Why Does My CAT SLEEP on My HEAD? πŸ›ŒπŸ±πŸ’€ 5 Reasons!

🐈 AnimalWised explains why does my cat sleep on my head? With so many comfortable places to sleep, it can seem strange that our cat thinks sleeping on our pillow is the best place to rest. There are many reasons for this behavior, most of them speak volumes about the relationship we have with our cats.


Why Does My CAT LICK my HAIR? πŸ±πŸ‘… (3 Reasons Cats Groom Humans) πŸ‘‰
Why Does My CAT SLEEP on My FEET? πŸ¦ΆπŸ»πŸ±πŸ’€ 5 Reasons! πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

[Music] Even though our head seems like the Least comfortable place to rest our cat Often insists on sleeping on our pillow Next to us animal wise explains the main Reasons why [Music] They look for body heat A cat’s body temperature is higher than That of humans averaging around 38 Degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit this means your feline feels The cold more easily so they look for Various ways to keep warm while resting You can see this when they sleep on your Laptop stretched right along the Radiator or even in shafts of the Sun’s Light through the window it is for the Same reason they enjoy sleeping on your Pillow next to your head since the Pillow is comfortable and her head is One of the warmest parts of the body [Music] Like your smell As with many other mammals smell is one Of the cat’s most highly developed Senses using their olfactory ability They can find prey in the wild as well As determine whose friend and foe since Their closest family will have a Particular scent The scent of their Guardian is one of The most pleasing to them it helps them To recognize the person who both

Provides and cares for them like no Other this is why it shouldn’t be Strange to find your cat sleeping on Your pillow when you are away since it Has your smell infused in its Fabric or Get it at The Source by sleeping on your Head You may even find yourself being woken By your cat cleaning you with their Tongue something which is part of their Normal routine for themselves Find out more about why your cat licks You and what it says about your bond in The first info video above They need to feel safe despite it being Domestic animals many of the natural Wild instincts of cats remain those Which best help ensure their survival Stand out this is particularly Noticeable at bedtime since they want to Ensure nothing will happen to you their Provider For this reason sleeping on your head or At your pillow can be the best place for Them to rest not only are they near to The person they know will protect them But they are at a height advantage and Can better see their surroundings by Sleeping here they can best ensure their Survival since they protect us from harm They want to spend time with you your Cat can miss you a lot especially if you Spend a lot of time away from home even With toys or other animals in the home

They will miss the love a guardian Provides it’s completely normal for a Cat in this scenario to greet you Excitedly when you arrive home it is for Similar reasons they prefer to sleep Next to your head or on top of the Pillow when you go to sleep it is their Opportunity for quality time even if you Are unconscious for most of it find out Why cats sleep on your feet at the next Info video we share You’re part of their family if you have Ever seen kittens in a litter you will Likely have noticed they sleep very Close together often literally on top of Each other while we can’t contribute to The same type of cuddly mess your cat Will sleep on top of your head because They see you as one of their own Some felines continue this Behavior as Adults as they would as a kitten they Will sleep on top of you climb on your Torso clamber over your head and crash Out on your pillow they enjoy being with You and they treat you like you were Just another cat offering you the same Warmth and affection even while sleeping If you want to continue learning about The behavior of cats don’t miss the Playlist that we share here does your Cat like to sleep in any odd places tell Us about it in the comments and we’ll See you next time for more insight into The animal kingdom


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