The Maltese Dog – Character, Care and Health

In this new ANimalWised video, we explore the sweet-natured and beautifully coiffed Maltese dog breed. In our video for ’The Maltese Dog – Character, Care and Health’, we find out the Maltese dog’s origins, their temperament, their physical characteristics and what you need to do to care for them. We also highlight potential health risks in the Maltese dog breed. By understanding the different needs of the Maltese dog breed, you can better care for them and help them to live a long life of health and happiness.

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[Music] Hello and welcome to animal wise where Today we talk about one of the most Popular small dog breeds the Maltese the [Music] Maltese is a dog breeds much popularized In the Mediterranean with Italy being Common proponents of the breed the Origins of the Maltese dog are Associated with Italy also the Croatian Island once known as maleta and of Course Malta its exact origin is Uncertain but it’s known that the Phoenicians brought the breeds ancestors To Egypt over 2,000 years ago curiously At the tomb of ramses ii there are stone Statuettes with images very similar to The Maltese dog the Maltese is a very Small dog usually weighing between three And four kilos and measuring about 25 Centimeters tall this makes them Adaptable to small apartments and homes Without a garden they have a lush white Coat which is usually smooth long and Silky in general this is a dog very Happy and fun while affectionate and Attached to their master they can be a Bit nervous and playful and therefore Suffer if they spend too much time alone At home as he prefer to feel accompanied It is an ideal dog for all types of Family but we must explain that you have To play with it properly The Maltese can be a fragile and small

Dog and therefore be damaged if he Played too roughly the Maltese needs Daily brushing to avoid dirt Accumulation and annoying tangles to Keep their hair in perfect condition They will also need a monthly bath which Should make use of canine conditioner The most common Maltese haircuts are the Puppy cut or letting the hair grow long Basic care also involves cleaning the Tear stains which collect under the eye And any dirt accumulated around the Mouth use a wipe or damp gauze and then Dry the area to avoid fungal infections The Maltese will require at least two Walks a day about 20 to 30 minutes each To encourage the burning of excess Energy we can throw a ball or engage in Other games finally we highlight the Importance of quality food which will Provide general well-being as well as a Beautiful shiny coat this dog can suffer Allergies to pee observant of any Reactions to food The Maltese is a generally healthy and Long living dog but visiting vet every 6 To 12 months and following the Vaccination schedule will help ensure Our dog to be happy and healthy we need To remember they are susceptible to Allergies so ensure a quality diet to Reduce the possibility of conjunctivitis Follow a proper facial cleansing regimen Finally the Maltese breed is susceptible

To kneecap dislocation a problem most Common in older dogs to enjoy a sociable And happy Maltese dog in adulthood we Need to ensure a proper socialization Process when they are a puppy by Introducing them to other dogs people And environments we need to use positive Reinforcement to ensure they are Properly educated being a very Intelligent dog the Maltese will learn Without difficulty basic commands tricks And even advanced orders 5 to 10 minutes A day of training should suffice Thank you for watching this video Comment if you have experiences with the Maltese yourself like if you enjoyed the Video and subscribe for more to come We’ll see you next time You

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