Differences Between SHIBA INU and AKITA INU πŸ• Breed Comparison

🐢 Are you thinking of adopting a Shiba Inu or an Akita Inu? In this AnimalWised video we explain the differences between these two Japanese dog breeds. Discover the character, physical characteristics, origin, care and health of the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu.


The 10 Most popular Japanese Dog Breeds πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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The differences between shiba inu and Akita inu are important if you’re Considering a possible adoption in this Animal-wise video we review their basic Characteristics and differences to see If either are a suitable dog for your Home [Music] Both are dog breeds from japan and it’s Believed they are of ancient origin in Excavations of bones dating back about 2500 years evidence of a breed like the Shiba inu has been found although today They are a common companion animal they Were first used as hunters by contrast The evidence for the akita in news Beginnings is more recent believed to Originate in the 17th century that kita Began as a fighting dog when this Activity fortunately declined they were Used for hunting larger game they are Currently a companion dog but have been Used in security related jobs discover Other breeds of japanese origin in the First info video we share we’re going to Review the most relevant characteristics Related to the physical appearance of Both dog breeds highlighting the Differences by which they are identified The shiba inu is a small spitz type dog Specimens of this breed weigh between 8 To 10 kilograms 18 to 22 pounds and Measure 33 to 44 centimeters or 13 to 17 Inches they are the smallest of all

Japanese breeds their head is Proportionately small unlike the akita But they do have similarly small Triangular eyes their ears also look Alike as they are triangular and stand Upright their snout is quite different The sheba’s knight is pointed and ends In a black nose they have an elegant Robust and proportionate body their coat Is double layered which allows them to Survive cold climates and it can be a Variety of colors akita inu are the Largest japanese breed they measure Between 58 and 69 centimeters of the Withers and weigh from 25 to 42 Kilograms or 55 to 92 pounds this knight Is wider at the base and tapers towards The tip but they also have a black nose Their body is more imposing as they are Very strong and powerful dogs their tail Is robust somewhat longer than that of The sheba and very hairy the coat is Also double layered and they are Considered suitable for living outdoors Thanks to the density of their undercoat In terms of character there are also Very important points to take into Account and which show they are very Different dogs the shiba inu is a Playful dog suitable for living with Children and other dogs unlike the akita Inu they are affectionate but can be Independent both dogs are recommended For caregivers with previous experience

Not only in handling dogs but in terms Of education the shiba inu makes a good Watchdog although like the basenji they Don’t often bark instead they prefer to Admit sounds similar to screeches they Can be somewhat shy around strangers As we said before the akita inu has a Quite different character and is not the Best breed to be with little ones or With other dogs their particular Personality can frighten some this dog Can adore their caretaker while Maintaining an aloof attitude and is Little given to displays of affection in Addition they require very patient and Constant teaching this aspect is a must For the akita inu who may need Professional assistance to take care of Them they also have a guardian instinct But more than shy they are very Suspicious of strangers we share an info Video here in which we provide the dog Breeds considered easiest to train Regarding their care the shiba inu is an Active dog that will need opportunities To exercise and burn energy otherwise They can be nervous and manifest Behavioral problems it’s recommended to Provide at least three half hour walks Per day by providing physical mental Stimulation they can adapt to living in An apartment as for hygiene it’s enough To brush the sheba anu from time to time So their coat looks perfect we can leave

Bathing only for when they are really Dirty the akita inu also needs physical Activity rather than strenuous exercise They will prefer long walks of their Three daily walks at least one has to Last for more than an hour like the Shiba inu if given physical and mental Stimulation they can adapt to living in An apartment regarding their hygiene Even if their hair is not long we must Dedicate time to brush it regularly Ideally daily finally it can’t be Forgotten that the akita anu is a breed Considered potentially dangerous in some Regions this implies meeting certain Requirements for their ownership in General both breeds can enjoy good Health especially if we take care of Providing them with a quality diet Deworming them vaccinating them and Everything else the shiba inu has a life Expectancy of between 12 and 13 years The akita inu has a somewhat shorter Life expectancy at about 10 to 12 years In addition as a large dog they show a Greater propensity to suffer certain Diseases such as osteoarthritis or Gastric torsion they can also have heart Problems Finally it’s best to wash their food Since it is a breed with a tendency to Gain weight easily if you want to see More dog breed comparisons don’t miss The playlist we share here let us know

If this video has made you consider or Reconsider adopting one of these breeds And we’ll see you next time

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