10 Facts About DOLPHINS from Scientific Studies

Welcome to this new AnimalWised video where we take a look at one of the most fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom – the dolphin! We do this by bringing 10 interesting facts about dolphins which you can use to learn more about dolphins in general, teach kids in the classroom or simply to get fascinated by this incredible marine animal. Dolphins have such great intelligence and social capabilities that we can learn so much not only about how they interact with each other, but also what dolphins can tell us about the natural world. One fact we do know is that dolphins in captivity don’t fare as well as those in the wild, so the importance of dolphin conservation is one fact we hope everyone takes away. Keep watching to find out the rest!

[Music] Dolphins are the most popular marine Animals in the world well-regarded for Their intelligence and social nature but There must be more to it than this in This G animal wise video we bring you These 10 dolphin facts based on Scientific research some you may already Know but we hope that at least a few Surprises lie in store before we start Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel To stay up to date with everything we Share [Music] Dolphins are mammals belonging to the Family definitive which includes more Than 30 different species it’s estimated That there are more than 2,000 dolphins In the captivity who live in water parks Dolphinariums and even in commercial Enclosures it’s not possible to provide The exact data regarding dolphin Populations in the wild but it is Estimated to be around 9 million Individuals dolphins are gregarious Animals with the tendency to grip their Own social order they can create groups Of up to $1,000 all communicating and Relating to each other the habitats of Dolphins and their migration patterns Depends on several factors such as food Availability temperature or distance From shore they tend to opt for shallow Waters near the coast to avoid cooler

Regions for this reason we can find Dolphins almost anywhere in the world The forms of communication dolphins used To interact with each other and their Environment is of great interest to the Scientific community dolphins use a Highly developed method of Communications known as echolocation This ability makes them incredibly Sensitive to changes in their Environment but they also emit high and Low frequency vocal specializations to Communicate with each other and even With other marine animals the wide Spectrum of pitches and noises dolphins Can emit vary according to their Location and their complexity Demonstrates the breadth of their Cognitive abilities some of the Functions of these noises are to Recognize specific individuals to Maintain cohesion within the group and To coordinate movements for hunting and Surveillance a study conducted on a Group of bottlenose dolphins in the wild Revealed that some individuals mostly Females use sponges as tools during Foraging after observing them for days It was concluded that they were being Used and searched for food Although this hypothesis is generally Supported it’s also believed dolphins Can use sponges for both play and to Take advantage of their possible

Medicinal benefits whatever the exact Reason the transport of sponges is a Common specialized behavior in dolphins Dolphins do not dream in the same way as Other mammals in fact a study published In 1964 explained the bottlenose dolphin Slept with one eye open and one closed They suggested it could be due to a State of alert against possible Predators however it could not be Demonstrated this type of behavior had a Real surveillance function later another Study of white pacific dolphins in Captivity showed this group of Particularly known for opening or Closing their eyes depending on the Position in the pool of Members of the group it is believed they Open and close their eyes during Sleeping artists to ensure they maintain Their link with other members of the Same social group in the first stages of Life Dolphins feed only on breast milk after This time that will start to hunt by Themselves and feed in other resources Dolphins are carnivores and their diet Is based mainly on the consumption of Fish octopus mollusks and other Invertebrates dolphins can devour Surprisingly large prey even those that Can exceed 4 to 6 kilograms as they Gobble instead of to this form of Feeding means they can avoid damage from

The fins or spines of their prey Dolphins are rational animals in that They are able to understand and Represent the environment in which they Live make logical thoughts and draw Conclusions from them they can also Modify their behaviors to intentionally Create new models of interaction and They look for new perspectives or Objectives these are intelligent animals At the behavioral cognitive and social Level they are self-aware capable of Carrying out different procedures or Enacting methods they have a social Conscience and also share a complex Mastery of language and natural forms of Interspecies communication a study was Carried out on bottlenose dolphins in Captivity observing both homosexual and Heterosexual behaviors in individuals as Well as the practice of masturbation in Males likewise a documentary and Homosexuality in the animal kingdom by National Geographic points the dolphins Is very active creatures that carry out Regular sexual practices these include Sex in pairs with members of the same And different sexes as well as group sex Cases of dolphin attacks in human beings In the wild are extremely rare in most Cases dolphins are confusing people with Prey so they end up losing them that can Also happen if humans bother or try to Interact on the other hand cases of

Dolphin attacks on people in captivity Are more common some dolphin advocacy Organizations such as SOS dolphins point Out the living conditions of these Animals as the main cause the living Conditions of captive dolphins directly Affects their physical and psychological Well-being although many tried to offer A substantial environment and practice Mental stimulation any captive space is Limiting compared to the wild and Auditory stimuli in these environments Can reduce their quality of life they Also reduced national sea water and Based diet on frozen fish the life Expectancy of a dolphin in captivity is Around 20 years its natural environment It can Be up 250 apart from the four mentioned Factors special attention must also be Paid to the socialization of dolphins Since most of them do not have a Sufficiently large group some mix family Grips with negative consequences or even Keep dolphins isolated on their own All these factors cause great stress and Anxiety in such intelligent animals such Chronic stress can directly affect their Immune system and predisposes them to Suffering various diseases this is why More and more organizations are joining The struggle to move captive dolphins to Specialized sanctuaries and marine Refuges what has surprised you the most

On our list what do you think about Keeping dolphins in captivity leave us Your comments below and feel free to Make suggestions about upcoming videos Give us a like and subscribe if you Enjoyed the video see you next time [Music]

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