Complete Guide to PUPPY CARE 🐢 (Education, Food, Hygiene and Play)

πŸ• If you have recently adopted a puppy, you’ll want to know how you can provide the best care. Our AnimalWised complete guide to PUPPY CARE shows you everything you need to consider in terms of education, diet, hygiene and play. In doing so, you will provide happiness in the moment while they are still young dogs, as well as best ensure their wellbeing as adults.


CUTE and FUNNY PUPPIES Video Compilation 🐢 Cuteness Overload! πŸ‘‰
The Best PUPPIES BARKING COMPILATION 🐢 πŸ”Š Cute and Adorable Puppy Barks! πŸ‘‰

Today at animal wise we bring a complete Guide to the carer puppy needs if you Just adopted a dog for the first time Pay attention to ensure a happy puppy And a healthy adult dog in the future [Music] Bed and blankets just before they arrive Home you should buy a comfortable bed For them as well as blankets for when It's cold the bed must be suitable for Their size and it's advisable that it'd Be soft you will also need to locate the Bed in a quiet space but which doesn't Exclude them completely from Family Life They also need to be away from drafts Food and water bowls although various Eating dispensers are available avoid Ones made from plastic as they are less Hygienic they should be suitable for the Size of the puppy and place in a way They can eat from them easily water Bowls are helpful but you can also find Water fountains which encourage Hydration especially in hot climates Toys play is a fundamental activity for The well-being health and development of The puppy when they are young they also Tend to bite due to the pain of their Milk teeth being lost for this reason Having teething toys that help redirect This Behavior towards suitable Accessories is essential if you want to Prevent damage to the home and ourselves Discover the best toys for dogs in the

Info video Identification tag identifying your Puppy is crucial to their safety one of The first things you should do is order An ID tag with their name your phone Number and any emergency info if they Become lost during a walk the person who Finds them should be able to return them Easily we also recommend microchipping Your dog for the same purpose leash with Collar or harness using a harness is Generally recommended over collars this Is because they are safer for most dogs And prevent damage to their neck if the Dog tries to pull away For the leash it's best to choose one Between one and three meters in length Ideally it should be adjustable as this Can help us give the puppy more freedom When they need it remember you can only Take a puppy outside after they are Properly vaccinated Hygiene accessories although you should Wait for your puppy to have their Vaccinations before bathing for the First time it doesn't hurt to acquire The necessary accessories to give them a Bath when they need it you can buy puppy Dog wipes in the meantime remember that You should always choose products Specific for dogs Carrier for dogs the carrier is a basic Accessory to carry our dogs by car it Can also be helpful for veterinary

Visits when they are especially ill These items should be chosen with the Size of the dog in mind ideally they Should be able to stand up and roll over When inside as well as lie down Comfortably Puppy education Education is crucial if we want to avoid Unwanted situations or behaviors Training helps them to understand how They should behave and it improves Communication while strengthening our Bond in the process Basic puppy education should begin at an Early age and can be done yourself or With the advice of a dog trainer we Share a video in the corner where we Explain how to educate a puppy Socialization Puppy socialization begins around three Weeks of age and ends around three Months it's a process in which the dog Learns to relate to all kinds of animals People and environments if we don't Socialize them correctly we will see how They don't know how to behave around Others they may show Fear aggressiveness And other behavioral problems Essential that a puppy explores Philly To prevent these problems Love love affection and respect are the Pillars in which the relationship with Your dog must be sustained remember that Adopting a dog is a commitment that can

Require between 12 and 16 years of your Life You must be willing to fulfill your Obligations and provide the Comforts The Dog requires in return they will reward You with love protection companionship And loyalty Now that you know a puppy's basic needs Let's talk about their diet by Explaining how many times they should Eat in a day In general the frequency with which a Dog should eat is greater when they are A puppy decreasing as they grow until Eight weeks of age puppies should feed On their mother's milk so we should not Adopt them before they are weaned Separating them prematurely from mother And siblings can harm socialization and Lead to Future behavioral problems From the third or fourth week we can Start introducing small amounts of solid Food so that the puppies can become Habituated this is as well as not Instead of breast milk if the puppy is To be given dry feed it's best to soften It with a little water after six weeks Of life we can give the dog solid food About four times a day allowing them to Continue feeding on their mother's milk Most often winning continues when the Mother refuses to feed her little ones Puppies two to three months of age Should either be weaned or be in the

