Why do Dogs Eat Grass? ๐Ÿถ Is it SAFE?

Does your dog eat grass? ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ‘‡ If you want to know more about why dogs eat grass, plants or any foliage, you can visit the original article to find out more background information and other interesting details ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ Remember that there are many causes that explain why dogs eat grass and that, in reality, it is a very common and totally normal behavior. ๐ŸŒฟ It is not a behavior that must be repressed or punished! Keep watching to find out what other considerations you may need to make if your dog is eating grass ๐ŸถโœŒ

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There is no single reason to explain why Dogs eat grass recent studies suggest There may be several causes in this new Animal wised video we discussed the most Common possibilities any benefits this Habit might hold and some precautions to Follow keep watching to find out it’s a Very common behavior for dogs to eat Grass inherited from their ancestors and Present in other wild canids it relates To dogs taken advantage of nutrients Found in the fruit and vegetables we Might feed them at home with grass dogs May be eating it To take advantage of its nutrients Particularly fiber another behavior of Wild canids is the ingestion of foliage To purge and eliminate intestinal Parasites the fibrous matter of grass Increases contractions and intestines Helping to push along parasites in the Gastrointestinal tract and hopefully Eliminating them some interesting Aspects found in studies on white dogs Eat grass include the fact they eat it When they are hungry they can spend up To 3 minutes a day eating it and younger Dogs seem most attracted to this Behavior some believe that dogs may be Attracted to either the taste or the Simple habit of chewing grass it’s Difficult to confirm in rare cases it’s Possible this habit is a manifestation Of obsessive behavior something which

Should be treated by an ethology it’s True that dogs can look for certain Nutrients in plant matter but there is Little evidence to support dogs eating Grass because they suffer from Nutritional deficiencies they also don’t Eat grass to induce vomiting or do so When they have stomach pain or illness The consumption of grass is a totally Normal and acceptable behavior and in no Case should we punish or oppress the dog As it is not problematic however in Order to perform this behavior safely And freely we recommend leaving a plant Pot with some grass inside the house you Should also make regular veterinary Visits follow their vaccination schedule And perform periodic deworming There are some situations which present Risk when it all needs grass Particularly if the grass has been Treated with pesticides herbicides or Fertilizers in these cases the Consumption of grass can be harmful or Even lethal one extreme warning sign is The appearance of blood in their vomit If you think your dog may have been Poisoned in this way you need to go to The vet immediately that’s it for today Give us a like if you enjoyed the video Or find it useful subscribe for more Videos to come and we’ll see you next Time [Music]

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