My CAT SMELLS VERY BAD πŸ±πŸ’¨πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« (Why and What to Do)

🐈 Has your cat suddenly started to smell bad? Does their breath, ears, anus, or any other part of your body smell very bad? In this AnimalWised video, we explain 7 possible causes of bad smell in cats. Find out why your cat smells bad and what you can do to fix it!


The 10 Most Common Diseases in Cats πŸ‘‰
A Cat’s First Visit to the Vet – Deworming and Vaccination Schedules πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Cats spend a lot of time grooming Themselves to stay clean although they Will leave scents to mark territory or Recognize each other they try to keep Their body odor neutral For this reason if a cat smells bad it Usually means something is wrong At animalwise we share the 7 most common Reasons a cat smells bad so you can know Why your cat has body odor and what you Can do about it [Music] Otitis in addition to being very painful Ear infections and inflammation can Produce very unpleasant odors this is Due to the accumulation of ear wax Bacteria or even pus produced to fight Infections you may suspect a cat has a Titus if they scratch their ear Repeatedly or shake their head a lot When you move closer to the ear the Unpleasant smell should be more intense The best way to prevent otitis is Through regular cleaning of your cat’s Ears Halitosis Mouth odor can be due to problems with The teeth or gums problems such as Tartar gingivitis periodontal disease Tooth decay or chronic feline Gingivostomatitis In addition foreign bodies in the mouth Accumulated food remains or thorns can Cause wounds or injuries to the soft

Tissues of the cat’s mouth this can lead To bacterial contamination with Consequent infection formation of an Oral abscess and secondary bad odor Digestive problems poor gut health can Cause your cat to have flatulence and Release unpleasant smelling gases some Foods that can cause intolerance and Digestive problems in cats are milk and Grains intestinal and stomach diseases Or digestive infections and parasites Can also produce this effect discover The 10 most common diseases in cats in The first info video we share here Incontinence urinary or fecal Incontinence is when the cat cannot Control their urethral and anal Sphincters therefore uncontrolled Urination and defecation are a clear Cause of body odor this incontinence can Be due to neurological problems or Trauma such as accidents or even as a Result of advanced age Anal glands these glands are located Under the tail of our cats on the sides Of the anus they secrete a foil smelling Liquid but this is usually not a problem Smells build up if the anal glands Become impacted or infected and will Need to be expressed Sexual maturation Non-neutered male cats begin to emit an Intense smell characteristic of the Hormone testosterone when they reach

Sexual maturity for this reason if you Have a young cat that is giving off a Strong and somewhat unpleasant smell it May be for hormonal reasons Skin problems ulcerations contaminated By deep skin damage can cause a bad Smell in cats as can fungal infections Or certain types of dermatitis external Parasites also predispose to skin Infections and the production of body Odor in felines Learn about deworming and the cats first Vets visit in the info video above What to do if my cat smells bad In addition to taking them to the vet Keep the following tips in mind the First thing to do is prevent odor with Routine hygiene habits aimed at avoiding Mouth and ear infections digestive Problems can be prevented by feeding Your cat with a food specific for their Individual needs and given in the right Portion sizes deworming is also key to Avoiding parasites that can cause direct Skin damage and predisposed to Infections that cause body odor Maintaining their coat is also important Brush regularly to help remove dead hair And prevent debris and dirt from Accumulating on their skin It’s also important they drink enough Water since drinking too little can Cause bad breath by reducing the Formation of saliva

Saliva is key to washing away the Bacteria that cause bad odor If you want to continue learning about Cat care don’t miss the playlist we Share here let us know any stories you Have about your cat smelling bad by Leaving a comment and we’ll see you next Time

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