Why Does My CAT SLEEP on My FEET? πŸ¦ΆπŸ»πŸ±πŸ’€ 5 Reasons!

Every feline loves to sleep with their favorite person. Do you want to know why your cat sleeps on your feet? In this video from AnimalWised, we explain 5 reasons why cats sleep on the feet of their human guardian.

RELATED VIDEO – Why Does My CAT Sleep on TOP of ME? 🐱 πŸ‘‰

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[Music] If you live with a feline you will know How much they love to sleep beside their Favorite humans Some even have a habit of lying down on Their feet is this something your cat Does In this animal-wise video we explain the Five main reasons Why your cat sleeps on your feet For survival cats feel safe when Sleeping next to someone larger than Themselves When they are kittens they usually stay At chest level of the person with whom They are sleeping In this way they can feel their Heartbeat which reminds them of being With their mother But there will usually come a day when The human will roll over when sleeping And the cat has to escape a potential Crushing it is at this point the cats Conclude that sleeping on their humans Feet Or even their head may be less dangerous It is where the least weight is Concentrated and where they have the Best chance of escape [Music] They feel protected cats are aware that Sleeping means they let their guard down For this reason if they sleep with their Guardian they feel more protected

In the event they sense something Suspicious they will not hesitate to Work their human up to warn them of Potential danger Also cats love to sleep with their backs Leaning against something Your cat when leaning against your feet Considers their back to be well Protected [Music] To wake up and start their routine cats Are orderly beings which like routine And hate unpleasant surprises For this reason our cat may try to wake Us up to face the day Being on our feet means they can act as Our alarm clock and ensure we do not Fall asleep for longer than usual On the other hand if they notice we stay In bed because we are sick They will not hesitate to stay in and Keep us company You are their favorite human for cats The entire home is their territory From the time they are kittens they are Dedicated to patrolling and exploring Every corner of their home In a multi-member family it’s common for The cat to empathize with everyone Even so they will usually choose one With whom they are most affectionate The cat may be playful with anyone they Consider part of their pack But sleeping at the foot of the bed will

Only happen with their favorite human [Music] They are a territorial animal for cats We are the ones who sleep next to them Not the other way around We are the ones who may allow into their Territory We are their favorite and most trusted Humans aside from letting us sleep Beside them They will also show affection by licking Us an action which shows us the bond of Trust and family We have together does your cat also have The habit of sleeping on top of you Find out why they do so in the video we Share here and in the description If your cat has any funny sleeping Habits share them with us in the Comments And we’ll see you next time [Music] You

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