CAT VACCINATIONS 🐱 Types and How Often Are They Needed?

Cat vaccinations are an important part of maintaining your cat’s health and well-being, but there is also a lot of misinformation out there. Here we let you know what to expect the first time your cat or kitten is vaccinated.

You can also find out more on what to expect with your cat’s first visit to the vet here 🐱
And we provide even more information here 🐱

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Hello everyone and welcome to animal Wise in today’s video we’re going to Tell you everything you need to know About vaccinating cats when we adopt a Kitten we want to do our best to help Them live a healthy and happy life so Preventing disease is essential [Music] Why is it important to vaccinate a cat Following a vaccination schedule is the Best means for animals to obtain Immunity from viruses and bacteria Immunity is partly transmitted from the Mother to kittens through breastfeeding And the placenta but this immunity lasts Around 20 to 40 days after which the Kittens are once again at risk in order For maternal immunity to be effective It’s important that the mother has also Been properly vaccinated dewormed and Well fed after this first period of Immunity the veterinarian will determine When to vaccinate the kitten generally Around 7 to 8 weeks of life the kitten Will need to be dewormed before they’re Vaccinated when the kitten first arrives At the clinic a complete examination Will be carried out it will be useless To vaccinate an already sick cast as the Purpose of the vaccine is to stimulate Their immune defenses against the Possible disease but if these defenses Are already fighting another disease That may not work against those the

Vaccine is trying to combat such a Situation will be harmful to the animal But it won’t be effective either after This first checkup The vaccination can proceed with a small Injection a potentially stressful but Not painful procedure side-effects of Vaccination a fleeting 24 hour malaise Could occur meaning the day after the Vaccination the cat may feel a little Apathetic a little less active and lose Some appetite if you notice symptoms More severe than this you will need to Contact the veterinarian to determine Whether this is caused by the Vaccinations or there may be another Problem affecting them is it necessary To relax near the cat when we vaccinate A cat for the first time it is as if the Feline immune system has received the First part of the necessary information But not enough to be complete and had Lasting effects Therefore the kitten will need a second Dose generally after three to four weeks For the vaccine to be effective for the Following 12 months for this reason it’s Important to follow the vaccination Schedule recommended by veterinarians if For some reason we are unable to Vaccinate the kitten during this time we Will have to initiate the procedure all Over again How often do we need to revaccinated a

Cat it will depend on what the vet tells Us it is normally every 12 months or a Little longer depending on the vaccine Used and the geographic region in which We find herself Types of cat vaccines there are three Main types of vaccines for cats and once Again it will be the vets who will Decide which one to administer generally It will depend on the geographical area In which we live the respective laws and Habits of the animal here we talk about Feline combination feline leukemia and Feline rabies vaccines the feline Combination vaccine as its name Indicates the feline combination Vaccination includes vaccines for rhino Track itis herpes virus for calcium iris And for panleukopenia the latter is a Type of viral gastroenteritis which Causes stomach pain and diarrhea with a High mortality rate it is a viral Infectious disease and it’s very easily Transmitted in areas where there are Large concentrations of cats such as Shelters or colonies feline rhino choke Itis is almost always caused by the Feline herpes virus and or calcium iris The disease is transmitted among cats by Direct contact in case of herpes virus Replication occurs in the nasal tequila And conjunctival mucous membranes Symptoms include sneezing conjunctivitis Blepharospasm hypersalivation and

Coughing and finally kalsye virus Affects the respiratory tract of the cat Causing lesions in the oral cavity Giving rise to fever and moderate Depression accompanied by / appetite the Most serious infections of calcium virus Caused tongue blisters which evolved Into ulcerations of the oral cavity Nasal itching sneezing conjunctivitis And dyspnea causing high fever pneumonia Severe anorexia and death there is a High mortality rate in very young Subjects vaccine against feline leukemia Feline leukemia is a disease which is Fatal in the majority of cases it is a Form of cancer which is particularly Common to cats it is also a contagious Disease which affects the immune system Most obvious symptoms are progressive Weight loss appetite loss fever and pale Mucous membranes feline leukemia affects Young cats in particular Cats between eight to nine weeks and one Year of life are at risk after their First year the risks of infection Decrease do not leave completely Cats living in large groups cats and Kotori’s stray cats and lose without Door access or more In general if the cat has only ever Lived in the home it is much less chance Of getting sick some research claims the Risk may be as low as 1% anti rabies Vaccine rabies is a disease which

Affects many animals including humans it Is widespread over the world but some Areas are much more affected than others It is transmitted mainly through fights And causes vomiting excessive drooling Nervous system problems and eventually Death fear of water is another symptom Of rabies whether or not your cat needs A rabies vaccination depends on where You live so speaking to your Veterinarian will let you know if it is Required we hope today’s video has been Useful to you if you liked the video and Want to know more subscribe to the Channel and have a look around We’ll see you next time [Music]

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