SHAR PEI 🐢🐾 Caring for the Wrinkliest Dog

πŸ• Are you thinking of adopting a Shar Pei dog? In this AnimalWised video, we explain everything you need to know about this breed of dog. Discover their origins, characteristics, character and much more! In addition, we explain what care and education you should provide from the time they are a puppy.


10 ASIAN DOG BREEDS 🐢🌏 Do You Know Them All? πŸ‘‰
The 5 MOST WRINKLY DOGS in the World πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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All dogs are individuals but knowing What you might be able to expect before Adopting can be very helpful this is why Animalwise shares everything you need to Know about the sharpay the wrinkliest Dog in the world [Music] The sharpie is a dog of asian origin Believed to have first developed in South china during the han dynasty their Ancestors are the tibetan mastiff and The cha-cha they are believed to be one Of the oldest chinese dog breeds with Some speculating their origin dates back To 200 bce Some also believe they may be of tibetan Origin Discover some more asian dog breeds in The video we share above the sharpay is A medium-sized dog with a compact and Robust body they measure about 17 to 20 Inches at the withers but this can vary According to sex they can weigh anywhere Between 35 to 65 pounds their most Well-known feature is their Characteristic wrinkled skin which is Also quite oily to the touch other Characteristics include their small ears Dark eyes and rounded tail their coat Can present in almost any colour except White but fawn and cream are common Regarding that character the sharpie has A peculiar temperament on one hand they Are calm very loyal and affectionate

With those they consider family being a Generally relaxed and obedient dog on The other hand they are a somewhat Independent breed and don’t generally Need the constant attention some dogs Require The sharpay needs a quality diet Preferably homemade and based on fish And rice this is because the sharpie has A very sensitive stomach and is prone to Allergies fish and rice based feeds help To aid digestion although they need Proper coat care it’s not good to bathe The sharpie excessively at most we Should bathe them every one and a half Months soap and water removes the layer Of skin oils which insulates and Protects them we need to ensure we Thoroughly dry the dog between their Wrinkles after bathing or the rain this Is because fungus can easily develop in These areas if you want to know other Dog breeds with wrinkles don’t miss the Next info video we share Although the sharpie greatly appreciates The warmth provided by the sun we must Take precautions to avoid sunburn in the Same way we need to adequately protect Them from the cold In terms of health we need to consider The sharpay’s peculiar coat known as a Horse coat since it’s short and very Close to the body they also have a thick Layer of fat under the skin something

Unlike most other breeds these features Result in their characteristic folds Which favor fungal infections and other Problems related to skin dryness Dermatitis and entropion are other Wrinkle-related diseases affecting the Sharpay another well-known disease from Which this breed can suffer is sharpay Fever regularly reviewing their health Status and going to the vet every six Months will be an important measure to Prevent these problems To educate the sharpay we have to take Into account that they are an Intelligent dog with a stubborn streak We have to actively work on their Education and training to foster a Sociable and caring dog during their Puppy stage we must socialize them with Different kinds of people animals and Objects to prevent fear or Aggressiveness in the future their Intelligence will help us a lot during Training we must be able to teach them Basic training commands as they are Essential for their safety for them to Obey us and to help create a powerful Emotional bond we should never use Physical punishment and we should base All their education on positive Reinforcement If you want to know other breeds of dogs And their characteristics check out the Playlist we share here

Are you thinking of adopting a sharpay Let us know your thoughts in the Comments and we’ll see you next time [Music] You

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