Do DOGS like HUGS? ๐Ÿถ Find the Answer Here!

Have you ever noticed how your dog reacts when you hug them? We love showing love to our furry friends, but maybe a hug is not the best way to do it. Find out in this video if dogs like hugs and why.


How to UNDERSTAND What Your DOG is SAYING๐Ÿถ ๐Ÿ‘‰
10 things that DOGS HATE about people ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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[Music] We love our furry companion so much we Often want to hug them like we will Human family members however this may Not be as pleasant as we think have you Ever noticed your dog trying to back out Of an embrace or turn away when we wrap Our arms around them in this animal wise Video we explain why dogs generally do Not like hugs and how you can show your Love without making them feel Overwhelmed interpret their body Language dog juice body postures to Express themselves at other living Things for us to have a good Relationship with our dog’s we must be Able to interpret these signals at all Times when you hug a dog they may show You signs they do not like to be hugged If the dog lowers their ears turns their Face to avoid your gaze try to turn Their back on you Narrows their eyes or tries to escape it Means they do not enjoy being hugged Other signs include yawning widening Eyes and when really uncomfortable Growling or baring teeth if they show Some of these common signals and you Don’t interpret them correctly Your dog may even bark or bite as you Don’t respect their space if you want to Learn more about canine language we Share a video in which we explain Everything about how dogs communicate

Why don’t dogs like Huddle’s Psychologist Stanley Coren published an Article in the journal Psychology Today Stating that most dogs don’t enjoy when You hug them Karan presented 250 photographs of People hugging their dogs and 82% of Them show dogs displaying some of the Signs detailed above Karan went on to Explain that dogs have very fast Reaction capacity this derives from the Fact they need to be able to escape a Situation where they feel in danger or Cornered when you hug them you block This ability and they often feel Restricted and insecure this is why it Is normal for some dogs to wriggle free And run away show love without weighing Them down we know that if you hug your Dog it’s because you love showing them How much you care but there are many Other ways to strengthen your bond Without causing fear or stress you can Always pet them to relax brush their Hair or play with them to show your love There is also a way to hug your dog Without feeling constrained we recommend You follow these steps Approach Canley making gentle movements So they do not become frightened let Them see how you can get closer so they Don’t panic let them sniff your hands With Pam’s open sit quietly next to them Pet them in different parts of the body

Always in a progressive way and give Rewards if necessary so they associate Touch with something positive gently put Your arm over their back and Stroke them You can also scratch gently without Squeezing here we share a video in which Week’s liyan 10 things that dogs hate About people tell us in the comments how You like to show your dog you love them And we’ll see you next [Music]

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