10 FUN FACTS About FLAMINGOS That May Surprise You 🦩😯

Did you know flamingos eat upside down? Do you want to know why their feathers are pink? Our AnimalWised video provides 10 FACTS About FLAMGOS That May Surprise You. In addition to answering these questions, our fun flamingo facts provide information on how they feed, fly and much more.



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If you want to know why flamingos are Pink or how they can eat upside down Animal wise provides answers to these Questions and more with today's fun Flamingo facts video [Music] There are different species We may think of flamingos as being only One bird species but there are actually Different types with their own Characteristics all Flamingo species Belong to the family phenocopteridi Within which we can find three Officially recognized Genera the six Loom species are the greater Flamingo Lesser Flamingo American Flamingo Chilean Flamingo and Dean Flamingo and The James's Flamingo they have a wide Geographic range the natural habitat of Greater flamingos extends to regions in Africa Europe and Asia being present in The Middle East Iran turkey Dubai Afghanistan West Africa Ethiopia Italy Greece France Germany and Spain among Other countries Lesser flamingos can be found in Ethiopia Kenya Tanzania and some areas Of Asia American or Caribbean flamingos Are widespread from the Southern United States to Ecuador This leaves us the Chilean and Dean and James's flamingos which are found in the Site Southeast and some Inland areas of The neo-tropical region they need water

To feed themselves The mangoes belong to a group of animals Known as filter feeders with their long Legs they stand in Shallow Waters and Use their feet to stir up the soil Underneath they then scoop up some of The water in their beak using their Tongue as a kind of pump to filter it Through structures in their minds they Can expel the water retain food but then Get rid of the waste their diet is Varied and depends on the environment But plan include mollusks annelids Larvae small fish or algae they eat Upside down the shape of their curved Tip Bill sloops downward this allows These birds to submerge their head and Drink the water with the bottom of their Beak in doing so they cut the water to Carry out their filtration process Although they are kept upside down they Can freely move their upper jaw which Helps with feeding their color varies According to the species in general Flamingos have a pink coloration that Can vary between species for example Greater flamingos tend to have a lighter Shade of feathers but the tips of the Wings become darker and brighter American flamingos often have bright Pink and red huge throughout their Plumage Chilean flamingos have the Greatest diversity of colors since they Have combinations that include black red

And shades of pink The color depends on the food the pink Hue of flamingos is not a product of Their genetic Constitution but depends On their diet specifically their Consumption of small Crustaceans when The Bird eats Crustaceans it metabolizes The carotenoids presence in these Animals which enter the skin giving the Tone to their feathers they carry out a Complex procession to reproduce It's Usually the larger males who initiate Courtship by alerting the rest of the Group with certain specific movements Certain head movements Wing displays and Even walking in a particular way alert Females about a desire to copulate as Well as making distinct vocalizations Size and color usually play important Roles in mate selection They are excellent parents all types of Flamingos are characterized by being Very involved fathers and mothers in the Care of their offspring they incubate The eggs very carefully and then become Fully involved with their chicks Development if the couple manages to Establish a strong connection the Survival of The Offspring is guaranteed Both parents participate in the Construction of nests incubation and Subsequent care of the chicks Did you know that penguins are also Great parents find out more about the

Video we share on the card above they Produce milk okay it's not technically Milk but a milk-like substance that both Females and meals produce to feed their Young this secretion is produced from Specialized glands in their digestive Tract and is rich in fat protein and Other nutrients it is known as crop milk And is pink in color due to the Carotenoid content this is the reason Why young flamingos take on a similar Feather tone to their parents they are Long-lived animals flamingos have a high Life expectancy living in the wild Between 25 and 35 years in captivity They can reach as much as 40 years If you want to continue learning about Other wild animals don't miss the Playlist We Share here Flamingo facts surprise you the most let Us know by leaving a comment and we'll See you next time [Music] Monster High [Music]

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