DO CATS RECOGNIZE US? πŸ±πŸ‘©πŸ» Find out!

🐈 Have you ever wondered if your cat recognizes you? In this AnimalWised video!, we find out if cats recognize people and whether they are capable of distinguishing us using their main senses: sight, hearing and smell. In addition, we clarify how your cat shows you they recognize you after a long time without seeing each other or when you are surrounded by many people.


How Do CATS Show AFFECTION? πŸ˜½πŸ’• 10 Different Ways πŸ‘‰
CAT BODY LANGUAGE – Signs and Postures πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Even if we’ve lived with a cat for years Their behavior can make us question Whether they recognize us find out more With animal wised Do cats distinguish people yes cats are Perfectly capable of differentiating one Person from another and therefore of Knowing who their guardians are this is Possible because cats create an Emotional bond with the people with whom They live and those who are part of Their social group Discover how cats show affection in the First info video we share above Similarly cats also recognize that Individual people are animals that live In the same home and can generate a Different bond with each of them Depending on the relationship between The cat and each guardian it’s possible The feline will vary their behavior Next we analyze how a cat uses their Senses in the recognition of other Individuals Sight Felines have a vision adapted to hunting Which means they see much better than us In low light conditions and are able to Detect movement with great precision However their colour vision is poorer Than that of human beings and they are Unable to distinguish as many details as We can this implies they have difficulty Recognizing people just by looking at

Them still cats are very observant and Can easily learn the meaning of our Gestures facial expressions and body Postures Hearing Cats are capable of pointing their ears In almost any direction and have a very Acute and well-developed sense of Hearing together with their memory and Learning capacity this allows them to Perfectly remember and identify the tone Of voice of their caregivers Distinguishing it from that of other People they can even recognize us by the Way we walk as we don’t all have the Same footfall Smell Although we are not even aware of it Each person has a characteristic scent That is a very intense signifier for our Cat A cat’s highly developed sense of smell Is capable of detecting our unique odor To process and store in their memory for A long time this implies cats also Differentiate people from others through Their smell and they can perfectly Recognize their guardians after briefly Sniffing them you may have wondered Whether your cat is aware of who you are And therefore if they would recognize You after spending time apart the Following are signs that could indicate Your cat recognizes you is glad to see

You and loves you Walks or runs towards you with the tail Held high The position of a cat’s tail provides a Lot of information about their emotions In the moment if your cat approaches you Keeping their tail completely straight Vertical and not bristling it’s a good Sign it means they have recognized you And are happy to see you If you want to learn more about the body Language of cats the next info video has All you need They meow when they see you Cats meow to communicate with their Guardians and get their attention it’s Common that when your cat recognizes you They approach you meowing softly and Maybe even purring with strangers they Tend to be more cautious and generally Remain silent before them remaining very Attentive to any movement or sign of Danger Rubs their face against you Once the cat gets to where you are they Will most likely sniff you to make sure It’s you and gather other olfactory Information it’s common for them to then Rub their face and flanks against some Part of your body in a movement known as Marking with this greeting they Impregnate their own scent onto you to Create familiarity indicating that they Feel can and glad to see you again

They expose their belly After performing facial marking your cat May lie on the ground next to you Rolling over and exposing their belly in This position the feline is very Vulnerable so they only do it before People they recognize with whom they Have a bond of friendship and in whom They fully trust If you want to continue learning about The behavior of cats don’t miss the Playlist we share here do you know if Your cat recognizes you even if you’ve Been apart a long time Tell your story in the comments and We’ll see you next time [Music] You

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