ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT for CATS 🏠🐈 What You Need to Consider

🐱 Have you ever considered how your cat’s environment affects them? Environmental enrichment refers to the modifications we make to the home to help a cat feel stimulated, educate them and avoid boredom. In this AnimalWised video, we explain what you need to best ensure environmental enrichment for cats in the home.


ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT for DOGS 🐢🐾 (Types and Accessories) πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/R2_FSMifGsk
The Best Ways to PLAY with Your CAT 🐱 Toys and Games πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/8pCswWVVDjA

Original article πŸ‘‰ https://www.animalwised.com/environmental-enrichment-for-cats-2409.html

[Music] Your cat's environment has a direct Impact on their well-being animal-wise Shoes high environmental enrichment can Best ensure your cat's happiness [Music] What is environmental enrichment Environmental enrichment is the stimuli In a cat's environment a cat's natural Habitat is in the wild and the first Domesticated felines were near rural Settlements these were places with a lot Of natural opportunities to express Their feline nature and be stimulated This is something which can be lacking In the domestic environment in addition To playing and interacting with your cat You will need to provide a home where They can be stimulated when we are not Present this prevents them from becoming Bored and developing behavioral problems Although every cat is different animal Wise provides three important factors For good environmental enrichment Windows Terraces and balconies Cats need to be able to see what is Going on outside so Windows Terraces and Balconies are ideal they allow the cat To see and smell what is going on Outside something which provides Constant stimuli as long as the cat is Protected from harm it can be a great Way for the cat to entertain themselves And avoid problematic boredom

Importance of heights every cat is an Individual but there are some Preferences which are generally applied To felines a love of heights is common In very timid cats and hyperactive cats Alike installing scratching trees wall Mounted walkways and other opportunities To be up high allows cats to survey Their environment and feel more secure Similar to Wild Cats in trees Toys the best toys for cats include Retractable cat wands ribbons string and Other toys which help exercise their Hunting instinct we should not play with Our cat using our hands although nibbles During play can be adorable with kittens It encourages them to keep biting when They are adult it's best to redirect This Behavior to toys so they don't Assimilate biting us as a fun activity Playing with these toys helps us to Improve our bond in a healthy way but we Might also want to consider introducing Another cat into the home as a play Buddy can also be beneficial Structures Structures refers to all kinds of Environmental enrichment for cats they Include everything from elaborate Multi-tiered scratching trees to a Simple cardboard box we can make our own DIY structures which allow our cat Places to play rest and simply be a cat These are especially important for

Multi-cat households as they allow the Cat to find a place to get away and rest When their environment becomes over Stimulating We should ensure to provide many Different options throughout the home so They can change and avoid boredom we Also need to respect their hiding places And not disturb them too much What type of environmental enrichment Has helped your cat the most let us know By leaving a comment and we'll see you Next time [Music]

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