Why Does MY DOG Follow Me into the BATHROOM? ๐Ÿšฝ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ• (3 Reasons)

๐Ÿถ Does your dog accompany you to the bathroom and you don’t know why? The attachment of a dog to its human companion is a natural fact and it shows a good relationship between the two. However, many people wonder why their dog follows them everywhere, even to the bathroom. In this AnimalWised video we explain the 3 reasons that can lead your dog to always accompany you to the bathroom. Discover them!


Why Does My Dog Look at Me When They Poop? ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿถ ๐Ÿ‘‰
Separation ANXIETY in DOGS – Symptoms and Treatment ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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The attachment a dog develops with their Human companion Can be surprising if you haven’t Experienced it before It’s normal for a dog to love their Caregivers so much they follow them Everywhere Even spaces we consider private in this Animal-wise article we explain the three Main reasons dogs might follow us to the [Music] Bathroom To protect you dogs have always been Part of a social group In the wild it was essential for their Survival since all members of the group Protected each other In this way your dog may accompany you To the bathroom to protect you Just as they feel protected by you for a Similar reason it’s also common for your Dog to look at you when they go to the Bathroom It’s a time when dogs are vulnerable and They seek the support of their social Group Discover other causes why your dog looks At you while pooping in the video that We share here [Music] They started this behaviour as a puppy When a dog is a puppy They are developing their behaviors such Development is fundamental to how they

Will behave both in the present And the future when young the dog is Impressionable If a dog gets used to joining you in the Bathroom when young it’s completely Normal for them to do the same when they Come of age It’s an acquired behavior and they will Likely find it stranger if you don’t let Them join you It’s also possible they have not Acquired this behavior or even had it Trained part of them They have separation anxiety if the dog Has acquired this behavior since Childhood But their relationship with us is Totally healthy they should be fine if We don’t let them in and close the door They will probably go rest somewhere Else when they see we want privacy However some dogs might stay behind the Door crying scratching or barking so That we let them enter In these cases the dog is showing Symptoms of stress and anxiety This is because they are excessively Attached to their human companion This is especially so when they receive A lot of attention and physical contact As a puppy This generates a strong bond with their Guardian something that should be Healthy

Unless it leads to separation anxiety It’s one thing for the animal to have an Attachment to their guardian And another for them to become Excessively attached the latter causes The dog to go into a state of anxiety at Times when separated from their human Leading to unwanted behaviors to handle This behavior of a dog If your dog follows you to the bathroom And does not show signs of anxiety when You do not let them in It’s not necessary to intervene because They already understand the situation If your dog accompanies you to the Bathroom because they are overly Dependent and develop separation anxiety It’s essential to treat them to restore Their emotional stability dogs that Develop separation anxiety Usually show other symptoms such as Crying or barking when left alone Destroying objects with furniture Urinating inside the house and even Vomiting Here we share a video about the symptoms Of separation anxiety in dogs and how to Treat it The only way to lessen the separation Anxiety is through withdrawal of some Social interaction We need to generate a level of Detachment with the animal ceasing to be Excessively aware of them

We can’t let them feel abandoned either You can let the dog spend time alone With a favorite toy Or take them to a park and let them Interact with other dogs You can allow other people in the house To take them out for a walk and spend Time with them In any case if you cannot correct the Situation we recommend that you go to a Canine educator orthologist Tell us does your dog always accompany You to the bathroom Leave us a comment with your experience And we’ll see you next time [Music] You

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