Weaning period requiring solid food About four to five times a day The final number of servings will depend On the breed of each dog since smaller Toy dogs will need much less than those Of large or giant size when puppies are Three to six months of age they are Already accustomed to solid food and we Can reduce daily rations to three times A day as their development slows after Six months and up to their first year of Life the ideal is two servings per day It's essential that changes to the dog's Feeding schedule occur progressively Their digestive system needs to become Accustomed gradually For this reason we need to offer more Daily rations and reduce them with a Passage of time we continue with another Fundamental pillar of puppy care Education let's find out what a puppy Needs to learn to coexist happily [Music] It's important before bringing any puppy Into our home that we consider the Decision and approve it with all members Of the family remember that a dog can Accompany us for up to 20 years and your Rule is their Guardian they will need Company Veterinary visits daily walks And all of their needs met in addition To ensure a puppy delivers a stable Character as an adult we need to adopt Them after two to three months of life

After this point they will already Develop canine language and will have Learned from relating to their mother And siblings We always need to use positive Reinforcement when educating and also Avoid scalding or punishment [Music] In addition to readying practical Elements for the puppy's arrival such as A bed balls or toys we need to set some Standards and rules dogs require routine So deciding on meal times and walking Schedules is important So two is deciding on rules such as Whether or not we allow them on the Coach these rules need to be agreed and Applied by everyone in the family [Music] On a puppy's first day in a new home we Need to transmit confidence calmness and Security We need to avoid overwhelming them Shouting if they urinate or enforcing Interaction Let them smell the environment and adapt At their own pace It's normal for them to be shy at first Or even cry at night We can reassure them in the first few Days we need to ignore them eventually So we don't reinforce bad behavior Before vaccinations begin the puppy Shouldn't go outside we need to teach

Them to urinate our newspaper by taking Them there after eating walking or Exercising If they urinate on the paper we need to Reinforce this Behavior little by little Making positive associations and Encouraging this action in the future We can start to stimulate their Cognition by devoting five to ten Minutes per day to basic obedience These include commands such as sitting And staying Once the puppy has their vaccinations And has been dewormed it's time to go Outside We can teach them to urinate outside by Taking the paper on the street and Following the same procedure as before It's also vital we socialize them with All kinds of dogs and people to Encourage positive social behavior Of course all encounters need to be Positive because a fight could generate Fear and even reactive Behavior [Music] When our puppy is been five and six Months of age we can build upon basic Obedience training by practicing sitting Lying standing and healing commands they Are fundamental for proper communication And for the dog's safety we can use Treats caresses or kind words to Reinforce when they do well They can start playing games with the

Aim to stimulate body and mind as part Of an active and happy life We've provided the basics for puppy Education but will now get into the Specifics by showing you how to train Them to use puppy pads Established routines and observe their Body language Maintaining stable daily routines will Help your dogs more easily adapt to Their new home this provides stability And Security in their environment Establishing eating schedules playtime And resting periods will help the puppy Know when they will have the opportunity To pee and anticipate the moment Some signs a puppy is just about to Urinate or defecate include the Following waking up from a long nap it's Been about 20 minutes since their last Meal they just had an intense play Session they are restless and walk Quickly around their house they begin to Spin around and sniff the ground when You notice any of these behaviors it's Time to redirect the puppy to the pad Area and keep them there until they Relieve themselves it doesn't matter if They make a mistake at first and go just Outside the pad the important thing is To teach them where to go little by Little we can refine the exercise and We'll teach them not to go outside the Pad

Use positive reinforcement and avoid Punishment once the puppy is already Associating the puppy pads with the Toilet we must ensure they always go to That place to relieve themselves rather Than elsewhere in the home Each time the puppy approaches the pad And relieves themselves wait until they Finish completely and then provide a lot Of social reinforcement this includes Prayers petting and play if we want we Can also give them a treat at the Beginning we must reinforce them even if They're not completely correct and they Miss the pad a little it's enough to Reward going to the designated area with Patience we can begin to reinforce with Greater intensity only those occasions When they relieve themselves on the pad Alone We should never punish hit or yell at a Puppy for pain or pooping outside of the Pad a puppy isn't going to learn Anything through punishment and Intimidation the only thing we'll do is Instill fear make them scared of going To the toilet at all and instill Unwanted behaviors to avoid punishment Discover other elements of puppy care With the first info video we share on The card above Eliminate odors in the rest of the home When the dog pees or poops in an area of The house they leave in an olfactory

