How to Look After a Hamster ๐Ÿน Basic Care Needs

Are you thinking of adopting a hamster into your family? They can be some of the most rewarding and loving animal companions, but they need specific care if you want them to have a good quality of life with you. This is why AnimalWised tells you how to look after a hamster by showing you these basic care needs and help you know how to prepare for the arrival of your new little friend. We discuss how to prepare the hamster cage, what they need to stay physically and mentally healthy and what diet they need to avoid disease. For some more info on how to care for hamsters, you can check out this article:

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Hello and welcome to this new animal Wise video where today we will talk About how to look after a hamster if you Have one already or considering adopting Keep watching the hamster is a small Rodent of the family Cosette a die that Can live between two and five years Depending on the species they are very Intelligent and social animals in order For our hamster to feel comfortable when They arrive at our home it’s essential To have their cage ready we can find Many options and pet stores but a lot Are excessively small resulting in Stress and discomfort for the animal the Minimum space for a hamster cage should Be around 60 centimetres long 50 Centimeters wide and 50 centimetres deep Ideally they should have two stories to Place tunnels and various structures the Cage should always be wide and Comfortable for our little hamster However if we are thinking of adopting a Rubber offski hamster which is a very Small animal we should select an Aquarium a terrarium style habitat which Can help to avoid escape attempts by the Little tenant the rubber offski hamster Is so small they can even easily pass Through hamster cages with narrow gaps Between the bars the cage should be Cleaned at least weekly to avoid the Accumulation of feces and promote a Hygienic environment for the hamster the

Cages location is also an important Detail since where it is in the home can Seriously affect the animals quality of Life it’s important to choose a well Ventilated place but not one which has Drafts and the temperature should be Constant and oscillate somewhere between 18 and 26 degrees Celsius We also emphasized the importance of Placing the cage in a semi shaded place As direct sunlight can cause heatstroke We need to provide an absorbent Substrate that doesn’t produce dust this Is why natural wood or cellulose pellets Are most recommended in addition to Elements such as water bottles and food Balls the hamster will need shelter you Can use a nest a small hamster house or Any other element which is comfortable And provides isolation from sunlight They will also need distractions to Ensure their time alone has enough Physical and mental stimulation tunnels Walkways toys and other elements can Help enrich their daily activity get Creative and finding ways for them to Stay active feeding a hamster should be Both balanced and varied covering all of Their nutritional needs for this we need To include seeds cereals nut fruit and Vegetables we will now explain the basis Of their die And what food we can or cannot offer Them we can find different commercially

Available hamster feeds on the market Which are good for daily feeding they Are generally composed of cereal seeds And dehydrated fruit this is an Important base for protein and fiber Intake however we also need to Supplement fruit and vegetables in their Diet as the hamsters diet needs to be Rich in fiber and low in fat we need to Choose food which is rich in Carbohydrate and fiber Mainly in the form of cereals and seeds If you decide against commercial feed And prefer who made hamster food take Note of the following ingredients which You should buy and mix raw the hamsters Protein needs can be provided for by Using nuts Although these should not be offered Very regularly some examples are Hazelnuts walnuts chestnuts almonds or Sunflower seeds all the must be Administered raw and without salt or any Additives fruit and vegetables are also Important for hamsters we need to ensure We offer at least two small portions of Vegetables every day and a small portion Of fruit between 1 and 3 times a week The hamsters water needs to be renewed On a daily basis with the bottle system Generally being advised as hygienic and Easy to use if you’ve just adopted the Hamster it is recommended you offer a Small saucer in the grind where they can

Drink directly as some do not know how The bottle works don’t forget there is Food prohibited for hamster consumption Among them we can include our own food Leftovers food with salts spices or Various condiments and some products Such as coffee chocolate or alcohol Which are not digestible and can be very Harmful to hamsters it is important to Take time to care for a hamsters teeth To avoid abnormalities such as excessive Growth or breakages on the market you Will find elements dedicated exclusively To hamster dental care such as twigs and Sticks which allow for healthy wear of The teeth ask your nearest pet store for Advice to finish we’re going to show you Some the most frequent symptoms of Disease in hamsters symptoms which are Fundamental to detect early if you Observe any of these symptoms in your Adult hamster it’s vital you take them To the veterinarian to rule out any Problems or initiate a specific Treatment as soon as possible this is Our video for today like if you found it Useful subscribe for more and we’ll see You next time [Music] [Music]

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