๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ• If you want to adopt a Golden Retriever, watch this video first. AnimalWised will teach you why you should have a Golden Retriever and what are the main characteristics of one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. In addition to being a balanced and loving dog, the Golden Retriever will be a great companion for the little ones in the house. Learn about the pros and cons of having a Golden Retriever, to decide if they can adapt to your lifestyle and if you can cover all the care they require.


The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds in the World – Everything you need to know ๐Ÿ‘‰
What to Know About Golden Retrievers – Top 10 Facts ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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[Music] In this animal-wise video we’re going to Explain all the advantages of sharing Your lives with a golden retriever If you’re thinking of adopting a Purebred or mixed breed golden retriever Whether puppy Adult or senior dog we explain the Reasons it’s a good idea to do so [Music] Their character is balanced the best Proof of their balanced character Is in their work as assistance dogs and Therapy animals Obviously there can be exceptions but They are generally very well balanced in Character They are docile dogs which greatly Facilitates both their handling and Coexistence in the home They also tend to be very affectionate Remember these characteristics are Common to mix breed golden retrievers as Much as purebreds They are a very adaptable dog this means Golden retrievers can be happy in all Types of family They will be comfortable in a home with Children or with someone who lives alone They can be good for people with active Or sedentary lifestyles They can live in an apartment as long as All their basic needs are met However they will also be very happy in

A home with access to a patio Garden or similar area to play their Adaptability also helps them to Integrate into a new home when they are Adopted We can consider choosing an elderly Specimen with complete peace of mind Even if there are other animals at home Their coexistence usually develops Without any problem They have great intelligence in the 1990s the psychologist stanley curran Drew up a list ranking many canine Breeds from highest to lowest Intelligence It should be noted that he was referring To intelligence relative to the ability To learn commands and obedience The golden retriever is ranked number Four out of a total of 79 Their outstanding intelligence Facilitates their training But also implies the need to provide Them with good mental stimulation So they don’t get bored a board dog can Manifest behavioral problems Discover what are the other five most Intelligent dog breeds in the video that We share here They are the best companion for children One reason to have a golden retriever is The strong relationship they can have With the little ones in the home This means that no problem should arise

When other children visit the home Or when they encounter them during walks However minors must be educated to treat The dog with respect And care and monitor their interactions Just in case They have an advantageous size the last Of the advantages of having a golden Retriever that we will highlight is Their size They are large dogs but not so large as To make handling difficult for most Caregivers This allows us to live with them in Apartments or houses or have the Opportunity to accompany us On outings and trips if you want to know More features of the golden retriever Take a look at the video to see 10 facts About the breed [Music] Disadvantages of having a golden Retriever although the golden retriever Is one of the dogs that best adapt to Any situation Not everything is advantageous for all People before mentioning the Disadvantages we would like to clarify That the correct thing is to refer to Characteristics or traits that do not Coincide with our routines or lifestyle So before adopting a golden retriever It’s important to know other Characteristics

For example this breed tends to lose a Large amount of hair So we will have to spend time brushing Their coat to keep it healthy Remember that we have highlighted as an Advantage the fact they are affectionate Dogs But this means they also need attention This need for attention and affection From their humans can be a problem for Those who do not have much time In these cases we also recommend Reconsidering the idea of adopting a dog At all Since they all require time and love Finally we must also highlight that it Is a dog that also needs to receive Physical and mental stimulation Due to their great intelligence and a Predisposition to being overweight Remember that when you decide to adopt a Dog whether it is purebred or not It is essential to value everything in Order to offer them the best life Possible If you want to know the characteristics Of other breeds of dogs don’t miss the Playlist that we share here Tell us your own advantages of having a Golden retriever in the comments And we’ll see you next time

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