How to Tell the BREED of Your CAT

Some of the most common questions we get about cats at AnimalWised are about people trying to work out the breed of their feline friends. While many have very distinct characteristics, there are others who share certain traits and we need to look a little closer if we want to do our best to identify their breed. Some people may go out of their way to adopt a specific breed, others may simply be curious about their beloved pet. However, it is important to note that the majority of cats are mixed-breed. This means their heritage cannot be completely assured. However, with this video on how to identify your cat’s breed, you can get as close an approximation as possible. We can do this by looking at a cat’s head shape, ears, muzzle, type of coat and breed characteristics. Let us know in the comments if it has been helpful and take a look at our breed files for more information on different breeds of cat:

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Self-confessed cat lovers will know that Many cats which are adopted to come from Shelters they are cats which may have Been lost or maltreated but many are Simply abandoned as soon as the airport Adopted a cat in this way is a noble and Loving act if you have adopted a kitten Then it may be difficult to distinguish The characteristics at such a young age Once they’ve grown into adulthood or Have been adopted as adults they will Begin to assume the physical Characteristics that will have for the Rest of their lives once this happens it Is normal to want to know about the Breed of the animal and what differences They have with other cats to help Situate your curiosity animal wife’s Prepared this video of how to identify Your cat’s breed before we do feel free To go to our page and subscribe for more Information about everything cat Relieved [Music] Whether you’ve just adopted a cat or You’re taking them for a regular checkup Speaking to your vet is always a good Idea They should be expert on different cat Breeds and may discover some clues about The origin of your cat from their Physical characteristics if you do not Know what your cat’s breed looks like You can examine their features and

Physiognomy by looking at the forward [Music] [Music] After looking closely at the physical Characteristics of your feline look for Photos of cats similar to them in our Galleries of breed images on the animal Wise website maybe you will notice some Specific traits that help you out in Your search also take a look at the Grips and breeds of cats established by The fi fe international feline Federation we list these cats one by one So you can see which cat may best Resemble your own grip one belongs to Persian and exotic cats all of which Share as main characteristics small ears And a dense coat these cats can be Medium or large in size the breeds that Compromise this category are in the Second group we find cats with a semi Long coat usually accompanied by a thick Tail felines in this category may have Larger small ears depending on the breed It may also be of large or medium size [Music] The cats belonging to the third group Have short and fine coats as their main Characteristic they have large ears and A strong musculature the tail can be Thick or thin as well as long [Music] This category is designated for Siamese And Eastern cats some of these breeds

Are even known to have such a fine coat That they blend with the skin or don’t Have any at all however one of the main Characteristics of this group is their Elongated posture their small ears and The thick or thin tail [Music] This group is intended for breeds of cat Which are not yet recognized by the International feline Federation [Music] So do you think you know your Kitty’s Origin tell us all about it in the Comments below if you find this video Helpful and want to know more about Looking after your cat subscribe to our Channel for more informative videos and We’ll see you next time You [Music]

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