How Often Should a CAT EAT? 🐱 (Newborns, Kittens and Adults)

🐈 Do you want to know how a cat should eat in a day? In this AnimalWised video about feline feeding, we explain how many times a day a cat should eat depending on whether it is newborn, kitten or adult. Find out everything about feeding cats!


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[Music] Diet is a fundamental aspect of cat care To ensure we provide the correct amount Of food for our cat check out our animal Wise video where we explain how i often Defeat newborns kittens and adult cats [Music] How often should a newborn cat eat If we find an abandoned newborn kitten We will have to bottle feed them always Using a milk specifically formulated for Kittens We can buy this in veterinary clinics And specialized stores For the first 10 to 15 days of life they Will need to eat every two to three Hours both during the night and day Little by little the feedings will be Spaced out to every three or four hours Then every six At three to four weeks of life we can Begin to offer food formulated for Kittens always continuing with the milk Until weaning is complete How often should a kitten eat If the cat is more than a month old it’s Common to leave food and water within Reach throughout the day so they can eat When they wish it’s a good option if we Provide a diet based on feed which can Be kept in good condition throughout the Day But dry feed provides very little Moisture this is why a diet of wet and

Dry food together is ideal If wet food is left in the kitten’s dish All day it will dry out spoil or attract Insects to avoid this we can distribute Their daily ration in several portions That the kitten can ingest immediately Without leaving anything in the dish the Best rule of thumb is to leave the feed In their dish and offer wet food about Four times a day on average Check out the info video for more General information on a cat’s diet It’s very important to calculate how Much dry and wet food they need based on Age weight and health an excess of food Puts the kitten at risk of obesity Increasing the chances of some diseases Appearing and complicating others How often should an adult cat eat Adult cats also need dry feed at their Ready as well as having their wet food Portioned four or five times throughout The day This option can work well in homes where There is only one cat but also in Multiple cat homes Free access to food limits the stress of Competition for resources If any of the cats suffer obesity we do Run the risk of them eating more than Their share Cats fed multiple times a day rather Than having food left in their dish have Also been found to drink more this

Improves hydration and helps avoid Health problems such as kidney disease Or urinary stones in cases where a Kitten stops eating you can take a look At the info video to learn what to do In conclusion we can choose to feed Healthy cats at will or in small Portions of three to five times a day Depending on the cat’s needs In felines with a physical or Psychological problem it’s more Convenient to opt for one option or the Other this means if we need the cat to Drink more it’s best to ration food On the contrary if stress is a problem It will help to always have access to Food because rationing can increase Anxiety If you have any doubts consult your Veterinarian orthologist If you offer them a homemade diet and Wonder how many times they should eat a Day the answer is the same as with wet Food Provide it four or five times a day Depending on the needs of each cat and What they usually eat in one sitting It’s essential to know our animal to Adjust the meal times to their routine And Needs if you want to continue learning About feeding cats don’t miss the Playlist we share here Let us know any feeding tips you have

For your cat by leaving a comment below And we’ll see you next time [Music] You

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