Why Does My DOG Watch Me While I SLEEP? πŸ›ŒπŸ’€πŸ•

πŸ‘€πŸΆ Have you ever woken up to find your dog staring at you? In this AnimalWised video we analyze how dogs communicate with people and explain why your dog looks at you while you sleep. We do so by learning more about canine behavior and communication.


How to UNDERSTAND Your DOG 🐢 What Are They Trying to Say? 🐾 πŸ‘‰
Why Is My DOG STARING at Me? πŸ‘€πŸ• (4 Common Reasons) πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Have you ever woken up to find your dog Staring at you It can be varying degrees of adorable or Creepy But it’s certainly a behavior we should Get to the bottom of This is why animal-wise shows what dogs Are trying to communicate By watching you sleep [Music] How do dogs communicate with us before Answering the question on why dogs look At us when we sleep We need to understand some basic methods Of canine communication Over the years of domestication dogs Have developed interspecies Communication Of which the eyes play an important role They are an obvious and efficient Way to communicate emotions to humans The different shapes the eyes can take Such as wide open or narrow are a result Of the muscle movement around the eye These muscles are known as the palpable Muscle group and are responsible for the Different forms the eye can take It is often an involuntary act on the Part of the animal Depending on their mood they will move Their muscles to convey one emotion or Another This entire process is handled through The dog’s central nervous system

And similar to how we create various Expressions as reaction to stimuli Additionally the size of their pupils Are revelatory Pupil dilation is something they cannot Control at all it occurs due to the Internal processes Motivated by the emotional moment in Which it is happening and it’s managed Automatically by the central nervous System This combination of eye movement and Pupil dilation in addition to air Position and lip movement Is known as facial communication Understanding this as well as the other Expressions of a dog which make up their Body language Will help us to understand what our dog Is trying to say but it takes practice And patience Discover more about canine language in The video that we share here Why does my dog look at me when i sleep This is mainly due to a need to protect You Dogs have a highly developed protective Instinct so they may stand guard when They feel we are in a vulnerable Position Including when we are asleep the same Can happen when we go to the bathroom or A stranger is present Now what if you’re not sleeping and your

Dog is still staring at you What does their look mean at other times See the importance of context In this video here it is also likely Your dog lies next to you when you rest Or they tend to stay close to vulnerable People such as children or the elderly Even if they do not stare at you when Your dog stays either near their trusted Guardian or someone they consider weak It’s not only a form of protection from Possible danger it’s a clear way to Demonstrate love and affection Does your dog have any similar odd Behaviors tell us about them in the Comments And we’ll see you next time

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