πŸ• If you have just adopted a dog and are wondering how to best educate them, you may consider punishment as an effective method. In this AnimalWised video on canine education, we explain the serious negative effects of punishing a dog. Keep watching to find out what happens when you punish a dog.


How to UNDERSTAND Your DOG 🐢 What Are They Trying to Say? 🐾 πŸ‘‰

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If you have ever considered punishment As a way to educate your dog animal wise Reveals the negative effects of this Behavior and why you shouldn’t do it Development and aggravation of Insecurities fears and phobias Often what we consider bad behavior is Nothing more than a natural reaction From our dog this may happen when Something scares them and they don’t Know how else to manage their fear by Punishing such a reaction it can worsen Their fear and may lead to the Development of a major phobia which can Affect their emotional health for Example if you scold a dog for barking At another dog they pass on the street This punishment may reinforce the dog’s Sense of threat and danger increasing Their anxiety in the process Increased frustration and confusion when A dog is adopted into a home it’s Important that all members of the family Agree to establish coherent and Consistent rules and boundaries if this Doesn’t happen it can result in the Animal developing confusion and stress Problems for example some guardians may Yell at their dog for jumping on the Couch one day but then encourage them to Cuddle on there another Development of stress and anxiety Problems Dogs don’t speak the same language so

They often don’t understand the reason We are angry with them something which Generates stress and frustration Systematically punishing behaviors which Are otherwise completely natural to them Such as digging eating off the street Chasing cats or rolling in dirt without Offering an alternative course of action Or scolding them for something they did A long time ago are situations they Often won’t understand Appearance or increase of aggressive Behavior when a dog is uncomfortable Around someone they let it be known Through their body language at first They will display calming signals such As looking away yawning or licking their Lips to ask you to go away if these Movements are ignored their intensity Will increase starting to show signs of Threats such as growling or wrinkling Their snout these signals can be Misunderstood by guardians many of whom Scold their dogs if they groil or bare Their teeth at them by punishing these Signals the animal feels it’s not worth Giving calming signals so they may offer A more direct expression of aggression Above we share a video about canine Communication to help you better Understand your dog Deterioration of the bond between dog And guardian A dog that doesn’t feel understood and

Is frequently punished will not trust Their guardian the fear of being Punished is the reason many dogs avoid Returning to their guardians when called Or carrying out certain behaviors if They know they are being watched in Addition the anxiety that living in an Environment of uncertainty creates in Many cases can cause the appearance of Problems such as stereotypies or learned Helplessness Learned helplessness and apathetic Behavior Learned helplessness is a state of Pessimism similar to depression animals Can develop it when they feel there is Nothing they can do to improve a Situation this occurs when they are Frequently subjected to inconsistent Incoherent painful punishment or Punishment they are unable to understand Assuming they will be punished for their Behaviour they stop doing it and become Apathetic guardians may believe they Have successfully educated their dogs But in fact they have caused so much Fear they don’t dare react Physical injuries caused by punishment Tools When the punishments are physical and Carried out through harmful tools they Can cause injuries to the animal that May even require urgent veterinary Attention this is the case with electric

Shock collars which can cause serious Burns or choke or spike collars which Can cause tracheal collapse and Suffocation Find out what the eight most common Mistakes are when training a puppy in The next info video we share Can you train a dog without using Punishment Fortunately there are both canine tutors And educators who completely reject the Use of tools or techniques that cause Damage to the animal instead they opt For an education based on scientific Evidence and respect for the animals These updated and respectful Methodologies with dogs do not have to Completely eliminate the use of certain Negative punishments rather they use Them in a way that is understandable for The animal that does not cause any type Of physical or emotional damage and is Always accompanied by action Alternatives that are strongly Reinforced If you want to continue learning about Canine education don’t miss the playlist We share here tell us do you use Positive reinforcement to educate your Dog let us know in the comments and We’ll see you next time [Music]

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