RAISED DOG FOOD BOWLS πŸΆβœ… (Dos and Don’ts)

πŸ• Some of you may have heard about raising your dog’s food bowl and whether this is a good idea. For many dogs, an elevated food bowl can provide certain advantages for their health, especially in terms of digestion. For others, a raised food bowl might not be as suitable. Keep watching AnimalWised to learn more.


How to Slow Your Dog’s Eating – 8 TRICKS and EXERCISES πŸ‘‰
DIY Homemade Dog Feeder – Easy and Practical πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Ray’s dog food bowls are an alternative Way to feed our dogs In this animal-wise video we explain the Benefits a raised food bowl can provide For some dogs And why other dogs should keep their Bowls at ground level [Music] It can be good for their health a raised Bowl does not force the dog to lower Their head to the ground to feed Allowing them to maintain a more Comfortable physiological posture while Swallowing This aspect is especially important for Those dogs that suffer from mobility Issues Some examples are arthritis or cervical Disorders These dogs will appreciate not having to Lower their heads far to the ground If our dog has been diagnosed with mega Esophagus a bowl raised off the ground Is part of the treatment a veterinarian Will likely recommend for the dog It supports their digestion if we pay Attention to how the dog’s posture Varies when eating on the floor Compared to eating in front of an Elevated bowl we can see the difference A good posture when eating food favors The overall digestive process Of course since it’s easier to eat high Feeders should not be used for dogs that

Eat too anxiously or quickly If your dog eats too fast take a look at The video here which teaches you eight Ways to slow your dog’s eating Prevents food from getting dirty if your Dog is a puppy Raising the feeder prevents them from Putting their paws in it and either Dirtying the food or staining the floor It also prevents you from slipping on it Around the house It’s much cleaner finally we must assess The hygiene of our dog’s bowl As they are not in direct contact with The ground there’s less chance that dust Hair or other dirt will get into them They also help to keep the feeding area Clean Dogs eating from raised bowls tend to be Cleaner what is the ideal height of the Dog food bowl This will depend on the size of our dog Ideally it should be high enough so they Don’t have to bend over to eat the Height of their elbow can be taken as a Reference Using it to align approximately with the Bottom of the bowl Another calculation can be made by Measuring the dog from the ground to the Shoulder blades and subtracting about 15 Centimeters In any case if you have doubts about the Exact measurement choose a height

Adjustable feeder This way you can adapt it to the size of Your dog you can also make your own Elevated feeder Discover how to do it in the video that We share here How to choose the best raised dog bowl The size of the bowl and the height are The most important aspects Since they must be adapted to the Dimensions of the dog so that they can Eat comfortably The higher the bowl the less likely food Will fall on the ground Also look at the materials and opt for The most hygienic resistant and easy to Clean Plastic is discouraged because some dogs Can get allergic contact dermatitis It also absorbs odors and degrades over Time Stainless steel is a very good option as It’s resistant and easy to clean Ceramic or glass is fine but can break Easily On the other hand there are many Elevated feeders that include a Container for food and another for water In the same stand Make sure they can be removed for better Hygiene having these two feeders Attached is not always a good idea As they can contaminate one from the Other finally having a raised bowl has

Been found to be a risk factor in Certain dogs Usually large breeds which can be Susceptible to bloat For this reason you should discuss with Your veterinarian whether a raised dog Bowl is better for your canine If you want to learn more about a dog’s Diet our playlist here explains more Tell us your experiences with raised dog Balls in the comments And we’ll see you next time You

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