7 SIGNS that your CAT TRUST YOU๐Ÿ˜ป

Do you want to know if your cat trusts you? In this video AnimalWised, we show you 7 daily feline behaviors that reveal that has the greatest affection and trust in you. Don’t miss out!


Why is my CAT walking between MY LEGS? ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ‘‰
Why Does My Cat KNEAD ME? ๐Ÿ˜ผ
How to earn the trust of a cat ๐Ÿฑ

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

Do you know if your cat trusts you in This animal wise video we show you the Seven common feline behaviors which Reveal that your kitten holds a lot of Trust and affection for you [Music] They want to be with you one of the most Common signs you can’t trust jeez Because they want to spend time with you What I can’t has confidence in you they Will invite you to play or sit next to You on the sofa for a comfortable nap Because they trust you’re there to take Care of you another great show of Confidence happens with a cat sleeps on Your chest feet or any part of your body They rub against you a cat’s body Produces and secretes pheromones which Mainly serve to mark territory or Possessions so when your cat rubs up Against you they are not only showing Love and trust they are claiming use Their property you want to know why your Cat rubs between your legs we leave you A video here and in the description Where we explain it in further detail They bring you food many people wonder Why cats bring them dead animals as a Gift it’s believed to be associated with The custom of teaching each other in Their own feline communities your cat is Trying to teach you how to survive in The world in turn showing you they Consider you part of a family and have

Gained their trust They show you their belly if your cat Rolls on the ground and exposes their Belly to you it means they’re in a state Of extreme relaxation and therefore they Trust you if your cat shows their belly To you only or sleeps in this position Next to you It shows they have particular confidence In trusting me however even if they Trust you The majority of cats don’t like having Their bellies touched as they can feel Very vulnerable to know whether you can Pet them there you need to get to know Their personality before continuing with Our video don’t forget to subscribe to Our channel to stay up to date with Everything we share about feline Behavior veterinary advice and much more And for more information visit our Website at www.911.gov havior when there Are kittens cats need their mothers to Stimulate milk production from the Breasts it is a natural and instinctive Behavior they share with their mother This contact also produces a feeling of Pleasure and well-being since they feel Welcome and safe with their mothers Therefore if your cat needs you it is a Clear sign they trust you and they feel Very comfortable in your presence do you Want to know more about this feline Behavior here above and in the

Description we leave you a video in Which we explain in detail why can’t Sneed raise and twist their Tim the Movements and positions of a cat’s tail Let us know how they feel about us and Their environment if your cat approaches You lifts their tail and slightly twist The tip it likely means they trust you This behavior can be observed in cat Groups which live in harmony and feel Comfortable in each other’s presence Purring cats can purr for different Reasons depending on their age and the Context in which they do so for example Kittens / both when they are enjoying Suckling from their mother but when they Are afraid of unknown stimuli their Mother also uses this same sound to can Them during labor and to guide them Through their first days of life Therefore adult cats will often purr in Positive situations such as when feeding Feeling relaxed or confident in the Company of a human finally if you think Your cat does not trust you yet here Above an in description we share a video In which we explain how to gain the Trust of a cat do you think your cat has Confidence in you tell us about it in The comments and don’t forget to hit the Like if you enjoyed the video we’ll see You next time [Music] You

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