How to Protect Dog Paws in Winter – 9 Tips to Protect Your Dog’s Paws When It’s Cold

Wintertime can become very painful for your dog’s paws. The cold and unforgiving weather can lead to cracking and peeling of your dog’s paw pads. This can be very painful for your pet, but there are a few simple ways to prevent the pain and keep their paws from suffering from the worst of the winter weather. In this video we’ll discuss 9 tips to remember when it comes to helping your dog with their paws this wintry season.

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Winter time can become very painful for Your dog’s Paws the cold and unforgiving Weather can lead to cracking and peeling Of your dog’s Paws this can be very Painful for your pet but there are a few Simple steps to prevent the pain and Keep their paws from suffering from the Worst of the winter weather in this Video we’ll discuss nine tips to Remember when it comes to helping your Dog with their paws this wintery season When the weather is just right snowy Winter dog walks can be magical freshly Fallen snow can make the already Enticing outside world even more fun for Your dog Chances are you are already wearing Plenty of layers a hat boots and mittens And if you’re walking at night time Lights and safety reflectors are a must Protecting your pets from the elements And keeping them safe on winter walks is Just as important Winter weather can pose a few risks to Your dog’s well-being particularly their Paws snow and ice can increase your Dog’s risk of frostbite and dry out Their paw pads leaving the skin chapped Or cracked Like our chopped lips crack Paws can be Annoying and painful plus belt up snow And ice can irritate the sensitive skin Between their toes Not only are the elements dangerous

Sidewalk salt and chemicals can cause Chemical burns to their paw pads or Indigestion if your dog tries to lick it Off but we have great news you can Protect your pet’s Paws from these Winter worries Now let’s talk about nine tips to Protect your dog’s Paws in winter when The temperature drops and sidewalks get Slippery here are ways you can protect Your pup’s precious paws at tip number One we have keeping paw pies moisturized Slather your pups paw pads and dog paw Wax or paw bomb such as Bon vet Paul Bomb moisture secret bag bomb or a Beeswax base moisturizer before hitting The streets for a winter walk If you don’t have Paul bomb petroleum Jelly will do in a pinch the Moisturizing balm acts as a barrier to Keep out ice and harmful chemicals Use a store-bought dog paw balm such as Vitamin E cream or a homemade recipe to Protect your dog’s Paws in snow The bomb can be applied anytime after a Bath after exposure to cold air or just Before you put on your dog’s shoes Your pup will love being pampered after Receiving their dog paw moisturizing Treatment Massaging petroleum jelly or other paw Protectants into paw pads before going Outside can help protect from Salt and Chemical agents booties provide even

More coverage and can also prevent sand And salt from getting lodged between Bare toes and causing irritation Use pet friendly ice melts whenever Possible you can also Paul bomb to Soothe and moisturize your dog’s paw Pads after walks just make sure to clean Away any ice salt or chemicals first At tip number two we have keeping your Pup hydrated Dogs can dehydrate just as quickly in Winter as summer although many dogs eat Snow it’s not an adequate substitute for Fresh water if your dog spends time Outdoors in your yard make sure he or She has access to a water bowl and check It often to break the ice that forms on Top your pet’s skin and paw pads need to Stay hydrated and this can be tougher in The dry cold winter months make sure Your Pooch has plenty of water available And bring some water on longer walks too Don’t rely on snow to quench their Thirst Repeatedly coming out of the cold into The dry heat of your home can cause Itchy flaking skin keep your home Humidified and towel dry your pet as Soon as he comes inside paying special Attention to his feet and in between the Toes remove any snowballs from between His foot pads Having a humidifier it’s a plus it’ll do The dog owners some good too following

These simple tips will keep your pet Hydrated and their skin irritation and Itch free and tip number three we have Wash your dog’s Paws after walks Avoiding rock salt or other harsh Chemically treated surfaces is nearly Impossible so be ready to wash your Dog’s feet once you return inside from Your Wok either keep a bowl of warm Water and towel by the door use dog Wipes on his or her paws or take your Pup to the bathtub and gently spray Their feet down Don’t let your dog lick the salt off Their paws as it is toxic and can cause Gastrointestinal upset Bring a towel on Long blocks to clean Off stinging irritated Paws after each Walk wash and dry your pet’s feet and Stomach to remove ice salt and chemicals And check for cracks and paw pads or Redness between the toes dip your pup’s Paws into a shallow bowl of warm water Make sure it’s not hot then towel dry This will remove ice salt and any other Build up their paws may have been Exposed to bonus it’ll keep your floors Nice and clean bathe your pets as little As possible during cold spells washing Too often can remove essential oils and Increase the chance of developing dry Flaky skin if your Pooch must be bathed Ask your vet to recommend a moisturizing Shampoo and or rinse at tip number four

We have avoiding de-icing agents this Means steering clear a very slushy or Salty areas while on your walks commonly Used ice de-icers like calcium chloride And sodium chloride can harm Paws if You’re responsible for de-icing outside Your home make sure to use pet safe ice Melters and encourage your neighbors to Do the same Light coolant antifreeze is a lethal Poison for dogs and cats be sure to Thoroughly clean up any spills from your Vehicle and consider using products that Contain propylene glycol rather than Ethylene glycol You can care for your dog’s paws on your Property by using a pet friendly Non-toxic ice melt product also watch For any antifreeze on the ground while Your dog may walk and roam many people Use antifreeze to winterize their Vehicles and it doesn’t take much to Have a spill or leak on the ground Unfortunately antifreeze tastes good to Dogs and tiny amounts of it are fatal to Canines if ingested above 5 tablespoons Of antifreeze can kill a medium-sized Dog always wash your dog’s Paws after he Or she has been outside in the winter At tip number five we have keeping walks As short as possible in the harsh winter Weather Dogs left in the cold for long periods Of time are also at risk of frostbite on

