My CAT’S MEOW Is WEAK and RASPY πŸ±πŸ”Š (7 Causes)

🐈 Has your cat’s meow become weak and raspy? Perhaps they have lost their voice altogether? In this AnimalWised video we explain the 7 reasons why a cat can’t meow properly anymore. By finding out the reasons why a cat’s meow has changed, you can also find out when you might need to take them to the vet.


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Original article πŸ‘‰

While each cat can Meow in their own Particular way for different reasons it Should be fairly consistent at animal Wise we explain the reasons why Account’s voice is weak and raspy or Even why they lose their voice Altogether [Music] Laryngitis if your cat opens their mouth But does not meow they may have an Inflammation of the larynx various Factors can cause such swelling Including eating inappropriate food or Prolonged powerful meowing something Which can occur during heat or fighting With another animal the swelling causes The cat’s voice to become weak and raspy But it should resolve within a few days Meowing too much can also be an issue Find out why your cat meows a lot in the First info video we share above Common cold cats can get a cold easily Especially if it’s winter and there are Strong drafts in the home this is only Exacerbated if they are not dried Properly after getting wet this can be Due to being bathed or getting caught in The rain showing how important it is for Us to keep them dry when they are at Home a cold will not only lower the Cat’s Spirit it can irritate their Throat and make it difficult for them to Meow properly Respiratory infection when a cold is not

Treated it can worsen over time and Develop into a more severe respiratory Infection such as pneumonia exposure to Bacteria and other pathogens outside the Home can also lead to illness which Affects their voice Stress changes in routine are capable of Generating high levels of anxiety and Stress in a cat which manifests in Different ways one of these ways is Through changes in their voice becoming Raspy or hoarse if the difficulty Meowing isn’t accompanied by other Symptoms it’s likely due to stress in This case we need to assess their Situation and remove any potential Stressors discover the main causes Behind stress and cats in the next Improve video that we share above If you like animal wise remember that a Super thanks can really help us continue Creating the content you enjoy Fear when our cat feels afraid it’s Because they experience something they Perceive as dangerous or at least Appears to threaten their security they Can react in various ways including Freezing to the spot to remain as Imperceptible as possible including Stopping their meows as a form of Defense mechanism Bronchitis a low coughing is the main Symptom of feline bronchitis other Physical symptoms may appear this

Includes the cat’s voice becoming weak And raspy feline bronchitis can be acute Or chronic with a latter you may notice The cat loses their voice in different Periods over a long time Learned behavior while it may surprise Many our cat can choose not to use their Meows as a result of reprimands or Punishments by their Guardians if Someone in the household yells at or Reproaches the Cat every time they meow They learn that it is something they Shouldn’t do as they associate it with Negative treatment as it is a healthy Expression of their natural felindness We should never suppress it Unnecessarily helping to repair your Cat’s meow depends on the cause so we Need to follow the right guidelines Accordingly take your cat to a vet if at All unsure and never self-medicate them If you want to continue learning about The behavior of cats don’t miss the Playlist We Share here let us know if Your cat has ever lost their voice by Joining the discussion in the comments We’ll see you next time with more Helpful animal videos [Music]

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