How to Protect Rabbits from COLD WEATHER ๐Ÿฐโ„๏ธ Winter Rabbit Care

๐Ÿ‡๐ŸŒจ๏ธ Do you want to prevent your rabbit from getting cold? In this AnimalWised video, we show you the best way you can protect your rabbit from the cold in winter. We also discuss the threat of the common cold and hypothermia in rabbits, showing you how to avoid these health problems related to low temperatures.


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Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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[Music] To prevent your bunny from getting cold You’ll need to make some specific winter Care preparations for rabbits You will also need to know the symptoms Of cold and rabbits so you can better Avoid the effects of low temperatures In this animal-wise video we provide Everything you need to know about Protecting your rabbits in winter [Music] Condition the home if you live in a very Cold area You will need to provide optimal Temperatures for your rabbit in winter However artificial heating can also dry Out the air so we recommend spraying Water in the room two to three times a Week If you have low humidity Prepare their hutch or cage the rabbit’s Hutch must be prepared in a way that Provides comfort and shelter from the Elements For rabbits used to living outside it’s Essential their hutch is kept safe from Loot temperatures In addition to leaving a blanket for Them to stay warm you should cover the Hutch at night To prevent cold air getting in if the Cage is indoors Place it somewhere away from drafts and With good lighting

[Music] Adapt their diet like almost all Non-hibernating mammals Rabbits tend to eat more during the Winter their body uses more energy to Keep their metabolism stable And fight the cold therefore the animal Will need a slightly higher energy diet Find out more about feeding a rabbit in The video that we share here Give them a space for activities rabbits Are very active and intelligent animals Ideally your bunny will have room to run Around jump and explore their Surroundings freely This could be on a terrace patio or Somewhere in the garden Enriching their hutch will help Stimulate them physically and develop Their cognitive skills Rabbits can also be taught a variety of Tricks and basic commands Give them preventive care your rabbit Will need to be vaccinated so take your Rabbit to a specialist vet Every six months or so an excellent idea Is to take them just before the onset of Winter So they can be given the necessary Preventive care to protect them through These cold months We provide a video here where you can See a complete care guide for all Rabbits needs throughout the year

Not just in winter [Music] How to know if my rabbit is cold the Normal body temperature of rabbits is Between 38 and 40 degrees celsius or 100.4 And 104 degrees fahrenheit the optimum Ambient temperature for them is around 18 degrees celsius or 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit When ambient temperature drops rapidly Or abruptly We may observe cold symptoms these Include tremors Muscle stiffness a cold nose and ears Cramps and dry skin Their breathing may also slow down or They have difficulty they may move more Slowly or awkwardly Or in some cases not move at all if you Notice your rabbit shows these signs of The cold You will need to act quickly to prevent Hypothermia from occurring Wrap them in a dry blanket or tile so They can best preserve their body heat If your rabbit has some wet from snow or Rain you will need to dry them with a Clean tile before wrapping them up with Another dry one You will need to take them to Environment with an ambient temperature Of no less than 18 degrees celsius or 64.4 degrees fahrenheit

When they recover we recommend checking Their body for frostbite or ice burns If you detect any abnormality don’t Hesitate to take them to a vet How to know if my rabbit has hypothermia If the rabbit’s body temperature is Below 36 degrees celsius or 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit Characteristic symptoms of hypothermia Such as loss of appetite Reduced heart rate dilated pupils and Distant staring may occur The rabbit may also be depressed Disorientated faint In a state of collapse or can even Suddenly die If you notice that your rabbit shows These symptoms use the above methods as First aid Or you take them to an emergency vet if You have any experience caring for Rabbits in winter Please share them in the comments and We’ll see you next time You

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