Their paws and hypothermia In general dogs should avoid spending Hours out in the cold in Winter frequent Short walks are better for your dog than A single long daily walk With the sun going down earlier in Winter make sure you’re familiar with The possible dangers of walking your dog In the dark And get your dog a GPS dog tracker so You can always keep an eye on them day Or night Unless your pup loves running around in The cold and snow and you’re prepared For a long walk it’s best to limit your Pups time Outdoors this is especially True for Senior Dogs puppies dog breeds With shorter fur and pets with arthritis Or other health conditions Certain breeds are more susceptible to The cold than others so pay attention to Your dog’s behavior in cold weather not Sure how cold is too cold for your dog Talk with your veterinarian for advice At tip number six we have keeping your Pups Paws well groomed Trimming your dog’s nails will help with Stable footing and for braids with long Fur between their toes trimming this fur Will Aid with Paw cleaning and make it Less likely for ice balls to form Between the toes Trim your dog’s nails regularly as long Nails can break when a dog runs through

The snow or on ice and cause injury Unclip Nails also affect your dog’s Weight distribution pushing their weight Onto the back of their feet this means They’ll have less traction and will be More likely to slip on icy surfaces A Good rule of thumb is to keep your dog’s Nails long enough to be seen but not Extending past the Paw or clacking on The floor when they walk The same goes for Paw hair between your Pups toes keeping these hairs trimmed Short makes it less likely that ice Balls will get packed into your dog’s Feet it will also limit chemicals from Sticking to the paw pad area Compacted snow salt on the bottom of Your dog’s feet can make walking Difficult and affect your pup’s ability To stay on their feet Ice and salt balls between toes can also Be a source of discomfort they push your Dog’s toes apart and pull on their fur Good grooming is essential for healthy Winter feet trim long haired dogs to Make it harder for bits of ice salt Crystals or ice melting chemicals to dry And cling to their skin Take special care when doing their feet And trim any extra hair growing on the Paws At tip number seven we have purchasing Dog boots or booties Like human winter boots dog boots

Protect your furry best friend’s feet Just the same they minimize contact with Harsh salt or chemicals and prevent snow Ice and salt or sand from getting lodged Between their toes while boots are the Safest option it may take your dog some Time to adjust to them start by allowing Your dog to walk around the house or Yard while wearing boots and be sure to Reward your dog with treats as you go Giving them a tasty treat after you put On their boots helps them associate good Things with the boots when the boots go On good things are going to happen Only use boots that properly fit your Dog properly fitting boots stay in place When your dog walks or runs but aren’t So tight they change your dog’s natural Stride This foot gear can do an excellent job Protecting your dog’s Paws from Salt Chemicals ice and other winter hazards Plus many are non-slip in icy conditions And keep your pups toes nice and dry It’s important to get this right size Measure your dog’s paws as advised by The manufacturer then put on the boots So they are tight enough to stay in Place but not so tight as to interfere With circulation at tip number eight we Have monitor your dog’s paws take the Time on Pock hair check the pads and Between the toes for redness cracks Wounds discoloration or any other signs

Of concern also take notice if your pup Seems to be licking their paws a lot Report any concerns to your veterinarian Before walks you can coat the bomb on Your dog’s Paws to create a barrier that Prevents snow ice and salt from getting Between your pups toes the balm or Vaseline also keeps their paw pads Hydrated just be sure to have a towel Handy when you get back inside to wipe It off remember be sure to keep a close Eye on your pet to check for symptoms of A cold and to protect him or her from Any other cold related issues like Frostbite or overexposure just like dog Summer safety tips these cold weather Precautions for avoiding freezing Paws Can help keep your pet happy and healthy All winter long finally at tip number Nine we have keeping your pet’s whole Body warm keep your dog indoors as much As possible in cold weather and consider A sweater or coat during walks to help Maintain body heat if your dog’s core Temperature is warm enough they’re more Likely to maintain healthy circulation To their paws not to mention less likely To suffer cold weather health problems Like hypothermia make sure your Companion animal has a warm place to Sleep off the floor and away from all Drafts a cozy dog or cat bed with a warm Blanket or pillow is perfect remember if It’s too cold for you it’s probably too

Cold for your pet so keep your animals Inside if left Outdoors pets can freeze Become disoriented lost stolen injured Or killed in addition don’t leave pets Alone in a car during cold weather as Cars can act as refrigerators that hold In the cold and cause animals to freeze To death these nine tips will help your Dog stay relatively safe and uninjured From the dangers of ice snow frigid Temperatures and freezing cold Harsh winter weather brings a wide Variety of concerns to responsible dog Owners bitter cold numbing wetness or Biting winds can cause discomfort for That special dog in your life paying Special attention to your loyal friend’s Well-being during the winter season we Ensure that you both enjoy the season to The fullest These paw protection safety measures May Warrant some extra time before and after Your walks but it’s well worth the Effort to safeguard your Furry Friends Paws and toes following these paw care Tips can keep your pup comfortable all Winter long and allow you and your buddy To safely enjoy The Wonder of the Season Together thanks so much for watching Y’all don’t forget to subscribe to see Our next video about the animals we love Best [Music]

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