How to TRAIN a CAT to USE the LITTER BOX πŸ±βœ… (Kittens and Adults)

🐈 If you are having trouble litter training your cat, AnimalWised teaches you how to TRAIN a CAT to use the LITTER BOX. Whether you have adopted a kitten or an adult cat, litter training can be tricky. We show you the step-by-step process you should follow, as well as troubleshoot any problems which may make litter training your cat difficult.


BASIC CARE of a CAT’s LITTER BOX 🐱 (Types of Litter and Cleaning) πŸ‘‰
Can Two CATS SHARE the SAME LITTER? 🐱🐱 Litter Box Guide πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

Letter training is essential for cats in The home so animal wise provides this Step-by-step guide to teaching a cat to Use the litter box [Music] Make sure the kitten can access the Litter box if your cat is still very Young they may have a hard time getting Into the litter box it's key to keep This in mind when choosing the right one But you can help by placing them inside At The Times They likely need to urinate And defecute usually after waking up and Feeding Indicate that this is the appropriate Place to go once they've located the Letterbox show them this is a safe place You can do so by slowly stirring up the Clean Litter with your hands if you see The kittens preparing to urinate or Defecate elsewhere you can gently pick Them up and immediately bring them to The litter box to help assimilate that This is the correct place for their Business if the kitten has already Started to urinate or have a bowel Movement don't interrupt them Don't be so strict about cleanliness at First a low hygiene is key so that a cat Doesn't reject their litter box a kitten That is still getting used to their Litter box will use the recognition of Their own smell to facilitate the Assimilation of the elimination area

Check out the first info video above to Learn the basic care of a cat's litter Box reinforce good behavior at this Early stage it's also important to give Your kitten a reward every time they use The litter box correctly positive Reinforcement will help make the cat Assimilate this Behavior as part of Their routine and keep them motivated to Continue learning other desirable Behaviors consider the location of the Litter box if you notice your kitten Always goes to the same place when they Need to defecate a very simple solution Is to move the littered box here as long As it meets the basic requirements for Litter box control if you identify more Than one area don't be shy about having Two or more litter boxes in the home if You have two cats we recommend that you Take a look at the next info video in Which we explain whether two cats can Share this same litter box Never punish them whether discussing a Kitten or adult cat scolding or Punishing them for satisfying their Physiological needs or carrying out an Instinctive behavior is both cruel and Counterproductive any kind of abuse or Humiliation will only make the cat Stressed and afraid of you this will Affect their confidence and security Increasing the likelihood they will Develop a complex behavioral problem

Such as aggression if you follow all of These tips and your cat still refuses to Use the litter box or has difficulty Urinating and defecating in general you Will need to take them to a veterinarian How to teach an adult cat to use the Litter box if we're talking about a Recently adopted adult cat we must take Into account the correct use of the Letterbox will be part of their Adaptation to the new home all the Precautions and good practices we have Discussed here must be applied to favor The assimilation of their elimination Area in addition you must take into Account the following to begin with Place several litter boxes in different Parts of the home this is often useful In preventing the cat from urinating in Inappropriate places as well as helping You to identify where they feel most Comfortable and safe to defecute this Will help determine the final location Of the litter box in the event a cat has Lived in the street for a long time they Are likely to have heightened Instinctive and sexual behaviors this Includes urine marking which is not Exclusive to males it serves not only to Mark territory but also to communicate Their availability to attract and mate With potential Partners if you have an Adult cat that marks with urine all over The house one of the measures that you

Should evaluate is neutering in addition To preventing various diseases in It's Very effective in controlling behaviors Associated with reproduction and Ensuring a cat has a more even behavior And is more amenable to training if you Want to continue learning about cat care Don't miss the playlist We Share here Did you have trouble litter training Your cat let us know in the comments if So and we'll see you next time Foreign

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