10 SNAKE FACTS You DID NOT Know 🐍 Fun Snake Facts

🐍 Snakes have long caused both fascination and fear in we humans. Whether you want to learn something about an animal you love or think you want to better know thine enemy, this AnimalWised video 10 facts you (probably) didn’t already know about snakes. Find out if all snakes are poisonous, how they reproduce, how they hunt and other curious facts about these slithering reptiles.


The Most VENOMOUS ANIMALS in the WORLD 🐍 2019 πŸ‘‰

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Since some snakes can be potentially Lethal and all can pack a nasty bite if They want to it’s understandable many People have a fear of snakes one way to Allay that fear is to know them better Something our animal-wise video of 10 Facts you didn’t know about snakes can Help with [Music] They belong to a very diverse animal Group Snakes are a curiously diverse group Currently being grouped in the sub-order Serpentis this sub-order is subdivided Into two infra orders scoliocopheria and Alethen ophidia The first contains so-called blind Snakes also known as thread snakes made Up of five families in the second 24 Snake types are identified including False corals boas typical snakes pythons Dwarf bows vipers cobras mambas marine Snakes among others Their dimensions are highly variable Snakes are a very varied group in terms Of size we can currently find some tiny Ones as is the case of the barbados Thread snake at about four inches long And huge snake species the ladder Includes the green anaconda the largest Snake in the world there are records That indicate they measure up to 40 feet In length and weigh over 500 pounds Not all have the same vision the senses

Are a curious aspect in snakes the Vision varies according to snake type Various species have per vision while Some arboreal tropical forest snakes are Keen sighted They don’t have ears In relation to hearing snakes don’t have An external and middle ear but they are Not deaf they have an inner ear which Allows them to register some sounds These reptiles are quite sensitive and Sense vibrations in the ground which is Important for hunting and staying alert [Music] They use their tongue to smell These animals rely on chemical Perception to smell they use their Constantly moving forked tongue With the tongue they pick up scent Particles as they pass in the air the Particles are introduced into the mouth So that the chemical traces are Registered by a structure known as the Jacobson’s organ This is located on the palate and is Covered with olfactory tissue allowing The animal to smell its prey or Predators They detect infrared radiation a Striking aspect of certain snakes such As vipers pythons and boas is their Special thermoreceptor capacity this is Due to structures known as pit organs Holes in their face between the nostrils

And the eyes which have a specialized Membrane to detect infrared radiation From potential prey or predators These structures allow them to easily Detect their prey even in the total Absence of light because they perceive The heat generated by the other Individual [Music] They have different hunting strategies And ways of eating Venomous species use their toxic bite When they catch prey to kill it before Ingesting Those that do not have venom on the Other hand generally capture their food And kill it by constriction but some can Devour their prey whole while it is Still alive Not all reproduce in the same way there Are ov power species as is the case of The python group they can even take care Of their nest until the young are born Others are ovulvavi paris such as those Of the genus croatalis commonly known as The rattlesnake while boas are vivipara Snakes in addition females can store the Sperm after compilation and decide when To fertilize the eggs even managing to Lay them at different intervals of time [Music] Some are poisonous and others are not It’s always important to be careful with These animals especially if we don’t

Know what we’re dealing with snake venom Is a complex mixture of proteins which Have neurotoxic or hemolytic impacts Either affecting the nervous system or Causing destruction of red cells in Their victims Interestingly the saliva of all snakes Including non-venomous ones has a Certain toxic effect but this is because It is used to initiate pre-digestion of Their food before swallowing it Discover the most poisonous animals in The world in the info video we share Above They are distributed almost all over the World snakes are animals that are Distributed throughout almost the entire Planet with the exception of antarctica And some islands the habitat of these Reptiles can be very varied which is why We find species in jungle desert seas Swamps or freshwater areas Some have semi-aquatic habits and can Live in temperate areas If you want to continue learning Curiosities about the animal kingdom Don’t miss the playlist we share here Which fact surprised you the most let us Know in the comments and we’ll see you Next time [Music] You

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