Why Do DOGS CRY? – 6 Main Causes

There are several reasons to explain why dogs cry and in this AnimalWised video we’ll go through the main 6 causes. Whether you wonder why your puppy is crying or if you have an adult dog which cries seemingly for no reason, we’ll look at what they are trying to communicate to us through their vocalizations. You may be wondering why do dogs cry at night? In answering this it is important to consider the age and health of your dog. Older dogs may cry due to the effects of age, but there may also be a more specific reason for their crying. Before you watch, it is very important to know that you should never ignore or punish a dog for crying. You need to instead listen to what they are trying to say to you. You can also head on to our site for more info on why dogs cry:

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Does your dog cry frequently for no Obvious reason it is understandable this Would be disconcerting but it’s Important to know there is always reason For this behavior it’s a way by which Canines can communicate with us to tell Us they are sick scared or need our Attention to better understand your dog At animal wise we explain why dogs cry [Music] Many people think dogs cry on a whim and Decide to ignore or even punish them Actions which couldn’t be more wrong Vocalizations such as crying howling or Barking are part of a dog’s language and We should not ignore them we must meet The responsibility we have as caregivers To listen to and understand what is Happening to them Dogs will cry for several reasons often Because they need our attention but what Is it they might need let’s find out [Music] It’s completely normal for a puppy to Cry especially when they arrive in a new Hope during the night or when they are Alone the reason why is very simple they Are experiencing a feeling of loneliness And fear in an unknown situation until This point they were with their mother And siblings they need time to adjust What do we do in these cases attends Them and facilitate their adaption by Providing security and confidence little

By little they will improve and cry less [Music] When an adult dog cries it usually Indicates fear and need pain or emotion Let’s see each cause [Music] A dog can be frightened for various Reasons such as responding to a large Noise but they can also cry when feeling Anxious or alone if your dog can’t spend Time on their own without crying We recommend visiting a canine Orthologous to establish appropriate Guidelines [Music] In these cases the dog wants to get our Attention because they have run out of Food or water or because they need to Relieve themselves this type of crying Is easily recognizable because they Should stop after having their needs Satisfied if we see the dog is eating Too much is urinating too often or is Having trouble defecating we should take Them to the vet for a checkup [Music] A sick dog or one with some type of pain Is likely to cry especially when the Infected area is touched or they make a Sudden movement we should examine their Body for any obvious injuries but also Take them to the veterinarian for a Thorough assessment Not all crying is- dogs may also cry

When they are excited or happy a clear Examples when they are excited when we Return home many dogs are so excited to See their Guardians they run and cry in Excitement but should cam down once the Greeting is over [Music] In addition to the causes that we’ve Explained the effects of aging causes Physical and mental stress which may Lead to older dogs crying when they cry At night it may indicate that their Sleep patterns are altering they may Spend more time sleeping during the day Problems such as arthritis and the pain Which comes with it and cause your dog To whine and cry to help alleviate these Problems of disorientation and Discomfort you should seek help from a Veterinarian we hope this video helps You to better understand your dog Are there any experiences of crying You’d like to share please do so in the Comments if so give us a like’ if you Find this helpful And subscribe for more see you next time [Music] You

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