist We Share

Here let us know if your dog has ever Had a flea problem and we'll see you Next time [Music]

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