Signal that invites them to return to That same place next time to avoid this We must clean the house thoroughly every Time the puppy goes where they shouldn't Using enzymatic products or products That contain active oxygen other Products such as bleach or ammonia are Not able to completely eliminate these Odors and further encourage the dog to Urinate in the same place sometimes the Puppy may prefer to urinate on objects That smell the most like us this is also A response to an olfactory stimulus and We shouldn't punish the puppy for it It's a natural behavior and we should Educate them to modify it and offer Alternatives instead of scolding and Causing confusion the puppy can take Anywhere from a few days to three weeks To be potty trained on pads we must be Patient understanding and consistent When to stop using puppy pads when we've Taught the puppy to relieve themselves On the pad consistently we can begin to Remove some this usually begins at the Moment the puppy starts to go outside in This way we start a transition period Between peeing and pooping on the pad And starting to go when going for walks In the next info video we share above we See why dogs May pee inappropriately in The home for a while the puppy will Relieve themselves on the street but Will continue to use the pads we have at

Home when the tendency to do their Business during the walk is greater than Going at home will completely remove all The pads and will only reinforce the Behavior of urinating and defecating in The street Another fundamental pillar of puppy care Is play but there are both positive and Negative ways to do it as we explain Next The importance of play in puppies play Behavior is essential for a puppy's Development and well-being some Guardians think playing together is Optional or something which they can do On their own but games and play are Instinctual to dogs being important for Their education and maturation it's not A coincidence we see puppies play with Their siblings and mother as soon as They can it is their nature How long to play with a puppy there is No strict period of time you need to Play with a puppy how much play is Beneficial will depend on their Individual energy levels age and type of Game puppies sleep 18 to 20 hours a day Although they can become very playful They also Tire easily and can usually Only muster around 20 minutes per Session after this they become exhausted And fall asleep as your puppy grows they Will build greater endurance and stamina Until they are adult and can often play

Upwards of an R without tiring out there Are multiple game options you can play With your puppy let's see the main ones Tug of war this is a common game Guardians play with their dogs and it's A great way to satisfy their hunting Instinct while receiving exercise when You play take a rope toy or similar and Try to remove it from the puppy it's Important you encourage them to let go Rewarding them appropriately when they Do we should reinforce this with a Verbal instruction such as let go we Should also let them win periodically This game helps to prevent your puppy Developing resource protection problems And shows you will not steal their toys It can also help them to drop items if They pick up something inappropriate in Their mouth on the card above we share a Video where we explain how to teach a Puppy to play without biting Chase playing Chase with a ball or other Toy will also be a way to tie out your Puppy while satisfying their instincts You can even alternate it with the tug Of war by throwing the Rope every time They release it in order to reinforce This Behavior Sent games we can use food or other Aromas to help our puppy to play Properly thanks to their Keen sense of Smell tracking games are more difficult For still developing puppies but you can

Hide a treat and get the puppy to find It on their own or do the same using a Food puzzle game you can also add words To help them learn their basic commands And Associate them with the Corresponding actions discover the best Toys for dogs in the next video we share In the card Proprioceptive games activities aimed at Stimulating proper reception are those Aimed at using the body's internal Senses aiding the perception of One's Own movement balance and muscle tone Games of this kind are made up of Circuits in which the dog has to Overcome different challenges such as Navigating different heights obstacles And terrains Intelligence games these kinds of games Are those in which the dog has to solve A problem or overcome a challenge to Achieve a goal usually a treat they are Beneficial because they stimulate a Puppy mentally and create patterns of Behavior out of trial and error Processes which are applicable later in Life Solo games it's vitally important your Puppy also learns to entertain Themselves from an early age this can be Through activities such as extracting Food from a Kong looking for hidden food Ropes or even bones this needs to be in A space where they can feel calm and

