10 FACTS About TIGERS You Didn’t Already Know ๐Ÿฏ

๐Ÿ… Do you want to know curious facts about Bengal tigers? In this AnimalWised video, we explain 10 facts about the tiger that you probably didn’t know. Discover how the tiger communicates, what are their hunting strategies, how much prey they eat per year, whether they can swim and if they are in danger of extinction, among many others. Learn more about this fascinating and awe-inspiring feline.


10 TABBY CAT BREEDS ๐Ÿฏ Cats with Striped Coats ๐Ÿ‘‰

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At animalwised we’re going to explain 10 Curious facts about the tiger you likely Didn’t already know We also share an extra piece of Information at the end which should show You why knowing more about the tiger is So important [Music] They are one of the largest and Strongest felines Males are larger and heavier than Females a male can be an average of Around 10 feet in length and weigh more Than 660 pounds Females measure about 8 feet and weigh Around 300 pounds Their massive legs retractable claws and Teeth are their greatest allies in Hunting and defense allowing a tiger to Drag an animal twice their weight their Coat can be of different colors and each Pattern is unique The characteristic color of their fur is Intense orange with vertical black Stripes that vary in thickness white fur Appears in the face from the neck down To the ventral area Due to genetic mutations different Colour variations exist these include Golden tigers with fainter stripes white Tigers with brown stripes and totally White tigers the stripes of a tiger’s Coat are all unique a little like our Own fingerprints

They have the longest canine teeth the Bengal tiger has the longest canine Teeth of all current feline species Measuring up to four inches long they Also have a crippling bite thanks to Their very strong bone and muscle Arrangement [Music] They have good vision The sense of sight is used to move Around and hunt preferably at the end of The afternoon or at night they are Usually more active during these times Its estimated tigers rely more on their Vision and hearing than smell to locate Their prey this is unlike domestic cats Which have relatively poor vision Discover 10 breeds of cats that look Like tigers in the info video we share Above They eat upwards of 50 prey animals a Year Tigers are carnivorous animals that Prefer to hunt live prey alone in times Of scarcity they can eat carrion their Main prey are hoofed animals but they Can expand their diet in different ways By eating fish snakes crocodiles birds And monkeys to maintain themselves Properly and although they do not eat Every day these cats need to consume Between 50 and 60 animals per year Their prey usually weighs from 40 to 90 Pounds they have different hunting

Strategies they do not normally pursue Their prey over long distances instead They hunt by ambush as they are very Quiet cautious camouflaged very well and Managed to stay low to the ground when Necessary since they are solitary and Territorial animals they do not hunt in A group but alone They are an excellent swimmer and jumper We tend to believe that all cats are Repelled by water and avoided at all Costs this is not the case with bengal Tigers these cats are capable of Submerging themselves in a river without Problem and can swim up to about 19 Miles a tiger can jump up to 25 feet in Length and up to 16 feet in height they Have different ways to communicate Tigers communicate in three main ways Olfactory vision and sound they produce A musky substance that binds with urine And sprays in different areas of their Territory They also carry out making marks by Scratching rocks and trees with their Claws in addition to the traces they Leave behind underfoot they also emit Sounds such as roars to warn of their Strength and size or moans that indicate Submission they can live in different Habitats in the past tigers were mainly Present in areas with dry and cold Climates but now they are generally Distributed in forests however they are

Able to diversify through different Types of habitat from places almost 4000 Meters high to those with temperatures As low as minus 40 degrees celsius or Fahrenheit they live about 10 years in The wild typically a tiger lives in the Wild for 8 to 10 years while in Captivity their life expectancy is 16 to 18 years they are in danger of Extinction in 2015 the amount of wild Tigers remaining in the world was about 3 200 individuals although certain Regions have reported some population Increase the general population is Depleting these data should give us Pause for reflection and help us Prioritize conservation efforts for Animals like the tiger If you want to continue learning about Other wild animals don’t miss the Playlist we share here Let us know your favorite tiger fact and Share in the comments any we missed We’ll see you next time [Music]

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