RABBIT Keeps KICKING Their BACK LEGS ๐Ÿฐ (3 Main Reasons)

๐Ÿ‡ Has your rabbit started to kick their back legs and you don’t know what they want to communicate? In this AnimalWised video we explain the 3 reasons why rabbits kick the ground. Find out how rabbits communicate and what your rabbit is trying to tell you by kicking their hind legs.


How to TAKE CARE of a RABBIT ๐Ÿฐ Complete RABBIT CARE Guide ๐Ÿ‘‰
Feeding Rabbits ๐Ÿฐ Best Diet for Baby, Adult & Elderly Bunnies ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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In this animal-wised video we look at a Common behavior of rabbits kicking their Back legs Keep watching to see why bunnies perform This behavior [Music] Rabbit communication rabbits have a Unique way of social and emotional Communication their extraordinary Agility and the strength of their hind Limbs affords them the ability to Communicate with spectacular leaps Frenzied running and kicks something Which can be quite funny to witness When the relationship with their human Guardian is good and they’ve developed a Strong and positive emotional bond a Rabbit can demonstrate their attachment Through various forms of physical Contact Understanding this we can learn what They are trying to convey when they kick Their back legs They are angry although rabbits make Loving pets it’s logical to see they can Have moments of anger if something Bothers them they can display this Emotion through biting but also kicking The air or ground with their hind legs The best thing in these cases is to Leave them alone until they can regain Their cam and the angry moment Passes the reason for their anger can be Varied and it’s essential we know our

Animal if we are to identify it they may Be angry due to a lack of food poor Hutch hygiene or not being sufficiently Stimulated They are scared when rabbits are afraid Of something specific they tremble Rabbits are a prey animal for many Species and a great feeling of fear will Be elicited if they feel a predator is Present this must be taken into account When living with cats or dogs you must Always be careful another pet doesn’t Chase or corner them even if it is only To play dogs should be taught not to Chase the rabbit or he must be careful That both pets are never in the same Place unsupervised these measures should Be carried out if none of the animals Have been properly socialized since it’s Possible for rabbits to get along very Well with dogs or cats and enjoy their Company if your rabbit keeps kicking Their hind legs in the presence of other Animals it could be due to fear for Their safety it’s a warning of a danger Rabbits kick the ground when they feel Some kind of danger even if it isn’t Something they perceive as imminent or Terrifying kicking the ground with their Hind legs is a genetically inherited Behavior developed during the evolution Of the species whose function is to warn The rest of the group of the presence of A predator

For this reason it’s a very normal Behavior when more than one rabbit lives In the same household or when the Rabbit’s bond with their guardian is so Strong as to make them feel part of Their group What to do if the rabbit does not stop Kicking the ground if your rabbit hits With its hind legs constantly it means They are upset or feel insecure about Something you’ll have to find the cause Of these feelings to eliminate it and Return your animal’s emotional stability If you don’t know where to start we Recommend you check whether they have a Good environmental enrichment they have Enough space to maneuver or if they have Enough hay food and water at their Disposal Find out the best diet for a rabbit in The next info video we share above If your bunny lives with more animals or Young children it’s essential to ensure They don’t feel intimidated or cornered Finally keep in mind that rabbits need To move so it’s not appropriate to keep Them confined in their cage 24 hours a Day If you want to continue learning about Rabbit care check out the playlist we Share here Tell us if you’ve just adopted a rabbit By leaving a comment and we’ll see you Next time


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