Safe if the puppy learns to be alone Without depending on their Guardian Separation anxiety can be prevented when They have to be left home alone in Addition to playing with a puppy it's Important to teach them to play without Biting this means they'll inhibit their Bite when an adult as it causes serious Damage and harm Start the game yourself Start a play session you should always Ensure the puppy is receptive we need to Respect their space and give them plenty Of breaks We should initiate a game with some sort Of repeated phrase such as let's play In the daily life of a puppy there will Be situations where they demand you play With them and times when they want to be Left alone by showing you respect their Boundaries they will better learn to Respect yours on the other hand if you Always agree to their wishes they will Learn they will always get their way Making correct behavior modification More complicated this can cause them to Call your attention in unwanted ways Such as breaking things barking or Biting your feet If your dog asks you to play it one of These times you need to be indifferent And ignore them only inviting them to Play once they've given up Wish them not to bite during play

Activity you will need to educate the Puppies so they learn to inhibit their Bite every time they bite you hard you Should say something to make them Understand they've hurt you such as Arch And then stop playing in this way they Associate hard biting with the end of Fun and better learn to control Themselves The most common mistakes when training a Puppy in the info video we share above Offer puppy appropriate toys the toys or Games you should be varied to maintain Their interest they need to be safe for Your pet meaning they don't have toxic Or other harmful elements for example a Stick or pineapple could Splinter and Injure their mouth In the same way if the toy is broken or Damaged it would be better to get rid of It as it could put your puppy at risk by Injuring themselves or choking on a Broken piece you should also not allow Your puppy to play with everyday items If you don't want them destroying them These include slippers newspapers or Even Furniture instead offer more Suitable alternatives In the card above we share a video on The best toys for dogs Each then games adapted to their Abilities you must bear in mind the Puppy should only play games which don't Cause them more frustration than release

Intelligence and tracking games must be Adapted to their abilities we need to Find the balance between not being too Easy to avoid getting bored but not Being too difficult to avoid getting Frustrated and associating them with Something negative You finish the game Similar to initiating play sessions you Should be the one to indicate when a Game comes to an end once your puppy has Lost energy during play but not when They have abandoned the activity Completely you need to preempt the end Of the session Communicate in some way by saying Something like we're done and don't give In if they insist on playing in this way The puppy learns the activity has a Beginning and end making it easier for Them to respect other commands Lastly it's recommended they always have Access to an area where they can rest And play on their own when you're unable To play they must learn to respect your Boundaries and it helps them to know They have somewhere to express Themselves this prevents them biting us To demand play another factor to take Into consideration when caring for a Puppy is when they need bathing and how It's done properly Puppies are very fragile living beings And susceptible to suffer diseases

Within their environment this is because Their immune system has not fully Developed yet until a month and a half Or even two months of Life a puppy Should not be separated from their Mother under any circumstances Their survival depends on her and during This time we must provide them with Tranquility and comfort in an isolated Nest it is very important not to bathe The puppy before weaning if you do so You could cause the mother to reject her Puppy as she may not identify their Scent as familiar we should only bathe Them if they are very dirty or invested With parasites on the other hand it is Also necessary to take into account the Vaccination schedule of the dog before The first bath Occasionally a dog will suffer from Great stress during the first bath which Can lead to a poor immunological Response to the vaccine this is why vets Recommend waiting for one or two weeks After the vaccination Once we are clear on when to bathe the Puppy for the first time we will proceed To accumulate the appropriate tools warm Ambient temperature positive and relaxed Atmosphere puppy-specific shampoo sponge Dot comb rubber or soft dog comb a Bucket of water towels and hair dryer it Is wise and convenient to prepare Everything before running the puppy bath

We must provide them with a warm Environment which does not cause a Thermal shock in the dog if it is winter At the time put the heating on for some Time before starting the experience We must emphasize that the bath is Probably one of the most important Moments of a puppy's life since it is Directly related to socialization if you Do not know this is the process in which We present the puppy with all kinds of Stimuli and experiences Therefore it is important to make it Pleasant and positive for them As they will enjoy the bath as adults We will start by filling the bucket over Tub with warm water it is important that The height of the water does not cover Them too much so they do not suffer Stress or feel a sense of suffocation Then we will wet the puppy completely Avoiding their head never wet their eyes And ears During this time it is advisable to play With water and even add a toy to make The experience better and more fun Once the puppy is soaked in water we can Proceed to apply a specific shampoo for Puppies Have more delicate Skin So hydrate and Protect them well shampoos rattle dogs Are not recommended at all During the bath we will use a sponge and Rubber comb to reach all nooks and

Crannies first applying it correctly When we are finished we should rinse Thoroughly and remove all tracism Shampoo To finish we will use one or two towels To fully wrap the puppy this point is Very important the puppy should not be Disturbed once the towels absorb the Water well proceed to use the dryer at a Low setting with a low heat so that the Dog does not become scared or feel Uncomfortable Everything should remain relaxed and Comfortable for the puppy after bathing A puppy for the first time we can begin To bathe them regularly whenever they Are dirty or smelly however the ideal Time for the bath should be between 20 And 60 days That's because dogs have a layer of fat That protects their skin If we have used the bathroom we will be Destroying their protective layer To prevent this from happening it will Be highly recommended to buy a Moisturizing puppy shampoo which Protects their skin well from regular Contact with water thus preventing it From drying out Do not forget that regular brushing Helps to eliminate dead hair and dirt And should be one of the main hygiene Routines Finally we're going to provide some tips

To getting a puppy used to being alone So they don't become insecure when you Leave the home at what age can we leave A puppy alone when a puppy moves in with Us they feel insecure and need time to Get used to their surroundings Everything is new the environment the People and any other animals which may Be around if we leave them alone at the Beginning they can get stressed and Panic we need to be patient and get them Used to being alone progressively Ideally they should be accompanied for The first five to seven weeks after Their arrival after which we can Gradually teach them to be alone Discover in this video hard to give a Puppy a proper welcome when they arrive In your home How long can they be alone A puppy of less than four months of age Shouldn't be left alone for more than Two hours in total when they are an Adult they shouldn't be alone for more Than six hours Hard to get a puppy used to being alone To help a puppy become more independent We should start with gentle exercises For example when they are busy playing With a toy leave the room for a minute And then return this way they can learn That you will return even if they have Been left alone for a moment After getting them used to being alone

For a minute the difficulty can be Increased at this point we should leave The room when they are not distracted Stay outside for two minutes and then Return to the room The most important things you did in a Calm and relaxed way giving them no Reason to feel frightened if the puppy Cries when you're gone ignore them Reduce the length the next time you're Away and praise him for being calm if The puppy manages to be alone for Several minutes at a time you can start To leave the house don't do it when they Are sleeping so they can know your Behavior it is best not to say goodbye To them so they can see it as a normal Common practice first go for a few Minutes to take out the trash or check The mailbox if you're a man cam the Puppy will pick up on it when the puppy Tolerates these brief absences without Problem we can increase the duration and Vary the time so they can get used to The unpredictability of our leaving once At this point you can increase the Intervals again To help them feel calm in our absence You can use the following tips Establish a routine Take the puppy out every day at the same Time before you go to work or leave the Home encourage exercise to help Tire Them out physically and mentally a puppy

Needs a minimum of 30 minutes for an Exercise Walk This Way they will relax When you return home and rest when Home Alone However we need to remember they are Still developing so ensure we don't Overwork them when exercising [Music] Taken to account feeding times remember That your puppy should eat before you Leave but puppies often vomit their food From the stress of being left alone Feed them with enough time to spare so Their food can settle helping them to Relax Pair a quiet place for them create a Safe space with toys bedding food and Water at hand it has to be somewhere Safe where they cannot destroy anything However don't lock them in a small room Or tie them down as this can make them Feel trapped not only is it cruel and Harmful to leave a dog tied up for hours They will associate this feeling with Being alone Careful with choking don't leave your Puppy treats or toys they can choke on We always need to be careful with bones And Treats but remember they may break Toys or other objects to pieces and try To ingest them If you want to know more about what you Should take into account when taking Care of a puppy don't miss the complete

Guide that we share here [Music] Provide ambient noise some dogs react Well to soothing piano music radio or Television noise try to count them down By leaving the TV on with the sound low So they can feel accompanied Call for help if you have to leave your Puppy alone for more than two hours ask Your neighbor or a friend to come see Them or even take them for a walk keep In mind that puppies still can't last That long without relieving themselves And here is our complete guide to caring For a puppy don't miss the playlist We Share here if you want to continue Learning more about how to take care of A puppy and we'll see you next time [Music] Oh [Music]

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